General Discussion

General DiscussionHow can i get out of 1k mmr

How can i get out of 1k mmr in General Discussion
el b1ch0

    Good afternoon, im in the 1k range.
    It's getting harder and harder to win the games. My team usually does not push, I try to get support but I get HC that they do not know what they are doing. My question is what hero can I use to try to get out of there?


      i tried underlord on ur bracket before and it worked very well, 100% winrate and i was 2k on my main back then :)
      also there is no way u lose low mmr games with lycan. but i dont think u can handle the micro

      + its not like u are very higher skiller than ur teammates (49% winrate) so just play underlord or pos 4 roamer bh or ns and just help ur lanes and u can reach crusader (it was my way to climb when i was guardian)

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        I mean have you tried destroying the enemy's ancient?

        skill issue

          keep your behavior score up


            Jokes aside, pick Jakiro and try destroying buildings.

            exit code 0 (gl;hf)

              Keep playing and don’t waste your time. There’s no other answer dota is too complex


                try destroying buildings.try destroying buildings.try destroying buildings.try destroying buildings

                el b1ch0

                  i have to destroy enemy's ancient???? nobody toll me that :(


                    well dont be shallow, u must think objectively, ur object is too destroy enemy's ancient, not to farm items, not to win fights, if u buying items u must think about which item make u reach ur goal faster, not items help u just farm faster :)
                    i played with a guy who bought maelstorm and fury and there wasnt any illusion in the game, just for farming faster, u can be shallow like that guy and keep losing ur games :)

                    why ppl afk farming whole game? why ppl diving like retards in enemy high ground? cause they keep forgetting their objective is destroying buildings, not killing heroes !


                      whenever you die ask yourself how did you die and what could you have done to not die?

                      Did you have vision of the enemy or did they catch you off-guard? Maybe be a little more careful around fog of war when enemies are missing on the map

                      learn to last hit and to look at the minimap whenever you go to last-hit since you can't do anything else in those 1-2 frames.

                      learn what creep equilibrium is and apply it

                      don't auto attack creeps

                      don't prioritize killing the enemy early, just get your farm


                        I was 1k mmr and now 5k in my new acc listen to me closely.
                        Pick 3 heroes and learn them even if they have low win rate or low pick rate. Pick disables who had atleast 2 l 3 stars. Best disables in the game are definitely enigma lion and shaman. With the rod of atos meta you can still dominate low mmr as skywrath mage roaming but it's so complicated anyway if u mr team needs to defeat a full enemy carry take bh roamer and steal their fking gold. But always ward the enemy jungle camps. Using sentry to block the respawn. For mid lane take lina or queen of pain. I notice lot of players here spams kunkka l sky l invoker I suggest to take viper or necrophus gl