General Discussion

General Discussion1k games are harder than 3k.

1k games are harder than 3k. in General Discussion
'96 Neve Campbell

    I calibrated when mmr was first an addition to this game. Being new to dota I calibrated low, approx. 400mmr. I played some solo games back in the day and managed around 900 before i peaked as a newer player and gave up on ranked.

    With the addition of the medals system i thought i would give ranked another try, however valve benchmarked our calibrations based on our old mmr - in my case mmr which was no longer relevant to my skill level having played well over a year of pubs since my last ranked game. I calibrated as a Herald V in terms of solo and party. Party mmr was easy for me, i played a lot of games with friends of similar skill to mine and i had around a 80% win rate reaching Crusader, Archon and eventually Legend last month. Currently I am sitting at around 3500 party mmr and have settled around Legend II. Party games are simple for me. I play in normal, high and very high skill lobbies in a variety of positions and always I have no real problem with the games. I am still gaining party mmr and I believe that I have the skillset of a 3/4k player.

    Solo mmr however has been problematic for me. A couple weeks ago I decided once and for all it was time to grind up my solo mmr so it is more in line with my party mmr. At first I thought this would be simple, 1ks are notoriously poor at this game (so I thought) and I presumed gaining mmr would be as simple as my experience in party ranked - however this wasnt to be. Winning in 1k is far harder than 3k. Ive read all of the posts on how to gain mmr and how to escape the trench of 1-2k but nothing works. I spam heros that win mid and dominate the mid game however I find increasingly that solo mmr is a 1v9 where my team play like how you would expect of 1ks with little understanding of space, the map and farming patterns. The other team will always seem to be more on point, with rotations to my lane and a general understanding of positioning, warding and team fights. Despite winning my lane in practically every game ive played in solo ranked my team will be so poor that the game will be untenable. 1k is blighted by toxic players and smurfs which make winning reliably impossible. Even if I find myself on a small streak of wins I will quickly revert to where I was due to smurfs preying on the 1ks on my team.

    I know I am not a 1k player because I dominate and control the pace of my 3-4k party games and yet in the week that ive been trying to grind solo mmr I have made it from 950 to 1100 mmr and got stuck. I implore valve to allow for the recalibration of solo mmr. There needs to be an option for players to attempt to reset their solo ranked mmr in line with their hidden unranked mmr (again I know my unranked mmr is decent because I am placed into matches with fellow legends and ancients when i look for solo pub games). There are players in the 1k bracket which simply do not belong but are being held back by poor teammates, smurfing players and the tilt that comes with losing due to the crap that happens in the bracket. Something has to be done to help clearly under-calibrated players escape the pit of 1k because it is disheartening knowing that solo ranked games are always going to be more luck based than skill based.

    play for fun

      jeez i wonder how clq was able to win those games? guess he's some dota god then
      if u werent a fucking mongrel u could carry your games, 1k mmr and u die 9 times in one game? you have no understanding of this game and thats why u cant carry, stop being fucking reddit crybaby that wants to cry to valve cuz he fucking sucks. - losing mid to a fucking VENGEFUL SPIRIT as a broodmother - middle lost, vs a weaver xD - your item choice is absolute shit, 0 defensive items - 0 impact on the game despite winning the lane, again 0 defensive items - lost lane again, 0 impact
      want me to go on? you don't win in party because you are skilled, you win in party because you get fucking carried. i bet if i bothered watching any of ur replays i'd see u miss cs, not going for denies and not knowing what the fuck are u doing

      '96 Neve Campbell

        jeez i wonder how clq was able to win those games? guess he's some dota god then
        if u werent a fucking mongrel u could carry your games, 1k mmr and u die 9 times in one game? you have no understanding of this game and thats why u cant carry, stop being fucking reddit crybaby that wants to cry to valve cuz he fucking sucks. - losing mid to a fucking VENGEFUL SPIRIT as a broodmother - middle lost, vs a weaver xD - your item choice is absolute shit, 0 defensive items - 0 impact on the game despite winning the lane, again 0 defensive items - lost lane again, 0 impact
        want me to go on? you don't win in party because you are skilled, you win in party because you get fucking carried. i bet if i bothered watching any of ur replays i'd see u miss cs, not going for denies and not knowing what the fuck are u doing.

