General Discussion

General Discussionpos 1 hero question

pos 1 hero question in General Discussion

    seriously asking, is there any pos 1 hero that can reliably solo carry 1v9 solo queue games? like a pos 1 hero that can win games solo despite a disastrous lane due to first item boots pos 5 or pudge pos 5 or something? or maybe at least a hero that has the least amount of coordination required to win? and please explain why, tysm :)) ill look forward into those heroes and practicing them

    smurfs = no balls

      NP VISAGE right now

      and late game 1v5 carries, at least my favourites, are PA and TB

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          medusa seems good too



            you have a shit lane, die 2-3 times, ok, life sucks, then suddenly, the offlaner takes your tower, damn....what's this? i'm sub 4k mmr? that means the enemy offlaner will leave the lane once they take the tower because their job is 'finished' suddenly, I'm able to farm...oh no, looks like the enemy mid laner got a power rune and is ganking me, i'm going to TP top now and farm that lane when it's pushed in and then dick off to the ancients.

            you spend your whole time on your side of the map and because the enemy is a bunch of cucklords, they will let you farm and then you get battlefury-deso-bkb and ez game

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            KINDA SUS...

              @DNA do u think shes still good even after the nerf? I've had quite a lot of success on her prev patch

              KINDA SUS...

                PA seriosuly? i dont really like battlefury heroes because you need a 4k item gold to flash farm. can you guys like provide further explanation about why battlefury hero is good instead like heroes that has an innate ability to flash farm like dusa or tb or something


                  There is no 1 v 9 carries right now. Tiny was very strong but is balanced now. I would say that Visage mid is 1v9 material.


                    Yes, there was. But Valve fix them all. That's why no hero can 1v9 now :laugh: If you manage to hand on it once, IceFrog will remove it. Stop dreaming :laugh:

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                      It's not so much the Battlefury that makes PA good, it's just that BF enables her farm, which in turn enables her to do what she does best, which is to jump and blow up the enemy supports, which is half the stuns/controls. If you can't reliably farm BF in 15-18 mins

                      Dusa can't easily destroy backline, but is good in other ways.

                      Other than that all the data is available, just look up your rank and pick the highest winrate carry there. No hero is going to own every game or even 2/3 of the time... 60% is considered very OP already

                      KINDA SUS...

                        yeah thats the thing IT ENABLES HER FARM. for 4k gold xd id rather play something else that doesn't need to invest that amount of gold just to flash farm


                          Yeah that's your preference
                          Depending on your games/rank you can try some unorthodox heroes too
                          Like Bristle carry run around idgaf style

                          Inai The Void Spirit

                            Its about ur strategy and ur gameplay , for example my main strategy on am is split push and i can carry game with am even on 6k average
                            or if ur plan is teamfight or hunt ur enemies u can pick pa and buy phase boots , orb of corrosion , medalion , desolator , bkb , basher , aghanim , then u can hunt people and win the games


                              To win games 1v9 you need to FARM. By farming you are being greedy, taking responsibility(and farm) away from your team and only by doing this to the max and removing your team from the game almost 100% and boosting yourself up can you 1v9. This also means stabbing your team in the back at every opportunity eg. stealing kills, joining fights just to get 1 kill for yourself and then leaving your team to die. If you don't greed to the max then your team has normal amounts of responsibility and they can fuck shit up making a game unwinnable. Heroes like jugg, pa, am are good at the whole farming shtick. Jugg probably the most reliable right now. Jugg can reasonably deal with any lane and I've seen juggs win lanes where they've been left 1v2. Jugg is also super greedy so your own play matters that much more and your team's play matters comparatively less. Is only 1v9 strat(well unless you find some OP strat yourself) but is not pro strat. Normal responsible play wins more than any 1v9 playstyle in most patches.

                              If farming isn't your thing then consider trying mid, especially with high-skill stuff like meepo visage, they can be super OP in good hands to the point of 1v9. Also git gud nub, you won't win games 1v9 unless you're good enough to win normal games as well.

                              smurfs = no balls

                                NP carry best 1v9 hero in dota, very op

                                KINDA SUS...

                                  @epakuulas im a farming pos 1 player but im looking for a hero that doesn't require 4.2k gold to flash farm

                                  Give me Carrot

                                    Supports who feed less will win the game.


                                      maybe luna and i think right now luna even better than AM


                                        Natures Prophet, PA, CK , PL (pl is a very bad laner so this hero is very situational)

                                        Upper Rank Demon: Tranqui...

                                          Honestly just play Jugg every game and get shard and healing ward talent. Hero is absolutely broken once you get Shard + Mael + 15 Healing Ward talent. Learn to micro your healing ward (its literally a moveable fountain on a 40 second cooldown with a 25 second uptime)

                                          This will win you games, simply not letting your healing ward die. Spinning and hitting buildings. Rinse and repeat


                                            boring, i sense dota 2, are just nother dota from frozenthrone, or w3l

                                            flourishing new leaf

                                              I use Furion and Mirana but doesn't matter sometimes when team just ruins. If they play normal you can easily carry the game with those heroes though. PA is not a safe bet, they will destroy you in lane and you can do nothing about it.


                                                Just pick Np or ck and git gud lol


                                                  focus more on drafting.


                                                    hah, boring.

                                                    graves into gardens

                                                      CK and Juggernaut 100%. Just hit immortal spamming those 2

