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General DiscussionOfficial Techies ruined my game thread

Official Techies ruined my game thread in General Discussion

    I don't first pick techies because he gets counter picked so badly every game, if no one picks it up I might get it, but that hasn't happened yet. If someone on my team picks it I just go something that runs well with it instead of crying gg like a lil bitch, although I do tell them how stupid first picking the hero is since there's like a million counters.
    KotL + Techies dual lane has been my favourite so far, enemy can't do a whole lot with explosions everywhere, won against invoker and zeus who should have easilly countered techies normally.
    If the other team picks techies my first preference is Zeus, it doesn't sound really useful but the true sight from lightning bolt and ulti is a game changer, just need someone with you who can destroy the mines from afar, or have creeps close enough to lure onto the mines. Then I just build into aghs + refresher and techies is dead whenever I want, I have time to build it too since the games dragged out by techies :)


      techies in my team = brainless faggot placing mines where noone walks and maxin 1 2 with 1 point in suicide, and feeds all game.....
      techies in enemy team = a guy who somehow has played techies for like 30 games in a row, places mines like waga (genius),
      has a beyond godlike streak all game.
      ty volvo, i think im gonna play techies for my next 30 games.

        look at dat shit, its beautiful


          Nice for you but why on earth did they walk up the highground, they saw the remotes half a minute before.


            Rofl Allison :D Still hate this garbage ass hero.


              idk it was unranked party with 2k-3k friends, they gotta be pretty bad

              Hex Sigma

                @Allison i can understand your pain, just take a break from dota. From what i saw techies can ruin games pretty badly

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                  Techies is an amazing hero, but no one recognises that his play style is probably the most different out of all other heroes.

                  Amazing defender, great at map control - but these are qualities only seen with users who know how to play Techies. What everyone is seeing; is a huge amount of new and excited players rushing Techies with know predominant understanding of his mechanics.

                  They might know that "He's supposed to lay mines and shit" but only people familiar with Techies in Dota 1 will have an accurate grasp of the "where, when and how" component of him.

                  He has amazing potential, but it's heavily reliant on a bit of pseudo psychology, good farming mechanics and the ability to actually be familiar with his position in a team draft. I guarantee that 90% of Techy pickers don't consider his viability in a team, or hero draft, scenario.

                  This is my opinion anyway.


                    ^^ what pain, that ultra kill was mine:D i was techies

                    waku waku

                      I've only played games where techies weren''t in my team and even though i lost most of them that generally was not the techies' fault. Last game they were particularly bad, even worse than me at pudge, putting up lots of mines in once place and not bothering to blow them up or afking in same spot for 2 minutes to get hooked, no suicide after hook either

                      Dire Wolf

                        He ruined this game.

                        We might have won if last pick wasn't kotl. We had zero disables for anti mage and he just tore up techies, kotl and pugna.



                            Hahahahaha old spice comercials


                              I was playing a game yesterday and my support called in the courier to get some sentries to fight the techies. Courier walked over some mines and exploded.


                                Techies on the offlane <3

                                Pale Mannie

                                  Pls lock this rotten corpse of the thread


                                    Pls fix these shits

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