        The brood games I'll accept because I am attempting to practice brood mid since its a cheesy way of winning games. Those games are outright lost because I am not good with the hero but again the other games you point out are generally chalked up to my team failing me as opposed to what you wrote. Apart from the one game where i went 9-13 where we lost because the drow was fed a rapier within the first 20m of the game.

        The kunkka game was lost because the meepo sat in my lane sapped my xp which completely destroyed my early game and the storm game was lost a) because the weaver was a smurf and b) because the enemy team warded my lane and rotated whilst I did not have a rotation to my lane despite asking for one.

        Notice how practically every other game that you havent listed here I DID win mid and yet the game is still lost because the side lanes feed a potent hero or the enemy cores are smurfing once again.

        Suck my tiny curry dick
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            I am not gonna be salty here, but honestly you got boosted nicely just as I've been before this calibration. My party peak was 1.7k (that's around crusader 2) and solo 1.1k~. Solo is way harder because more often than not people will start raging and blaming others, arguing without a second thought, just accept where you are and try to climb your way up. I'd say my skill is somewhere around that of a low 2k player at best but hey I am still a 1k trash ;) Looking at your dotabuff I can tell you're simply playing wrong heroes, just pick the ones with highest percentage and you'll climb fast.

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            play for fun

              you dont get my point and u keep blaming your teammates, that's why you will stay a fucking teletubby. if u want we can give it a go - u give someone good ur account for few matches, or even give it to me for few matches and we will see if it's impossible to win games there? im sure there are some guys who enjoy stomping teletubbies like harold

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              Suck my tiny curry dick

                Any 3 or 4K can easily climb out 1k. You can’t because you’re a fucking braindead moron who should go play in traffic. Your mom really should have swallowed.

                Disturbed Jawker

                  Mb you should try jungle LC sir I heard some other intellectual had 52% winrate over 360 games

                  '96 Neve Campbell

                    Mb you should try jungle LC sir I heard some other intellectual had 52% winrate over 360 games

                    Sounds good why did i never think of that???????

                    Your mom really should have swallowed.

                    The irony of this coming from a 12 year old forum troll


                      i mean if anything you said was true then boosting services wouldn't exist, so clearly you learned nothing useful - or you started something and never finished it.

                      Cus i know a million players who watch a video and they instantly think they become masters of dota overnight without actually practicing anything.

                      Like you're quoting advanced mechanics like farming patterns but i know literally 0 players who have done my farming challenges and stayed in 1-2k mmr.

                      Just because you heard your high rank teammates who carry you in party use these advanced words like ''Space, playing the map, game sense, decisiion making, farming patterns etc." doesn't mean you understand anything about those concepts - otherwise you wouldn't get stuck in 1K.

                      So my recommendation is to stop honking your horn and learn what you preach.

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                        Try to post this on reddit instead :)

                        '96 Neve Campbell

                          Like you're quoting advanced mechanics like farming patterns but i know literally 0 players who have done my farming challenges and stayed in 1-2k mmr.

                          Just because you heard your high rank teammates who carry you in party use these advanced words like ''Space, playing the map, game sense, decisiion making, farming patterns etc." doesn't mean you understand anything about those concepts - otherwise you wouldn't get stuck in 1K.

                          Would love to know more about these faming challenges but I am using these terms because I DO understand the concepts. If I truly had no understanding of space, farming. etc then I would get trounced in every unranked/party game I play. I'm not claiming to be a god at this game as well cause I know I'm not. I just know that I belong in the bracket where i enjoy my party games and not the crap I find when in my solo games.

