General Discussion

General DiscussionStuck in 3000 mmr Any tips?!

Stuck in 3000 mmr Any tips?! in General Discussion

    Hey, i've been stuck in 3000 mmr for a loong loong time. It only goes slowly upwards and downards over a loong time without any progress. It is almost 50/50 chance of me winning because of the amount of noobs that is at the same mmr as me with communication problems. Is there any way for me to easily increase my mmr to 4000? Maining a op hero or something?


      well for solo Iv'e been playing axe. Initiators seem ot be a great way of increasing mmr. gives a bit of teamfight for team to go in on. DOn't pick heroes that require team to be good like IO or chen. For party mmr its entirely different though, just party with players who you know can carry and support then best you can or get a mate to support you. :D


        Ahh, thank you! :) Do you got any hero recommendation except for Axe. I know you said initiators, but do you have any preferanced heroes? And what lane is the safest to do this strats on, i know that i often get a guy on my team that pick pudge at the bery beginning, so mid would be hard to aquire, but is it good for example with a jungle lycan? I've heard that it is a hero that you can increase your mmr with as loong as you are not bothered...

        Quick maffs

          Play naga

          I mean you have almost 90 % winrate with hero

          King of Low Prio

            Learn the drow, that is how I got to 4k


              In an MMR range that low, you can really dominate just by concentrating on farming. People just farm so god damned terribly. Pick a hero that is easy to farm with and roll with it. A few rules:

              * If your lane is empty, aka "free farm", don't miss last hits. Perhaps train every day if you struggle with this by doing the "10 minute challenge". With no items/skills and in a practice lobby, go to a lane and try to last hit and deny as much as possible. Many choose SF for this test due to his very poor damage.
              * If you can't farm a lane, farm the jungle (if you can, e.g. you have nukes (tiny), you have regen (vanguard/bf/ring), or you have lifesteal (lifestealer feast, wk aura, vlads, morbid mask, Mask of madness, helm of dom, etc.).
              * Never be just standing around doing nothing - never spend too much time trying to kill someone (i.e. "running over there" or "tping in"). Always be lowering the HP of monsters, getting last hits, or moving toward a place where you can do those things.
              * Gear up for farming. Buy some lifesteal or get some regen. You need something to stay out there farming 24/7.
              * IGNORE YOUR TEAM. IGNORE YOUR TEAM. THEY ARE WRONG. WHEN THEY SAY YOU SHOULD HAVE SUICIDED WITH THEM, NOT ONLY DYING (-200 GOLD) BUT ALSO LOSING ALL THAT LANE FARM/JUNGLE FARM (-300 GOLD), YOU LOSE THE GAME. Just keep farming more and more and more. You get huge, you win the game. Do not argue with your teammates about this either. Just pretend like you're muted and keep farming. If you argue, you will only get muted since they are delusional bad players. They will report you if you make one sound.

              Team was bitching 24/7 and mass pinging me as I farmed. Even the kill-fed ES was no problem, I realized it wouldn't be a problem when I noticed he was bad at farming. Despite being like 10-0, I was +1 level on him. That's not good for him.

              Chen never ganked my lane, making me lose lane farm. I pull a risky maneuver - it's my only hope - go into the jungle and grief chen. I take his stack, I deny his creep, and I buy an early morbid mask, realizing the lane will be off limits. As I continually farm, my team is always pinging me and saying I'm a retarded noob for not defending towers (WE WILL LOSE THOSE TEAM FIGHTS, JUST STOP DYING PLEASE). Just as my teammates are horrific, so too are the enemy. In the end, gold makes the win easy.

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              Quick maffs

                Vandal is right, gold rules this game ...


                  Thank you guys for the response! :) Vandal, i totaly agree with you, too bad i have sometimes been driven off with them and loosing. Sometimes your teammates are your worst enemy.

                  I usually excercise in lobbymatch/10mintraining and regular bots training. Mostly to excercise last hits, but also other tactics and item build, etc...

                  Naga is a hero i don't like to play, because i don't feel i'm good with it, even though i got almost 90% winrate, i feel it is a hero i don't have fully control with. I think i've just been lucky with those matches...

