General Discussion

General Discussion1k games are harder than 3k.

1k games are harder than 3k. in General Discussion

    Would love to try to play in under 1k bracket. Tried only 1300 MMR account in internet caffee and ended up winning first game with score around 20:2:30 in 30 minutes on support dazzle ending the game with deso, solar crest, pike and silver edge.

    If you are as good as you say you are, you would have 80% winrate in that bracket (as 5k/6k boosters have in 3k bracket). Recently met booster who had 94% in 150 games in legend rank on tinker. No chance even tieing the mid even as pudge was helping a lot with ganging.

    Ai has replaced me

      @op just maintain an above 50% winrate and play dota and you will get out. you are overthinking this. if you can't, then u deserve the bracket you are in. Mmr should go up if u don't deserve it. You are the only constant


        If you really wanna climb out you need to focus on a good 1v9 hero and spam it, there's no need to counter pick in 1k mmr, don't be like one of my friends that wanted to climb out by playing supports or "team" heroes. step 1: pick carry, step 2: stomp, step 3: profit?

        Suck my tiny curry dick

          You just need the right hero for your bracket.


            I guarantee I can play support Sniper in 1K and win


              ^Finally someone positive!

              All before .eXceL just tried to be toxic

              Soggy Coochie Enthusiast

                Ohhhh the dicks I'd suck for a 3-digit mmr smurf account


                  I go try that support sniper sounds fun as my previous supports I just havent yet tried sniper sup


                    I don't understand why people would bother about roles, meta, heropool, or noobs in their game. Everyone can buy wards and cour (at least 1 obs since its for your own lane), why people always expect other strangers to obediently listen to them, then cry if u dont get what you want. U won't need support if u are independent carry who buys anything important for your lane, it's a very good advice in lower bracket since it's stressful to pick support for 4 other retarded archons or below.
                    I remembered when I was 3k and I constantly buy all wards as solo support, it wasn't fun at all. Dota is supposed to be a game, so it should be fun.
                    It wasn't fun when you wonder where you should get gold without farming or killing, trying so hard to buy all wards stock, then the so called CARRY players throws the game (like a fucking good KDA Slark who thinks they're hot shit going solo enemy jungle at late game only to get surrounded by enemy team then dies without buyback). Everyone experienced something like that, that's why no one wants support in lower bracket. Even you yourself knows, then why you keep barking to other stranger to pick support and shit.
                    It's different now that I'm divine, supporting instead become enjoyable with responsive carry/midlaner who knows how to do their shit. I got golds for wards, cour, and utilities items since I can gank with my midlaner/carry/offlaner who knows that they shouldn't farm all day.


                      Dota should be fun??? Naah :D


                        bro don't play mid... i climbed from 1.5k to 2.5k in 2 months SOLO 7games/week just fucking safelane dude support is useless in 1k or maybe u can cry for supp and carry the fuck out of ur teammate. andd last one dont be a toxic player lul stop blaming shit u can't play in crus while blaming ur teammate they just throw...

                        imagine having 3k party MMR and then complaining cant win shit in 1k LUL

                        Akai赤井`(mode-fp mid)

                          Good morning :D


                            MulliPullervo is M-god

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                            SASA POPOVIC

                              keep the thread alive boys normal skill bracket is harder tha VHS!

                              play for fun

                                normal skill bracket is so hard i can't even stay there


                                  @.eXceL wtf I said before u not u


                                  before means they wrote earlier :D

                                  edit. u want to be toxic too??

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                                    Had just woken up so I didn’t read it right, I apologise! Will edit my previous.


                                      dude ursa empower set your attack to max speed or what? can i win as phoenix mid vs ursa assuming pure 1v1 match no gank and same skill ceiling?


                                        dude ursa empower set your attack to max speed or what? can i win as phoenix mid vs ursa assuming pure 1v1 match no gank and same skill ceiling?

                                        I'm not sure why you're not capable of looking up the spell yourself;

                                        Using his skill in combat, Ursa gains increased attack speed for a number of subsequent attacks.
                                        Cast Animation: 0.3+0
                                        Attack Speed Bonus: 400
                                        Number of Attacks: 4/5/6/7
                                        Duration: 20

                                        So no, you do not get max speed.