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                            just a tip,don't practice heroes at ranked
                            just play unranked,firstpick them
                            don't care even if someone tri mids you or something

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                            play for fun

                              you belong, belong in the league of legends

                              муки с рылом

                                I am your average 3k shithead who only wins on OP heroes, and I often smurf in 1k to raise my self esteem and stomp shit on autopilot. As it was mentioned before, you should be able to beat the living shit out of any Herald, and you don’t even need a solo carry hero like brood or meepo. Simply the difference in cs in lane and positioning would be enough to win even as a mid carry sand king

                                Suck my tiny curry dick

                                  Kys. You are a donkey fucking retard. If you are actually better than 1k trash, you would easily climb. Please killlll yourself.

                                  Suck my tiny curry dick

                                    Cntsss like you are the worse Just accept you’re a piece of shit at the game and play for fun. If you want to improve, accept that you’re shit and learn from your mistakes. People like you are the fucking worse as you can only blame others for your shitty plays. I hope a hobo stabs you with a dirty needle.


                                      ^you have issues


                                        Would love to know more about these faming challenges but I am using these terms because I DO understand the concepts. If I truly had no understanding of space, farming. etc then I would get trounced in every unranked/party game I play. I'm not claiming to be a god at this game as well cause I know I'm not. I just know that I belong in the bracket where i enjoy my party games and not the crap I find when in my solo games.

                                        Sure, if that's true then it'll take you at best 1 day to finish all my challenges - as you say you're not a god at it - but you know them.

                                        BSJ did the hardest farming pattern challenge in 2 attempts (950 @ 30), you should be able to do them in 1 day

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                                            Play DotA for fun. Not aiming to be the best

                                            Bonus: There is no Kill Steal in Dota 2

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                                              i have a 1.3k acc and i can solo carry games with SF even though im bad for 3k standards generally, very bad mid player, maybe a total of 5 SF games. Couldnt even land razes, just half way efficient farming with clarities and i had 3 times more farm than anyone else after 25 mins. In 1k people run around the map completely randomly.

                                              i even win as solo support underlord.

                                              Games in 1k are easy as hell, allies always buy correct items, no toxic people. 1ks realize they are bad and some inform themselves about new itembuilds, while 3ks always blame allies and play with itembuilds from 2016 (if its not their fault for loosing why try to inform yourself?)

                                              I even once saw a pudge use urn to cancel a blink of a tidehunter while taking barracks, i have never seen that in 3k :)

                                              i even won as mid disruptor.

                                              And honestly im not even tryharding, im flaming people like a madman. Only time i tryharded was the CK game

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                                                I know a dude at 600 mmr that cried so much about his team, then i watched 3-4 games he played. He picked sniper mostly, didnt right click his laning opponent (even melee heros) never denied a creep, missed 2/3 of the LH constantly and would always head on run into enemies and just die.

                                                Or as a support SS where he just for no reason at all runs into 2 enemy heros into the lane and dies, then spams pings on his carry that has an entire wave under his tower. i actually lost IQ watching him play

                                                2765 behaviour score

                                                  Gonna love this topic


                                                    when i first play dota in 2016 i get calibrated around 900 mmr, around 2017 i make this account and get 3500 ish, confident with myself i get back to my first account and manage to climb it up to 2000 mmr (back when shadow fiend was broken).

                                                    the point is if you are not boosted, chance that you winning 1k games are like 67% (if you real good probably over 80%)

                                                    my other account:


                                                      The games aren't harder but they are certainly more consistently bad. Meaning if you have a losing streak at low mmr you may have more cause to be tilted about how bad your teammates were and feel helpless etc.

                                                      Make sure that you have the "strict solo matchmaking" option enabled to ensure that you are not matched up against other parties who may be smurfing or just have better teamwork than solo players.

                                                      My advice is to focus on your own improvement and you don't need to always help your teammates if they are doing something that is clearly a bad play and will get you killed. I still struggle with this a lot even though I have a very solo oriented split push/map control carry style, I still find myself at times dying simply because I'm trying to help my teammates when they mess up.

