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General DiscussionParty EU

Party EU in General Discussion

    This post is long enough

    Hatrið mun sigra

      I wonder how long this braindead incel omegatard is gonna keep being in denial. Where do you even find the courage to show up.
      I guess your dignity is like your skills, nonexistent

      Anal Enjoyer

        now u two have same mmr lmao.
        who could imagine this happend in 4 days?


          The thing is, my dignity is not tied to a random number in a random game. That number is just a byproduct of my skills and commitment to the game.
          Also, I'm more worried about you now. The next time you drop to legend 2, can you mentally handle it? Imagine ppl calling you boosted animal the next time you drop. The rage thread is gonna come soon. OMEGALUL XD

          Hatrið mun sigra

            My child you got saved by dotabuff. Had written a little in depth paragraph to humiliate you and your pathetic attempts at dragging people down at your own level of misery with lies and negativity but it says it contains banned terms even though there was no bad word besides the one that best describes you, imbecile. Even DB knows that playing with weak incels' shaky ego is dangerous for them, too bad. Will just stop replying to you and leave you to your sadness 'cause I know you will always be in need of that supply of bad news, real or made up, to temporarily give yourself a fake self esteem boost. Was fun but now that you got checkmated by facts it feels like shooting a fish in a barrel. That's what I meant by losing your dignity, leave mmr aside 'cuz you got no skills. Oh and don't worry about me climbing to 4k with almost 70% winrate in 80 games, worry about that damaged sense of self worth no amount of omegaluls will ever be able to hide. You're like the hyena waiting for the lion to die so that they can prey on it with no merits, such a beta person you are.

            @HexyRose :X haha me neither. I knew it was the hidden pool paired with my self-sabotaging tilting, but not at this rate :D
            Also checked the bhs of both teams in games and it almost always says "similar", found it was different only in 2 recent games as I don't want free wins nor fool myself. Very few free wins, very few hopeless games, having to shout at people almost every game, all seems normal.

            same shit

              @Kowareta : Just go die man , whats the use of you on this planet anyway..

              Why are also taking my name on this forum btw? You are absolutely pathetic excuse for a living creature


                Had written a little in depth paragraph to humiliate you

                Man, I should write a book titled, "How to stay rent free in people's head".

                I don't have to worry about a thing. I just know in my heart that you are gonna plummet down to legend 2 or 3 and I'm gonna get the entertaining rage thread soon. Holding my OMEGALUL XD till then.

                Edit: pfft, angry salty dog comparing himself to Lion. hahahaa

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                  imagine going necro 3 safelane invoker in 3k unranked like this: 5759343439


                    Imagine being a angry salty herald animal.
                    So salty that you stalk my profile and pick up unranked games to make whatever point you are trying to make. OMEGALUL XD

                    This are the games I'm try harding to win, try picking one of them.


                      FUCKING RIGGED SHIT
                      ONE GAME TO IMMORTAL AND I GET THIS

                      Hatrið mun sigra

               idk do we wanna laugh? What is this? Enemy tiny ragequits 10 min in, my jugg afks half the game to go radiance and shivas ?????????????? mk tilts, ww can't get one ulti right, they own us bigtime 4v5 cuz jugg is a french subhuman, am feeds rapier, i tilt sell my items and go dagon to catch fucking morph escaping with 100 hp every time when our base was basically gone, they almost get mega, we come back, am goes for the push of the desperation but team is faster long story short mass report juggerdog WHAT THE FUCK ARE THESE GAMES WHAT HAPPENED TO MATCHMAKING AGAIN back to having premuted pos 4 pudges and griefers idk gabe I thought we were cool? Man I had started to truly like the normal, strategic dota again :\


                          What you liked is getting good teammates and shit enemies, and having a easy life.
                          Anytime you actually have to put in effort, you just blame everything else.

                          strategic dota again

                          Ironic coming from a guy who rushes vessel, scep on support AA without any saves + Someone who rushes midas every game on slardar. Holding on to my OMEGALUL XD for that big rage thread.

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                          Hatrið mun sigra

                            Oops all of a sudden animals in every game since the past 2 days and forced losses left and right with ridiculous scores. I had to sweat and shout to dogs during the climb but when it comes to forcing you to lose it's oh so easy and hopeless. So, anybody party queue? Now in a game with pos 1 Omni, what can go wrong? I wonder how we lost with pos 1 omni midas into battlefury and brown boots and an abaddon sb who missed half the cs in lane. How is that possible? Must have been the missed pull at min 3.51 right?