                  And yeah, Sampson, i should try drow, it sounds like a hero you can easily dominate noobs with. I will also try and focus lycan, i've been practicing that hero in lobby match in a while now, i think that is a hero i can easily dominate with! :)

                  Feel free to add more comments, i will read them, and thanks for the support! ;)



                    You should probably watch that second game I sent you to see how to farm when your whole team is against you. Step 1 is going into the jungle and killing your chen's Wilken for disrespecting you. Step 2 is buying a morbid mask. That Weaver was supposedly like 5k MMR. I made quick work of him with my farm and the blood of chen's creepos on my mace.


                      play shadow fiend, i think he's scale well from early to late game if you doing right and plus he's easy to farm too.... i think so


                        chen can be good as you can push mid and safe lane early and then opponents team may flame each other and get discouraged.


                          I think Mirana is a hero that you can't do bad, doesn't matter in which situation you are put on. Like, you can offlane, you can mid, you can go safelane. She has escape, a long range yet skillshot stun, a team smoke and an AOE nuke.

                          Other hero (if you wanna go for initiators) is Centaur. In lower level pubs he is ridicously OP, if you are paired with a hero with stun on your lane, you can get a monster kill really easy early on. But don't get too cocky due to your domination, cause lategame he is not that good, so you might want to gank other lanes in order to deny your enemies any chance to farm. Don't stay in your lane for too long, if you see that your partners are having problems or are not dominating their lanes. If that's the case, gank ASAP, either way you'll just lose a already won game.

                          I don't like playing hard carriers in solo games, mainly because your team won't create the space you need or, even worst, they will steal your farm, or the team will be like 4 carriers and 1 semi carry, a scenario which you will have no farm at all.

                          But there are certain kind of carriers that work well in pubs, like the already mentioned Drow. She is a friendly hero, because even if you suck you can dominate the mid game as soon as you get lvl6. It's really easy to destroy towers and even pick up heroes, especially if they are split pushing: you just come in, orb walk and done.

                          Another option I see is Riki. Even if the other team is going to buy sentry/dust/gem, Riki is godly if well played, and he is not that hard. He really is a stomping star, and all you have to bear in mind is that you are fucking squishy, don't try to rambo, but yet don't be a walking ward, like just running across the map doing nothing at all.

                          If you are going for hard carriers, i'd go for Magina. Flash farms, has a low cd escape, high armor, high speed, high dps.


                            i wonder why you don't recomend shadow fiend. is there some thing wrong with sf?


                              play terrorblade/ember spirit and any other pub stompers, or play only one hero a lot that has a big impact on the game, something like invoker. i personally got out of 3,5k tier by playing voker. or doom if the enemy picks invoker faster than me


                                I can at least attest to what hasn't been working for me and stuck right at 3k lately solo queue.

                                What I at least do not suggest is do a jungler, and do not play all pick. Do captains draft or captains mode. All pick everyone typically picks carries.

                                Don't do a jungler. I have had a piss poor time with Lycan or natures prophet because the solo offlaner seems to feed over 1 death a minute and doesn't realize to play it safe and sit and absorb xp until the laning phase is over, or ward the small camp so the lane doesn't get creeps denied in it so you can't absorb xp from that lane.

                                Riki is a turd. People know about buying dust/sentries/gem for him at this level believe it or not. He sucks, not a good pick and don't do it.

                                Biggest help to get out of 2k trash and just at the 3k for me now is getting rid of all pick from your queue. It has the worst tempered people, typically people that do not speak your language more often, and less team work. I have said it once and I have said it a million times. All pick is shit.


                                  Ok, but i usually have the problem with teammates taking the lane without even giving a signal, so sometimes when i go mid after clearly given my sign of having it, some idiot come and steal my lane. I remember this match i was SF and i clearly said mid as well as marked the map on the mid. Another guy in our team picked slark and went mid, and my whole team flamed at me!!!! I actually got a pretty decent farm, best on the match. However i didn't go a regular build because of slark, and my team messing things up. I went for desolator as first item because nobody bought a courier, even when i asked for supports. (How typical^_^). We lost late game because i was the only one with items, rest of my team fed, and the blamed me for loosing the game. Sooo SF is not an easy option, even though he scale well with early->late game, he is bad if your teammated are bad....

