General Discussion

General DiscussionCookie's coaching

Cookie's coaching in General Discussion

    Does he still do it, and how much per hour?


      I’ll coach you, $10/hr.

      Cookie was $15/hr IIRC.


        Even if you offer it for free - no thx.
        Divine 5 is too low.


          You are crusader. A legend could offer invaluable experience to you.

          I am 200 mmr away from immortal, but whatever, have it your way.

          Sygma zxc ghoul 2y.o dead...

            Even if you offer it for free - no thx.
            Divine 5 is too low.

            Lawl. What would you get more from Cookie's coaching ? I'm sure their micro, macro and theorical (buildups, drafting, etc...) skills are comparable.

            There is no point in paying to get coached both in terms of theory and practice. Just read more, improve your theory and theory crafting, improve micro-skills, improve macro-skills and learn from streams (except singsing cause he trolls too much). Ask someone with a decent level to have an objective point of view on your action and to note down your improvement ways.

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              Sygma is totally right, but beyond that, you’re like at primary level maths (addition and subtraction) and you’re asking for Stephen hawking to give you tuition when a simple astrophysicist would do (and is already way overqualified to offer you improvement).

              If you’re really that concerned though, go watch BSJ videos for free.

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              CAESAR KING OF APES

                @.ExceL - The point is I'm not Crusader, I use this account to practice some heroes. The highest I was is around 4.5k, but I sold my account & now after 1-2y break my new main is around 3.5k. If I fully focus on grinding I would easily get 4k+. Of course you are a better player than me, but I would rather get help from a leaderboard guy. Maybe if I was really Crusader it wouldn't matter if it's you or Cookies, but if someone is 4k+ I think it does matter.

                CAESAR KING OF APES

                  Also I like Cookie's videos & the way he talks in game. I have no way to know how good your methods are. I would rather pay 5$ more, and know the quality I get. I'm also mostly interested in improving farming. I can hit decent lvls of farm, but struggle to get 1k+ gpm on heroes like Naga/AM/TB, and I know Cookie is able to get it consistently.

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                    Perhaps. But how was I to know that when you’re posting from an alt account?

                    You’re also not 4K+ and my game knowledge is enough to coach people at a similar level to me. There’s a huge difference between knowing the theory and implementing it every game and that’s something that’s held me back personally. When I’m totally in the zone I’m more than capable of getting to about 6k mmr but I struggle with concentration over a period of weeks.

                    Either way, I’ll do a 30 min session with you for free if you want, then decide if it was useful or not.


                      Adding comment in reaction to your additional comment.

                      Check my heroes. You mention AM, who is my most played hero with an average gpm of 743?

                      I also have a 77% wr on Luna over 100+ games. I’m fairly sure my farming patterns are way above what you need to improve.

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                      CAESAR KING OF APES

                        .eXceL - how good is your farming? I'm mostly interested in maximising farm. I know cookie is obsessed about it, that's why I want him especially. I don't have problems hitting 10-12lh on most carries, but I can't go beyond that.

                        CAESAR KING OF APES

                          Do you have games where you hit more than 15lh/min? I don't see any. Getting same amount of last hits on those heroes as you is a piece of cake to me. I just can't go beyond that. For example I can't get 600lh in 30min as Cookie can on TB. No matter how much I try. Can you? You basically have 10lh/min on every carry u play, I rarely go below that if I really try, and not clown around. I'm not interested in learning decision making, positioning, laning - here I'm sure I would learn a lot from you. I'm interested in farming, and maximising farm, and I know Cookie is obsessed about it. I don't think getting such amount of farm is sth that Divine players are able to. They're way below Cookie & other leaderboard players. I want to learn from the best.

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                            You mean like this?

                            If you're only obsessed with hitting higher lh/min then go play bot games and practice Cookie's last hit guide. The reality is though, you will never be able to get perfect CS in a game against capable opposition.