                                                      My final advice is to try to find a good group of heroes that you can win over 55-60% with. If you can't win 60% with any heroes it's going to take a long time to climb. I was a total noob when I started Dota didn't listen to my friend who told me I should really learn the game before I do ranked and he was right. I dropped to 500 MMR before I finally improved to the point that I began to climb, if you find the right heroes and you're good enough with them you should be able to climb pretty fast. I've made it to 3600 MMR a few days ago but I still get a lot of bad teammates... some things never change just focus on your own improvement and try to learn how to best increase your chances to win every game.

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                                                      John Cena

                                                        大声笑我2个月前开始dota 2,并且能够在3周前的传说1中进行校准(当时我在中学时玩过dota 1)并且使用了巨人,传说和古人,并且在那些游戏中我更喜欢与我自己等级或更高等级的人一起玩不是因为他们更容易,而是因为他们压力较小,没有2个令人讨厌的执政官pinoys占据核心,因为人们会有一个大脑!


                                                          Im 3.8k-4.1k player. Im always going down and going up.
                                                          I just want to say having a mindset of 3k/4k doesn't means that you are 3/4k player. You still need to have the 3/4k mmr skills, IQ, decisioning. Being a 4k player, if you match me on 3k below. I can win upto 30 win streak. Party mmr and solo mmr is not the same. Also, If you have the mindset of 4k you wont be dominated by 1k, you can still carry your team even you just play support and turn to carry. My friend is guardian 3 with 1k mmr. I party with him using a account of 1k (borrowed) too and he become legend 2 after 3 months. Party mmr doesnt prove anything. Dont blame your team if you cant climb up on your bracket. The reason why you are still there is not your team, the reason is that you have the same skill as your team. Dont blame the bracket, its your bracket. Learn more play more unlock your potential dont play a lot of party games it doesnt improve your performance if you are always carried. BTW i checked your party games. You are always carried. Its so obvious you play a lot of support and when you carry you are still carried you just get some kills.


                                                            if you cant win 1k games, and youre saying youre 3k in party, most definitely you were boosted by your party mates, just have to accept that and improve, everytime my younger brother(who is in guardian bracket btw) gets in LP due to internet problems, i always play in his account to get him out of LP, and i have never lost even a single game in that bracket (10 LP games i think)


                                                              Blaah!!! Solo games are not even dota!!! Dota is meant to be 5vs5 with combo vombo play! Just dont play solo its not dota


                                                                You’re getting boosted in party MMR, to put it simply. How about this, you switch your 1K solo account with someone’s 3K solo account. We’ll show you how simple it is to ROFLstomp a 1K game if you’re truly 3K, and if you’re legit, show us you can perform in a 3K game as well.


                                                                  Welp in 1 k games i'm able to win with warlock mid , or even as a support cause without cs i'm able to not die and keep ganking , do u want a real hero that will win all those games ? Take the man , axe, keep killing them buy ward and smoke and never go to the jungle, teammates will follow u because u kill people don't worry about enemies, they are not able to farm the gold lost anyway

                                                                  '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                    BTW i checked your party games. You are always carried. Its so obvious you play a lot of support and when you carry you are still carried you just get some kills.
                                                                    I play support in party ranked because nobody wants to do it. I think pos 5 a very important position in the game and its important the support has a solid understanding of the game in order for a game to go smoothly!

                                                                    As I said in the my original post, its tempting to say that I was carried in party mmr but I only played with friends of SIMILAR skill to myself, we all grinded from 1k together. This also wouldnt explain how I am successful in my solo unranked games where I am usually matched with legend/ancient players - I almost always play core in my unranked games as well as experimenting with heros I dont usually play and I still win these games.

                                                                    play for fun

                                                                      dude just looking at ur ranked party matches i can see u struggle with people in just high skill, i bet if i made an account, got it into vhs and gave it to u u would drop back to normal skill after few matches. now i don't claim vhs normal games are something hard, rather u are just very fucking bad at dota. stop being in denial, you're not some godsent snowflake, a pro player trapped in a body of 1k trash, you are garbage in dota.