                                  King of Low Prio

                                    be flexible, just because you are gyro does not mean you HAVE to be in the safe lane with a trilane. You can mid you can offlane u can roam (you can even jungle if you know what you are doing). Good players are innovative players


                                      if there were tips to get out of trench everyone would walk around with 7k rating. get real.


                                        Get decent at either Phoenix, Terrorblade, QW Invoker or Ember Spirit (all of those are pretty easy to learn; should only take you 20 games) and pick whichever one of them you chose in every game. Your MMR should rise steadily.


                                          ^Another reason to remove all pick from your lineup bro. No one wants to support. If you're not fast enough to click "become captain" like me then you do run the risk of having a crap captain pick the team, and not getting what you want for your pick. Either way at least it has less chances of no one being support.

                                          IMO All pick should be removed from MMR and random draft should be added in its place. I really hate all pick unless I'm practicing something new, and then I would pick unranked and not care as much about the outcome since I'm practicing.

                                          Practiced pudge just for the hell of it with unfair bots for about 10 games, just doing the early game phase first 10 min, then moved to unranked, then ranked with it. 18 picks with 64% isn't bad. Seems people going all pick are trying something new even if it is ranked man. IT SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Take it out of your lineup!!!! :O


                                            dude, hes don't need mid you just farm and go jungle take some fight. 1 important thing is never initiate and wait opponent to waste all of their skill that might hurt you unless you got bkb then its more easy. sf is like the most epic comeback hero i ever played, his ability can flash farm rly fast if you know what i mean
                                            if you want an example
                                            p/s: i'm not so good but i think i can make some point

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                                            Low Expectations

                                              Pick pudge and rolfstomp, most people in 3k dont know how to position themselves. Pudge is good for mid but I prefare him offlane (there is less pressure on you getting game deciding hooks) you can rambo a little more (get stacks) get BoT and aghanims + forcestaff and you are set. If you can hook you WILL win and you will win hard.


                                                Some Noob, sure SF is always an option, he can pubstomp really hard, but the hero doesn't have an escape mechanism, is squishy and if he has issues at last hitting, definitely is not the hero to go for.

                                                But I love SF, is probably my fav hero, and if you feel confident with him, you should give it a shot

                                                Dire Wolf

                                                  Well I am also stuck in 3k land, but the biggest thing and the reason I stay around 50/50 and don't rank up is you have to be willing to play one or two heroes exclusively and grind out wins. Like with Sampson playing drow, others use lycan, others viper, others pudge etc. I still like to mix up my hero choices and it doesn't always work. Like Doom. I'm 20-22 on him, not so good! But I still love playing him and do so.


                                                    I always feel i get my fully potential when i play Captains mode with a team. Too bad there is no team that fit me atm. In all pick there is too hard to give my full potential. I am a teamplayer, and i feel like 3000mmr is not showing my right status... A bit selfish to say, but that is how i view this. Hopefully i will get to my prefered mmr with your tips guys. I realy want to play in the more higher tier where i may fit best.


                                                      a bit rude to say this but if you're good you play with good ppl so...... maybe accept that you're not good as something and try to improve it?


                                                        I once hit 3990 mmr. one more solo rank win to 4k. then losing streak...

                                                        now i totally give up solo ranked game.

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                                                          Play your best heroes and pray.


                                                            Some Noob, well it's hard to win a game if you are pro and the rest are noobs, not saying that i'm a pro or anything, but you know what i'm saying, even though i play with bad people, doesn't mean i am a bad player. MMR in dota 2 is not that good, because you can easily be stuck at a tier without becoming any better with your rating because of horrible teammates.


                                                              I play with good and bad people. I don't have a huge e-peen to attend to so heres an example...:

                                                    <---------- good 3.5k tier and rising with me. Good people to be with.

                                                    <--------- Bad. Will not turn auto attack off.... and types with two fingers according to his son I play with. 2.1k MMR. Still good people! He plays 3 characters only which is AA, Disruptor and Axe, and that is it. All below 50% wins with him.