                            It's totally up to you if you want me to watch a 30 min replay and point out where you're being inefficient but the thing is with farming, you already know where you're being inefficient - so I'm not sure what benefit any coach in this world would be in telling you 'you missed a cs, you should have killed the wave and gone to the jungle etc'.

                            I assume you watch BSJ guides, so you should know top coaches don't even coach that sort of stuff because it's too easy to learn independently.

                            One final point, farming efficiently is WAY less important than playing efficiently. If you only concentrate on farming you will, guaranteed, miss out on the correct play which may have been rotating, pushing, fighting or even not getting ganked.

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                              you are a sore loser it's quite impressive.
                              I'm sure cookie would refuse to coach someone like you anyway.
                              Refusing advices because their not cookie's :)))
                              Your pp is correct at least


                                can't beat me 21.56cs/min COOKI CHALLENGE DOEN!!! :o

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                                Sygma zxc ghoul 2y.o dead...

                                  Theory : stack with illus or get your support to stack for you. Optimize jungle routing. Don't get ganked. Last hit with illus while you do the stack.
                                  Practice : just do it

                                  One innocent question: Does cookie get these lh/min when his team is getting rekt and when ennemies are camping him with 2463786387 wards and fed picks ?

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                                    I don't have problems hitting 10-12lh on most carries

                                    on crusader bracket?

                                    CAESAR KING OF APES

                                      @Grimm - maybe I value my time, and money? Where did he give me advice? He just said that he is better coz he is cheaper. Surely, I'm a loser coz I don't instantly agree to a random person's offer on the Internet.

                                      @.eXceL - I'm not sure either. Of course stuff like missing a cs - I don't think it matters that much, I'm mostly interested in patterns, and farming decisions. I know Zenotha, RTZ or Cookies achieve stuff that just blows my mind in terms of lh/min. I'm just open to learn sth from them because they clearly know sth that others don't. I'm also more interested in someone playing low mmr game/showing replay, and telling me why he farms this way than analysing my own replays. I think it's better to learn looking at sth "perfect" than saying "what's wrong". I would like to see a "farming machine" way of thinking.


                                        48% winrate, “practicing heroes”
                                        This guy is a clown lmao

                                        CAESAR KING OF APES

                                          ラザルス - I don't see much difference in terms of hitting last hit targets in 1.5k & 3.5k. Maybe there is a little bit more space, but if I can do 10-12lh in Crusader, I can also do in Legend/low Ancient. In terms of farming speed it's a pretty general concept.


                                            and one thing, you said you're not interested on decisions making, positioning, laning, but i'm pretty sure farming efficiency is affeceted by those 3, so if you just want to farm then just play bots lol

                                            CAESAR KING OF APES

                                              @Ryan - I bought this account when it was around at 1k, currently it's 1.5k. I practice mostly Meepo, and Invoker - that's what drops my win-rate down, coz I suck at them. If you check games where I don't pick Meepo/Invoker - I easily win.

                                              Sygma zxc ghoul 2y.o dead...

                                                This guy is a clown lmao

                                                He part of the chosen ones who have 10+cs per minute. He doesn't even need advices from Divine. GIFF HIM RESPECT PLZ.


                                                decisions making, positioning, laning

                                                - Even if 4 ennemies are around the stacks, you have to farm the stack.
                                                - Even if everyone is missing on the mini-map you have to get these farms in lane
                                                - Even if you get zoned and punished hard in lane you need to get this last hit.

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                                                  Problem with farming speed, which is why I believe you are a low skill player, is it is not hard to learn.
                                                  If you have played Dota for as long as any high skill player has then this is not a question that maters, all you need is game sense of where enemies are or may be and what is safe to farm.
                                                  If you don’t have than then continue the 48% winrate mr. 5k


                                                    Again, playing vs 1ks is like playing against bots on easy, with any game sense you can snowball a game as any hero at any time. You not being good at a hero should not have an effect in that bracket.

                                                    Sygma zxc ghoul 2y.o dead...

                                                      If you have played Dota for as long as any high skill player has then this is not a question that maters, all you need is game sense of where enemies are or may be and what is safe to farm.