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                                                                        Stone Cold Steve Austin

                                                                          That's a bit of an exaggeration.
                                                                          From my experience, having a stable 70%-ish winrate is possible, but not 95%. Unless you manage to get mid solo all the time, and even then it's questionable because of random leavers, intentional feeders and stuff.


                                                                            dont compare 1k solo mmr games to 3k party mmr games. You are 1k mmr, party mmr is irrelevant

                                                                            I bought a 700mmr acc to smurf some on, and its 2300mmr now with 95%+ winrate. If you don't belong in your bracket, you will get out of it FAST

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                                                                            Stone Cold Steve Austin

                                                                              Please link me to the 95%+ winrate acc, I genuinely want to see that.

                                                                              Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

                                                                                Playing in 1k and 2k MMR can be frustrating, even if you don't belong there, sometimes playing few games in a row will lower down the performance you can dish out.

                                                                                However, coinsidering you are literally almost in 3-digit MMR range, it's literally impossible not to climb if you're decent at Dota.

                                                                                This account, was, for example very-low MMR when I got it, like, 2-digit MMR. I didn't play ton on him, I'm a decent player (4k mmr main), but nothing compared to 5k/6k players capable of literally having over 90% winrate in such brackets, yet I manage to win most of my games with ease.

                                                                                Just accept the fact you might not be as good as you coinsider yourself to be - meaning that carrying in 1k MMR is actually easy if you're competent and you know what are you doing.

                                                                                I'll link you few examples of me playing in 2k, high 1k and below 1k(sub 1k) so do the math: (coinsider the fact I'm actually not that good myself compared to some 5ks or 6ks that smurf daily), SO:

                                                                                2k MMR matches (high 2k range)


                                                                                1k MMR Matches (high to mid 1k range)


                                                                                Low 1k and below 1k MMR(your bracket)


                                                                                My point is that it's really not that hard if you're coming to climb open minded. Have a strong attidude, try not to get frustarted easily, don't have that dunning krugger attidude, because, there's no such thing as: "enemy team's got better rotations, they play better, etc"

                                                                                That's just not true, especially coinsidering that reason why it seems like that is that most of the time, you're likely refusing to actually support them, which is sometimes the difference between that "better enemy team"and your "feeding" team.

                                                                                I mean, nothing wrong with instapicking core, hell, check my profile, I still do it (even in 2.8k mmr), but then you gotta be on point with your plays, you can't just blame others for you not performing good enough.


                                                                                  As a 4-4.5k solo MMR player I have less than 40% winrate whenever I go party with sub 2.5k MMR. Sometimes shit is hard.


                                                                                    Lol is too short

                                                                                    Ur party members carry u accept it . If u cant carry a lost game with noobs (1k mmr ) U dont deserve to be matched with good players
                                                                                    A 4k player no no , a 3k player is a one who knows what he should do provided his enemies are trash , even if he has to do 1v9 . but he may lose , a 4k player doesnt lose to trashes (expect laning phase , but he will recover and fuck u .)

                                                                                    Back in 2015 i used to say the same things as u do , but then i got better at game and realized i was the problem . U are shit .

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                                                                                      While I disapprove of the pointless and somewhat cruel bashing based on low MMR, there is a point to bashing ppl who post these bullshit discussions again and again when the matter has been positively resolved countless times and the answer you seek is a mere google search away.

