General Discussion

General DiscussionSupports and Solo Mmr

Supports and Solo Mmr in General Discussion

    You just can't climb, that's all. You have only to use OP heroes of the patch as Troll Warlord (in the past) and win.

    otherwise you will finish like this: <- Highest HD, KDA, LH and GOLD and lose because team tard and shitty picks LOST <- Highest HD (Second to sniper which is a carry), KDA, LH and GOLD and win because our picks were less retard than their picks.

    Both games as Axe.


      ^that's just bullshit, dude. you can keep lying to urself, but it kinda prevents your own progress.
      on average, the other 9 players u meet in ur games are same bad. if you are better, your team gonna have slightly higher chance to win no matter what role you are playing.


        well you pick axe and you go heart on axe


          Axes skillset helps him to get high HD, KDA, LH and GOLD, but the problem is that HD, KDA, LH and GOLD doesn't win this game. What matters is that you pick Axe for no good reason (like to counter Dazzle or Huskar, for example). So, yeah, you were the one who lost the game and fail to accept it.

          P.S. I hope you were offlane Axe at least...


            woods axe im sure 4Head

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                if u r good, you can use any heroes to climb (besides some tly dead ones like NP or apche atm). However, if you are like MUCH better than your mmr, you will climb way faster if u play cores you can solowin with, rather than supports. But as a support u gonna win a lot, too, because 4 retards and 1 decent support > 4 retards and one bad support.

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                  Agree with Lars except that wand before lvl 10 is legit because you might need the item slots (usually I get 2 gg branches for stats as a support + support items).

                  Also securing runes is essential. The biggest mistake I see lower level players make is that they will walk to the rune from lane at the 2/4/6 minute mark instead of leaving 10-15 seconds earlier to get there AT the rune spawn. If you're not leaving on time, you're probably wasting your own time as their mid/offlaner who has a bottle will be thinking to get their earlier

                  la the yeezy

                    Raised my mmr to from 4000 to 4350 with mostly playing supports, so you're probably doing something wrong. Being a support isn't just about sucking your teammates dick, you also have to play smart. Idk I'm just tired of people making excuses. If you make a good enough impact as a support, then you will win more than you will lose. It's realy simple


                      Crystal Maiden is strongest hero in DOTA, if you can't climb up with her, why play DOTA at all?


                        ^ now you can't be taken seriously at all



                          Freezing Field deals about 2000/3300/4800 (3300/4800/6000*) damage over the 10 second duration, ±1.9 explosions.

                          Just look at these numbers! CM can kill you, kill your team, kill your family, kill your dog at any stage of the game, no matter how farmed you are! It's ridiculous!


                            my penis deals about 15000 dps


                              ^ i confirm that


                                you can climb mmr by playing support, as long as you're not shit


                                  you can climb shit by playing mmr, as long as you're not support




                                      I always love to see 40% winrate smurfs bragging about not being able to climb cause of their team xD


                                        oh boy, some posts in this thread are extremely helpful, some are just delusional.

                                        Seriously guys, wtf..

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                                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!