                                                      These games when you find the stacked camps in ennemy jungle with a pick that can clear them *_*.


                                                        I think it's better to learn looking at sth "perfect" than saying "what's wrong". I would like to see a "farming machine" way of thinking.

                                                        You don’t want coaching, you want to watch replays. What’s more they’re free.

                                                        CAESAR KING OF APES

                                                          @Ryan - yeah, esp. when I make tons of micro mistakes, can't combo as Invoker, and try hero to it's fullest limits (like yolo jumping into 5 people as Meepo). Like really seriously dude, you don't need to be Einstein that if I buy 1k account I don't do it to care about winning/losing, just practising. If I really tries hard, games would be similar to my last 3 Naga games (avg 900gpm in those 3).

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                                                            At this point I’m going to assume you are the divine 5 the 1k player won against from the other thread


                                                              why do u need coaching? so much free material to learn from these days


                                                                ^ yup.

                                                                CAESAR KING OF APES

                                                                  @;severe - to save time. Actually why do I even discuss (or more like explain why I want cookie, which is retarded coz it's my money) here, wasting time. Thank you for a reminder.

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                                                                    idk what is there to discuss, add him and ask for coaching if u want
                                                                    just pointing out coaching is useless if u dont put in the bare minimum effort yourself to improve


                                                                      i never been coached by him but i think you will be disappointed, because he will coach you about decisions making, positioning, and laning which you are not interested instead of 'perfect farming machine' plays that you're looking for


                                                                        here is game I made over 13CS/min



                                                                          w0w with that amount of cs you can paid all of u.s national debt!!


                                                                            Yep did u look how I did it :D Safe and easy way and knowing all the time where enemies are

                                                                            '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                              Ill coach u for £30/hr. I am very knowledgeable. Yes.

                                                                              '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                                Also for real buddy, if this is your main account and you arent a smurf, you are doing fine for someone with 400 games. I have friends with double your matches who are still herald/guardian. Dota takes time to learn, I have over 3000 hours and I am still constantly learning how to improve my efficiency and how to play in certain situations. Anyone with under 1000 hours in dota is a new player and has yet to get anywhere near their peak imo.

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                                                                                  I also have a 77% wr on Luna over 100+ games.

                                                                                  i was courious about this and oh well its all games played before 2k14 with 5 man tryhard cheese strats. no idea how u menage to end up haveing less than 95% winrate. ayylmao


                                                                                    How do you think anyone maintains an above 75% wr on anything ever if they’re doing solo and fair match making? Of course a bunch of it is cheese strats. Still had to win the games though.

                                                                                    I also didn’t play much at all 2015 through to mid 2017 so a lot of my game data is 2014. In fact, that’s why I was ancient 5 last season. What’s your excuse for not getting any better since mmr went hidden?


                                                                                      cookie has a twitch channel, something with cookie


                                                                                        this is cookie's discord,he's a good person so i'll advertise lol


                                                                                          but seriously that 1,1k am lasthits is insane from that gta guy,holy roly poly


                                                                                            by the way,considering how braindead my crusader friend was,and archon players that i meet i'm sure i can rape them even using a hero that i dont ever practice lol,they cant even lane properly srsly they dont even know what is itemizing

                                                                                            literally creeps walking+u gonna be like 20-0at min 10-20,honest


                                                                                              i litteraly have 880 gpm and 900 xpm average on 10 different heros with 9 wins on a 2k5-3k accounts.
                                                                                              my only loss was a morph game with a new player whom i was teaching the game
                                                                                              no matter the hero, even if you can't play it you'll end up winning because you're just better

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                                                                                                yeah,its almost impossible to lose srsly


                                                                                                  THINGS NEEDED TO WIN GAMES
                                                                                                  MECHANICAL SKILLS
                                                                                                  DECISION MAKING


                                                                                                    man why would u even charge 10 bucks an hour for coaching. honestly that's peanuts. you could make like 50 an hour teaching math to a 10 year old.

                                                                                                    chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                                      farming fast go zooooom