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General DiscussionEncouraging friend to spam brewmaster

Encouraging friend to spam brewmaster in General Discussion
Emperor Xu Mail

    What kind of a lineup goes with the hero, if he's playing offlane pos 3? Is there a bad time to pick brew? Any strategies we should build around the hero?

    Acoon ak'mp Put in

      In the current patch he has a very high kill potential from level 1-2 with a strong agressive support on the lane. I find Brew with Lich, Grim or Tusk are the most lane devastaing pairs to go. Bad time to pick Brew is when enemy has an all fat heroes lineup, also I try to ban Sniper, because this is the most annoying hero to play against as Brew or as many other offlaners imo and I would not like to face OD as Brew.


        it needs to be paired with disabler support. as carry i had to face brew with dark willow, ogre, shaman, venge.


          -Very powerful trader in lane
          -somewhat counters illusion heroes
          -strength hero = tanky
          -has escape
          -very powerful Ult (render enemy cores useless for a fight, lot of control)
          -doesn't need farm to be useful
          All qualities of a great offlaner hero

          -mana dependant, and has mana issues (early game mana drainers like Lion can annoy you. midgame Invoker initiation can make you a creep)
          -lacks damage output. Build radiance if you need damage
          -melee hero, it feels awkward walking to enemy in the midgame, and blink dagger is meh since his clap isn't a game changing initiation
          -pretty useless against BKB
          -Can't play that well from behind, some offlaners like Axe or Enigma need one good initiation to win the game for you, but Brew just cant
          -can not solo carry a game (even if you stomp lane your impact on game isn't that much more)

          Lanes well with Lich and Grim(Heroes who work well with ramming heroes), or disablers. He's designed to play aggressively.
          Start with a stout shield, 6 tangos, 2 branches, and a salve (or skip branches to get qb from sideshop right after runes, depends on your lane). get qb. I like to get a bracer but offlaners don't get to use courier for items so if you're not going back to base just get boots (phase boots) from the sideshop. an early boot is very annoying for the enemy support who is trying to harass you.
          It is better to build Aura items on him (Vlad, Radiance, AC etc) but if your team lacks initiation you can get a dagger too.
          rest is ez just ult, stun, send core flying, stun again. and make sure your fire thingy is chasing someone (Oh and destroy illusions with the blue thingy)

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          Emperor Xu Mail

            thank you for the detailed answer. i was hoping someone was kind enough to help me out here.

            Aiyo Nenene

              I think ET and VS are good choice at this moment


                i mostly of the time build these items:
                blink dagger (can be nice if you want initiaton, but its kinda a meh item for that. i rather use it to go for weak backline nukers like lina and sniper.
                heavens halberd: used to be good, you can disarm people with it, which is something most people dont consider, also gives you attack slows.
                radiance: Always nice for damage: can get you up to good amounts of damage
                power treads: explains itself, still very good.
                bkb: not neccesary, if your enemy has no control, and your capable of casting your ultimate at pretty much anytime.
                assault cuirass: can provide nice assist with the bonus armor for your team, as well as deletes the enemys armor by a bit. also gives some nice atk speed.
                vlads: ill admit i like it, i play brew mostly as a aura carrier. this item gives some nice hp regen on hit, makes him pretty nice to have for the regen.
                abbysal blade: the stun is supernice to have, also gives you capabilitys to kill squishy enemys on your solos.

                after that pretty much anything goes, depends on your playstiles really you can also play him as a tank and build items as pipe and crimson guard.

                and you also have the magic build (will get annoying teammates that spam that you should stop throwing the game)
                its the build were you build dagon, blink dagger, power treads, ethereal blade, octarine core and veil.

                this guy can be played in multiple playstiles, just depends on how you like it, and how you want to use it.
                some of these builds can be nerfed by the time (idk i rarely look at these stats)
                thats probably why im in low mmr.

                the lineup is not neccesarily something you have a brew pick in or out. would reccomend him if the enemy has no lockdown (with heroes like pudge and grimstroke) and the damage to delete you when you get initiated on (by heroes like troll)
                next to that hes nice against heroes like sniper (his brewlings can really piss him off)
                also his best ability would still be the tornado on the storm brewling.
                use that and youre pretty much guaranteed to fight 4v5.
                also be careful, as lategame enemys tend to delete your brewlings way faster then in earlygame.


                  Just learn how to use your ult properly. Brew was my highest win rate hero in the previous patch. He is even better now, but people cant micro pandas. They just use ult, throw rock and select all pandas to attack and thats it.

                  Your job is to stun annoying squishy supports, while get your blue panda to lift the most problematic hero in enemy team. Next lebel play is to use fire panda to follow blinking hero to stop him from initiating. By doing that you can win every single teamgiht.

                  Also use your windwalk properly if you are chasing someone instead of mindlessly following your target. Its your biggest catch while people usually forget that it boosts your ms and cyclone has quite high casting range.

                  In the end Panda is best to be left solo for exp if possible.

                  When I read those recommendations im just omg sometimes. Blink dagger is your core item ! Sometimes you can go radi first if you have a very good laning stage. Brew can be easily played from behind because his killing potential skyrocket since lvl 6 and he doesnt need items unless you are going for rightclick talents. Most of the time blink and shiva is everything your team needs.

                  Brew is bad mostly vs tempo heros like Broodmother that play around your cooldown easily, pushers, strong lockdowns and mobile carries like Antimage.

                  Saying that Troll is so good vs Brew is totaly absurd where Brew is one of the best Troll counters. How can you people write such things without even checking hero tab.

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