                                                                                      But no, it is always this same post with slightly different order: Some excuses for being at low mmr "I calibrated when mmr was first an addition to this game. Being new to dota I calibrated low", "valve benchmarked our calibrations based on our old mmr"; some anecdotal evidence of prowess "Party mmr was easy for me, i had around a 80% win rate"; a tacit admission of a problem "Solo mmr however has been problematic for me", "Ive read all of the posts on how to gain mmr and how to escape the trench of 1-2k but nothing works"; and a metric ton of unsubstantiated self-aggrandizement: "I believe that I have the skillset of a 3/4k player", "i played a lot of games with friends of similar skill to mine", "Despite winning my lane in practically every game", "I know I am not a 1k player because I dominate and control the pace of my 3-4k party games", "Something has to be done to help clearly under-calibrated players". What a load of wank. I read this post with little variation so many times I'm starting to believe it's just one guy, just hyperactive.

                                                                                      Here is a simple thing: MMR is not a measure of your skill, skill's too vague of a term to quantify. It's a measure of your ability to win games with same solo mmr ppl. That is the design of the metric, so if you are losing 50% of 1k games, then your 1k rating is accurate by definition.

                                                                                      Another simple thing: in your 1k games there are 5 "retards" on the enemy team and 4 "retards" and you on your team. So the only way to not win all the time is if you are being a retard yourself.

                                                                                      And the most important yet still simple thing: no one is good enough in dota. And I do not mean VP.No[o]ne is good enough. Literally nobody, including current OG (who were failing big time just a couple months back) is good enough. Watch some pro player streams and watch them make and admit their mistakes. Maybe that will help you get rid of this toxic attitude of you actually being in any way good.

                                                                                      And speaking of toxic attitudes, there is something you are right about - "1k is blighted by toxic players which make winning reliably impossible". Mute button nonewithstanding, I have to congratulate you on that observation. It is indeed correct. And do you know how I know that your 1k games have toxic players? Because you are one! Here is a transcript of some(!) of your allchat in this match:

                                                                                      4:16 Alchemist [ALL] parmaviolets how many more ppl do u need mid u sad c*nt
                                                                                      4:28 Alchemist [ALL] parmaviolets gg im done
                                                                                      4:29 Alchemist [ALL] parmaviolets end
                                                                                      4:40 Alchemist [ALL] parmaviolets might as well go all mid
                                                                                      4:55 Invoker [ALL] Anonymous pls dont cry
                                                                                      5:02 Alchemist [ALL] parmaviolets is this amateur hour?
                                                                                      5:07 Alchemist [ALL] parmaviolets 1v4 mid?
                                                                                      11:22 Alchemist [ALL] parmaviolets 3 mid againzzzz
                                                                                      11:26 Alchemist [ALL] parmaviolets sad
                                                                                      12:04 Invoker [ALL] Anonymous so sad..
                                                                                      12:08 Alchemist [ALL] parmaviolets what
                                                                                      12:11 Invoker [ALL] Anonymous u
                                                                                      12:15 Alchemist [ALL] parmaviolets that u cant 1v1 a mid
                                                                                      12:19 Alchemist [ALL] parmaviolets yeah it is sad isnt it

                                                                                      That is you flaming the enemy team for ganking alchemist mid in a game that you actually win!..
                                                                                      Here is the example of your allchat in an alchemist game that you lose(Match ID 4102020832, isn't parsed on DB yet, but is on opendota)

                                                                                      20:32 Alchemist [ALL] parmaviolets yeah ofc
                                                                                      20:34 Alchemist [ALL] parmaviolets the 15%
                                                                                      23:23 Alchemist [ALL] parmaviolets zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
                                                                                      26:29 Alchemist [ALL] parmaviolets pls report this pudge
                                                                                      32:05 Alchemist [ALL] parmaviolets gg
                                                                                      32:10 Alchemist [ALL] parmaviolets useless team as always
                                                                                      37:24 Undying [ALL] youtube//mJ~Exclusive Xaxax
                                                                                      37:26 Alchemist [ALL] parmaviolets fuck it just end pls
                                                                                      37:33 Alchemist [ALL] parmaviolets team incapable of playing vs riki
                                                                                      37:37 Riki [ALL] Anonymous ок
                                                                                      37:37 Alchemist [ALL] parmaviolets with a zeus
                                                                                      37:41 Alchemist [ALL] parmaviolets and a bloodseeker
                                                                                      37:43 Alchemist [ALL] parmaviolets so pathetic
                                                                                      38:50 Alchemist [ALL] parmaviolets great hero
                                                                                      40:45 Alchemist [ALL] parmaviolets g
                                                                                      40:50 Undying [ALL] youtube//mJ~Exclusive wahahahah
                                                                                      40:51 Bloodseeker [ALL] Anonymous gg
                                                                                      40:55 Alchemist [ALL] parmaviolets 4 uncarryabl;es
                                                                                      41:11 Pudge [ALL] Anonymous gg