                                                              Result: I don't win all the time but I still have fun playing with people I like. I'd rather lose with friends I enjoy playing with than win with random people on the net that are nasty to be around.

                                                              Try picking out those friendly folks in solo queue and add them to your friends list. Try em out a few times and if you enjoy your time with them keep em there. If they fooled you the first time you played with em, ditch em off the friends list. Solo queue is not as fun man.


                                                                How do u have 54,5% wr if ur 3k?


                                                                  /hg/ Cpt. Caveman

                                                                  I am not interested in getting a high party rating, because when people look for a good player into their team, they will usually look at the solo rating. So having friends to play with is not helping my solo rating. My party rating get higher if i do, but i'm only interested in solo rating mmr ;)


                                                                    One issue with advice including something like "INGORE YOUR TEAM THEY ARE WRONG" is when more than one person on your team is following that advice.

                                                                    Someone calls mid, but some other jackass says screw him, I need mid bc I'm the only non-noob. Same goes with any lane, or jungling. Sure, sometimes you can force a win by farming lycan and rat dota, but there are definitely games where I see the other team try this and they have no teamfight and lose before lycan ever matters.


                                                                      Guiri, yeah i also wondered why :/


                                                                        cm.artemis true, but low mmr games is hard life. It's survival of the fittest down there... It's the only way to fast reach your prefered mmr.

                                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                                          if you are good you will rise, if you think that your teammates suck that just means that your opponents will suck just as bad. Blaming your teammates is just how shit tier players cope with failure.


                                                                            Smapson |

                                                                            The problem is if both team sucks, that means that it is almost 50/50 chance of winning. If you are good you only change it a bit, like 55/45. 4 Bad players + 1 Good vs 5 bad. My mmr slowly rise, but that is because of this simple reason.

                                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                                              If u do not have enough of a impact on the match to create a win then that means you are at your true MM

                                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                                Doesn't mean you should win every game, shoot for 2 out of 3 or even 60%. Those are good numbers when you sustain them and will rank you up eventually. And the chance of winning isn't 50/50 if you go mid and dominate it. Your chances then are more like 80/20.

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                                                                                  Let the Wookie win

                                                                                  Yeah, when i go mid and have it without any bothers from teammate, we usually win most of the time. But most of the time i want to play mid, someone pick pudge and says mid. Even though i clearly said mid and marked the map before them. And i don't want to share the same lane with an idiot midlstealer so i usually pick an another lane :(


                                                                                    Play support.


                                                                                      Do what he said.

                                                                                      I hate pudge pickers. It's always mid with them.


                                                                                        Do what he said.

                                                                                        I hate pudge pickers. It's always mid with them.

                                                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                                                          hawk I looked at your last matches and you where never the top player so I dont understand why you believe you are so much better than your teammates.

                                                                                          Quick maffs

                                                                                            btw if you are going to get radiance on naga dont get midas, midas means a late radiance, early radiance more farm than midas.


                                                                                              Play captains mode only. Pick a hero with great early/midgame (or ask for it if you're not cap) who can snowball hard and has a great game impact (clockwerk, nightstalker, viper, slark, pudge, nyx, etc). Be active. All these heroes are pretty much item-independant early game, so don't sit and farm, go gank other lanes and get momentum for your team. You'll get the gold for your items from kills/assists. If you dont have a lategame hero in your team, finish fast or they could comeback.

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                                                                                                I will play on your account if you want and get you +1k MMR.


                                                                                                  Dorkly That was pretty much a RTZ build i went for ;)

                                                                                                  Zannisdf Yeah i think i will play Captains mode from here on, my computer is fast so i think i would be able to click the Become captain button most of the time ;)

                                                                                                  Vandal play on my account? XD ahahaha well that would be cheating kinda, i want the mmr to represent me ;)


                                                                                                    Sampson, did you watch fully my recent games? Because just looking at stats don't tell much necesserely.
                                                                                                    In that ember match my team played good. But there are matches where my team was shit, and we usually loose them so watch some of my lost ones.


                                                                                                      Pls let it

                                                                                                      King of Low Prio


                                                                                                        watching this match

                                                                                                        halfway through

                                                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!