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                            Hatrið mun sigra

                              Played a turbo game and we went 42-2 lmao. What is this and why does valve do it? I have 8.8k behavior score and it shouldn't be like that. How to ruin a beautiful game with ridiculous matchmaking system. Current ranked game pos 5 pudge and pos 4 invoker. One thing is for sure I'm not gonna spend one cent on this game, battlepasses and shit anymore 'cause this company deserves to go bankrupt

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                                LMAO WHO WOULD THOUGHT THAT DUDE
                                JUST SEE MY IMMORTAL DECIDING GAME SLQ
                                80 FUCKING MINUTES OF THROWS
                                GABEN AGENT ON HIS WAY TO ANSHIT
                                FUCKING RIGGED SHIT

                                Hatrið mun sigra

                                  omg 2-15 pos 5 pudge and 2 7 8 afk farming am, i wonder why i lose my games it must be the vessel idk pls share ur insight critics from dotabuff cause idk it all seems so fucking balanced i actually dont fucking understand how i dropped 150 mmr today between disgusting subhuamans forced to play 1v9 and having to sweat anyway to climb idk guys its all so fucking balanced i dont understand let me watch more gameleap videos it must be the fucking missed pull u guys


                                    SLQ WAS RIGHT ALL ALONG DUDE
                                    HOLYYYYYYYYYYY SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT
                                    THIS IS CRAZYYYYYYYYYYYY
                                    IM SO MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD DUDE


                                    HOLY FUCK 50% 5.4k MMR FORCED SHIT

                                    Hatrið mun sigra

                                      Its all so balanced 2 days of disgusting inbreds going pos 5 pudge, premuted dogs, pieces of shit going radiance shivas on jugg, afkers and imbeciles you guys so perfectly playable and balanced come on

                                      Hatrið mun sigra

                                        But when I climbed few free wins and few hopeless games so game wasnt a gift anyway, but oh when it comes to making you drop suddenly omni pos 1 pudge pos 5 absolute fucking dogs every game u guys teach me how to pull pls that must be the problem clearly


                                          DUDE THIS PPL NEVER UNDERSTAND WHAT U SAY
                                          ITS LITERALLY HIDDEN POOL
                                          HOLY SHITTTTTTTTTT
                                          U CANT UNDERSTAND IT UNLESS U EXPERIENCE IT
                                          NOW I REALIZE

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                                            you saw the light

                                            Hatrið mun sigra

                                              Kowid idk what the fuck you're trying to achieve with this retarded taunting. It's clear matchmaking works in a way that is fucking dogshit. They wanna create a system that punishes people who flame and throw, fair enough it makes sense. But why the fuck me when I have 8.8k bhs? Are 10 reports in 3 summaries enough to trigger this shit? What is it, hidden pool below 7k at first, then 8k and now below 9k? This cannot be variance, none of the games I won during climbing was like this besides a couple, but not even this retarded, and in return there have been games I couldn't do anything about. That is variance, but this. Idk what this is. Literally one game after the other filled with absurd things, not even games in which you may say "ah they played better, we should have done this or that" no straight up madness. Do devs actually read reddit posts? If yes I will make an account just to ask how the fuck the matchmaking works, like if this is actually a punishment for the reports, or if writing bad words kinda marks your account and puts you with animals. I'm trying to find any logical explaination to this shit


                                                IDK SLQ IM JUST SO PISSED ABOUT IT TOO
                                                FUCK THIS RIGGED SHIT
                                                JUST GO LOOK MY GAMES DUDE
                                                IM SO MAD DUDE


                                                  THAT WAS ALL A FUCKING HOAX BY DISGUSTING VALVE DUDE
                                                  FIRST THEY LET ME GET THT IMMORTAL
                                                  NOW THEY PUT ME IN FUCKING HIDDEN POOL
                                                  HOLYYYYYYYYYYYY SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT!!!!


                                                    for the logical explanation tho, just take a look at calendar and check the day u are in buddy

                                                    Hatrið mun sigra

                                                      So until the 31 everything normal, I repeat I had to get mad almost every game 'cause people never listen in this bracket and do dumb shit all the time, it was not a walk in the park for the most part despite the winrate, but from the 1st they released the animals from the cage because it's holiday period? Is it the weekend? Cannot be only that, this is really too much. Pos 1 omni trying to explain at the end of the game that he played with "4 griefers" and even enemy team pointing out the absurdity of the pick and making fun of him while he kept insisting that uuh team so bad and toxic. Man I hope it's just the weekend I just want to play normal dota


                                                        HOLY SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT DUDE
                                                        WTF IS THIS
                                                        BARA CLAIMING TO BE RANK 100 AND IN THE END OF THE GAME ASKING FOR COMMENDS =)))))))))))))))))))))))