                                                                                      That is the entirety of allchat in that game btw, you are almost all of it. And these are not just lucky ones, i checked like 10 matches of yours and you are flaming or trashtalking in allchat in every single one. If you were more focused on playing instead of gloating over 1k trashbags or justifying your impending loss to 1k trashbags you could have probably stopped being 1k trashbag yourself.

                                                                                      Let's finish with another juicy piece of allchat, shall we. Here, OP is complaining about brood, a hero he loses consistently with.
                                                                                      06:14 Queen of Pain [ALL] parmaviolets: what a stupid fucking hero
                                                                                      06:16 Queen of Pain [ALL] parmaviolets: k*s
                                                                                      08:16 Queen of Pain [ALL] parmaviolets: end
                                                                                      08:25 Queen of Pain [ALL] parmaviolets: brood mid and this team doesnt rotate once
                                                                                      08:26 Queen of Pain [ALL] parmaviolets: gg
                                                                                      08:45 Queen of Pain disconnected

                                                                                      What a glorious example of "winning my lane in practically every game" and the ability to "dominate and control the pace of my 3-4k party games", which surely is even more prominent in 1k trashtier. Oh, wait.../s

                                                                                      Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

                                                                                        "Here is a simple thing: MMR is not a measure of your skill, skill's too vague of a term to quantify. It's a measure of your ability to win games with same solo mmr ppl"

                                                                                        That's fucking bullshit and you know it. It's not a measure of your ability to win games with random people. It's literally measure of your skill.

                                                                                        Your M M R shows how GOOD or BAD you are at this game.

                                                                                        Anything but that is literally just writing down the wall of text for nothing. As Cookie said, if MMR is not equal to your skill ,then boosting wouldn't exist.

                                                                                        Your statment is just literally Dunning Kruger example aswell. " My skill is too unique so it can't be measured with MMR because I'm a special snowflake".

                                                                                        What a bunch of non-sense, LOL

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                                                                                        '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                                          i checked like 10 matches of yours and you are flaming or trashtalking in allchat in every single one.
                                                                                          And you wouldnt flame? I talk to my team in the allied chat and on the mic and try and be friendly as possible and 95% of the time the team are just toxic cause its the kind pf players you get matched with in 1k. By the time I flame in all chat its because I am already tilted by the lack of action or toxicity of my own team. I dont come out the gates flaming for no good reason. Believe me when I say enough matches of 1v5 solo ranked will tilt even the most pleasant players into flaming.

                                                                                          Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

                                                                                            "And you wouldnt flame? I talk to my team in the allied chat and on the mic and try and be friendly as possible and 95% of the time the team are just toxic cause its the kind pf players you get matched with in 1k."

                                                                                            No. You talk to your team like a fucking arrogant piece of shit and expect them to listen to you just because it says you're LEGEND instead of Guardian or Crusader, whatever.

                                                                                            Get over yourself, here, you won't find someone to circlejerk with you about how 1k is impossible to get out, because many people already proved the opposite.

                                                                                            Stop trying to defend yourself for no reason. Get better and you will get out of 1k in no time. Also, fixing attidude won't hurt.

                                                                                            Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

                                                                                              Nevermind, I forgive you. You're from the UK and as a bonus, you're a female, meaning you're just mentally unstable for this game.

                                                                                              All good.

