General Discussion

General DiscussionStuck in 3000 mmr Any tips?!

Stuck in 3000 mmr Any tips?! in General Discussion
Quick maffs

    Hawk rtz doesnt get midas on naga

    like midas on naga gives less farm than a fast radiance, i think

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    King of Low Prio

      u afk jungled all game and just fed when they pressured the early game...

      Quick maffs

        banned again sampson ?



          IDK i did like Vandals suggestion. He has inspired me to do 10 min of last hitting on bots before entering a game and just ignore everyone else while farming. WP vandal WP.

          Yeah wtf did you say to piss the admins off sampson sheesh lol.

          King of Low Prio

            Im innocent



              TY. Here's another one:


              Dude, I just farmed all game. Jesus I'm good. 2 butterfly, lord, that's about as good as 2 booby. If you add the gold of any 2 carries on their team, I have just about that much. I am an unstoppable warlord.


                Start learning mid heroes
                Storm shadowfiend etc. and learn how to flash farm - MoM and blink are 2 really good ways to flash farm and kill towers





                    learn to farm --> pick slark --> farm lothars --> use it to initiate on ez solo targests--> get fed --> win game ,

                    with some training it will always work ,even with minute 25 lothars , in that pool u can play slark in any lane hard,mid,bot from level 6 on u have an easy live with ur ulti regen.

                    - if u have some experience u can easily get early kills (passiv is so storng in the beginning) , still ur only plan should be to farm lothars

                    GET TOWERS WHENEVER U CAN !!

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                      Supports and offlaner can easily win games dont always praise for mid. With supports you can gank mid and assist ur carry it make you win two lanes. Offlaner can rape the opponents carry farm and be as much useful as your mid.


                        Why people think mid has higher impact then supports in 3k bracket? And why everyone think they are best mid players in their team?


                          Vandal for president.


                            Another problem is that my team need to focus objective. Usually when we win teamfights, we don't push or don't rosh. And whenever we push my team usually overextend and we end up losing alot of the momentum.

                            Tryhard- I'm not saying that i am a pro, but i feel im not at the same tier with the other 3000 mmr players i play with. They don't know how to communicate, they don't know how to last hit, they don't know how to ward, or anything of the elementary things in dota2, that just makes me frustrated that i am matched with them. It makes it hard for me to rank up. And what you mean with AFK jungling?! Away from keyboard jungling?!?!?

                            Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                              stop playing morplhing in ranked would help.

                              Dire Wolf

                                Mid's aren't always the best players and don't always win the games. But are you seriously going to argue that a mid dominating vs a support dominating doesn't have a higher impact on the game's outcome?


                                  6_din_49 cause it's usually easier to impact a game being mid, cause you can control the game. If you're good enough, you'll know when to gank sidelanes, when to go for a fb, etc.

                                  I think solo mid is the position that has got the higher chances of winning a match even with a team full of nobrainers. If you snowball in the early-mid game, you'll probably win. As a support, if your team is full of retards they just won't follow up your initiations/ganks/etc and as a support you can't really kill someone on your own (unless they are really low health). And as a hard carry you need your team to make space up for you, so a big no no, unless you are a really good farmer, i mean REALLY good.

                                  Offlaner is the same of mid usually (offlaners like Timber), but in this low bracket ppl just go 2-1-2, which makes offlaners less effective as they get less xp


                                    If you are 'way more skilled than the bracket valve puts you in' then you should easily be able to carry yourself out of it.