                                                        I CANT BELIEVE IT DUDE
                                                        WTF IS THIS SHIT
                                                        WHAT HAPPENED
                                                        I NEVER SEEN THIS ANIMALS IN MY GAMES BEFORE I GET IMMORTAL
                                                        FORCED RIGGED SHIT

                                                        Anal Enjoyer

                                                          I hate such offlaners. instead of pressuring enemy carry they feed!... I never wish see such games


                                                            HOLYYYYYYYYYYYY SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIT
                                                            I JUST GOT SICK OF THESE ANIMALS AND MUTE THEM BEFORE GAME START AND GUESS WHAT
                                                            IM OUT SLQ
                                                            IM OUT OF THIS HIDDEN POOL SHIT
                                                            BUT IM SO TIRED I GO SLEEP
                                                            FUCK THIS RIGGED ANIMAL GAME DUDE
                                                            WISH U LUCK SLQ
                                                            THAT WAS SO CRAZY, CRAZIEST DAY OF MY LIFE!!!!

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                                                              that magnus still playing in hidden pool tho, very sad :axe_laugh: :axe_laugh:



                                                                Kabir singh's bo0ster

                                                                  Holy shit I played with this Mag, hes actually insane and he talks like this every single game, legit writes 1000 words every game only complaining about things.


                                                                    pogchamp im gonna see kabir in my games
                                                                    already my panties are wet

                                                                    same shit

                                                                      Kowadog = no life other than commenting unwantedly on this dead forum.

                                                                      Good job SOB jobless shit..

                                                                      Anal Enjoyer

                                                                        kowa stopped fucking hating but hating wont stop fucking kowa


                                                                          idk why this guy talking about job this much
                                                                          i can learn, do and master whatever he and his ancestors did for society in their lifetime in 2 weeks
                                                                          and its not because im insanely smart. its literally because they are all bunch of animals =))

                                                                          let me give you a hand licking some fake ass e-girl dirty buttholes brother
                                                                          yummy yummy, poop smells goooooooooooooooooood


                                                                            peak comedy right there

                                                                            '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                              That Magnus is so toxic what the hell is that

                                                                              same shit

                                                                                Ya , I was like being like a brother to her and offering some advice.
                                                                                Unlike you who was arguing on some stupid topid of 1k>3k for an entire year and in the end couldn't even win the arguement . KEK-LUL

                                                                                Spamming pathetic axe smiley emojis = pathetic way of fulfilling your stupid ego that your smart. Nearly entire of these dead forums think your dogshit person trying to act cool in a very annoying manner. Imo please change your behaviour or prepare for the banhammer.


                                                                                  i wasn't even posting in this forum when that stupid thread happened buddy
                                                                                  u are confused
                                                                                  im not the degenerate who played and posted in this forum for 7 years licking e-girl dirty holes and ending up at legend archon buddy
                                                                                  u and your amazing friends are

                                                                                  so yeah, keep sharing their opinion about me here, i try to give a fly shit about morons like you :axe_laugh: :axe_laugh:

                                                                                  Anal Enjoyer

                                                                                    @kowareta u talked about learning fast.. which skills u have beside dota? programming?


                                                                                      yes im CS student

                                                                                      Kabir singh's bo0ster
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                                                                                          i'm cs student too
                                                                                          more like... a counterstrike student :axe_laugh:

                                                                                          Kabir singh's bo0ster

                                                                                            can u program a script that avoids all russians?

                                                                                            same shit

                                                                                              Kowareta -> not even a grad and commenting about my ancestors. GTS kiddo, you punk schoolboi..

                                                                                              Anal Enjoyer

                                                                                                -kowa is silent
                                                                                                +everyone flames him
                                                                                                -kowa starts being toxic
                                                                                                +everyone : damn kowa must be banned from this forum

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                                                                                                  2 FUCKING TIMES TODAY
                                                                                                  2 TIMES I AM ONE GAME TO IMMORTAL AGAIN
                                                                                                  I GET VALVE AGENTS WHICH ARE ON MASSIVE LOSE STREAK (EXAMPLE)
                                                                                                  AND I REPORT THEM AND GUESS WHAT SYSTEM SAYS
                                                                                                  "FAILED TO SUBMIT PLAYER FEEDBACK"

                                                                                                  IM SO SRY SLQ
                                                                                                  THIS GAME IS TOTALLY RIGGED
                                                                                                  LITERALLY GABEN MATCHES PPL WITH HIS AGENTS AND U CANT EVEN SUBMIT A REPORT
                                                                                                  I SWEAR TO GOD HE LAUGHS AT US, WE CANT EVEN REPORT HIS AGENTS FOR A RELIEF

                                                                                                  ONLY SMART PPL LIKE ME AND U REALIZE THIS SLQ. FUCK THIS RIGGED SHIT

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