                                                                                              '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                                                I find all these kids saying stuff like "you're just shit" or talking about how their imaginary account has a 95% winrate hilarious btw. I never claimed to be good at this game (I said I have the skillset of a 3/4k player which is middle of the road). I said I know I am better than the 1k bracket and that the 1k bracket is genuinely harder to climb from than 3k because it is a 1v5 with intentional feeders and smurfs! The purpose of this thread is to point out that solo ranked in lower brackets is torture even for people that dont belong - and that something more has to be done to help players who are performing above the level of their team in this bracket! The purpose of this thread WASNT to outright toot my own horn and claim to be a special case or gods gift to dota when I know that isnt the case! Read the thread properly before you post crap thanks!

                                                                                                Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

                                                                                                  "I find all these kids saying stuff like "you're just shit" or talking about how their imaginary account has a 95% winrate hilarious btw"

                                                                                                  I never said that I have 95% winrate account, but here, feel free to check the account I'm writing from. It has a pretty decent example of how a decent dota 2 player can do in low-mmr.

                                                                                                  " I never claimed to be good at this game"

                                                                                                  Nither do I. However, even tho you don't claim you're not good at this game, you re very delusional.

                                                                                                  "I said I have the skillset of a 3/4k player which is middle of the road"

                                                                                                  You don't. It's an insult for any 3k or 4k player to actually compare to you, because they actually deserved their rating, while you got your Legend medal by abusing and getting carried in party MMR.

                                                                                                  "I said I know I am better than the 1k bracket and that the 1k bracket is genuinely harder to climb from than 3k because it is a 1v5 with intentional feeders and smurfs!"

                                                                                                  But you are not better. If you were trully better than the bracket you're in, you wouldn't be able to lose as much as you do. And don't talk about stuff you don't know. You've never been in 3k, let alone 4k mmr. So you can't know how easy or how hard is it, because playing party in certain MMR doesn't mean you're eligible for 3k mmr solo-wise.

                                                                                                  It's called PARTY mmr for a reason.

                                                                                                  "the purpose of this thread is to point out that solo ranked in lower brackets is torture even for people that dont belong"

                                                                                                  Quite the opposite. low-mmr solo ranked for any decent player is quite enjoyable. You literally don't even have to communicate with your team to win games. Sometimes it gets frustrating, indeed. But not in the bracket you're in right now. upper 2k bracket and low to mid 3k bracket can be a bit toxic, but then again, it's toxic because of people like you. Brainless buthurt delusional dunning krugger players.

                                                                                                  "The purpose of this thread WASNT to outright toot my own horn and claim to be a special case or gods gift to dota when I know that isnt the case! Read the thread properly before you post crap thanks!"

                                                                                                  That's the EXACT purpose of this thread. It's just that when you're not competent, you can't even see what are you doing.

                                                                                                  '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                                                    You don't. It's an insult for any 3k or 4k player to actually compare to you, because they actually deserved their rating, while you got your Legend medal by abusing and getting carried in party MMR.
                                                                                                    Except I wasnt? The majority of my party games in my climbing days were duo queue with a friend who is currently an Archon. I would take pos 1 safe lane and he would take pos 2 mid and we climbed fast from 1 to 3k. Ive played my fair share of 5 stacks in recent weeks and months but my party mmr growth has slowed around 3.5k which is fine by me. Your account is not impressive its relatively basic meepo spam with a similar cross-board winrate to mine in low mmr. Also as I said earlier I carry just fine in my unranked games vs. 3-4ks. Since you clearly like to dig around for info on my profile why not just awknowledge the fact that I am clearly not a 1k since a 1k doesnt get 1000gpm from a lost alch mid lane instead of trying so hard to slander me.

                                                                                                    Suck my tiny curry dick

                                                                                                      Stupid female wh0res opening their mouth for the wrong reason.


                                                                                                        I mean if you were 3k you'd win every match out of 1k in 3 weeks, i don't see a point of convincing some random strangers on the internet.