                                        Honestly your question about phoenix is moot because you shouldn't be playing phoenix mid. Not that there's a real obvious winner there anyway, but it's also one of the most retarded 1v1 matchups.

                                        Ai has replaced me

                                          Phoenix v Ursa is prolly a stalemate in lane. I don't see how either beats the other one.

                                          Marko Bulat

                                            Help bros! I just finished calibrating this account i got legend 1 but my mmr is 2700, i played perfect i just lost one game cause i wanted to meme Zeus with Pugna but i forgot that im not on my main and that these people are trash so i lost the game, no fun allowed! But why is my MMR in the sewers?

                                            Should i give my bro this account as it is or pump it to 3k as i promised like a good older brother?

                                            Harold the smurf.

                                            play for fun

                                              i think u should get it to 3k, not as if it matters since he will drop it back into 1k i bet but its important to keep promises


                                                @exCeL ty faM i'm tesTinG bot scripT

                                                Marko Bulat

                                                  Yeah but little shit dont want me to play my heroes because he thinks they will make him to pick them and flame him thay he is account buyer, stupid millennials, ill wait until he is back from school show him legend medal and hope he wont check stats kek

                                                  play for fun

                                                    if he checks then tell him that if you round 2700 it becomes 3000 and that 2,5k players are actually 3k

                                                    PERFECT TOAST

                                                      I took a quick look, and I'm sorry, dude, but you're sorely mistaken. Perhaps you do understand some of these concepts, but it doesn't look like to me that you can apply them in practice. A quick look at your profile and I can already tell you that you have this illusion of being a 3k player because of your friend, RockiRider, who has 3.4k MMR. Again, I only took a quick look, but I could see that when you were paired with RockiRider, you won a majority of your games.

                                                      Honestly, I feel you on this. I have a friend who hasn't calibrated in a long time, but when he was calibrated, he was around 4.5k. I would always think I was hot shit when playing with him and we did great. Then I would go play ranked solo and I got into 800 MMR. It was hell. I had this mentality that I didn't belong there, and it was toxic.

                                                      However, as soon as I changed this mindset did I see improvement (albeit not much, to be honest). I sucked it up and had the mindset of "well... I'm here for a reason" and started to look at WHY I was there. What I could do better. What I was messing up on. I immediately shot up to 1.2k within a month.

                                                      Another thing that may help you is expanding your hero pool. Your top heroes are all cores, with the exception of CM (who, arguably, is one of the easiest supports to play by design). Try more supports. Learning how to support better will help you be a better core, and knowing how to carry will help you play a better support. They go hand-in-hand. If you know what its like to be in the other person's shoes, you can better work together.

                                                      All in all, though, it really is just a game. Don't worry about it so much. Wherever you land is wherever you land. It is what it is. Just play, and naturally, over time, you'll get better with experience. Just let it progress naturally.

                                                      PERFECT TOAST

                                                        And also, just a disclaimer, not trying to flame you. Just being honest from my personal experience of being in a similar situation.


                                                          Why the fukc is this thread still going? OP already moved on and is back playing normal party games. (Conspiracy theory: prolly had matchmaking restriction of some kind. Circumstantial evidence: created and abandoned a smurf). Solo MMR is still an imperfect iterative first approximation of skill that still is the only thing that matters for matchmaking bragging rights. Medals (read party MMR) are still irrelevant. Egomaniacs are still gonna claim to be way better than their MMR despite there being no objective metric of "being better". Trolls are still gonna troll, smurfs are still gonna remain the scum of the earth and countless new threads are gonna get spammed with the same pointless shit.

                                                          It's kinda baffling that so many people supposedly playing DOTA, a game about adapting to circumstances, display such a profound lack of learning ability.

                                                          play for fun

                                                            this thread is still going because you just bumped it from second page


                                                              Hey, don't reveal my cunning plan mate, it's not like you are not playing for fun here yourself.

                                                              '96 Neve Campbell

                                                                I can already tell you that you have this illusion of being a 3k player because of your friend, RockiRider, who has 3.4k MMR.
                                                                Rocki is not the person I climbed party mmr with and we generally play for fun. A better look at my profile would also show that I usually outperform him aswell, despite me apparently being a lowly 1k scrub.

                                                                OP already moved on and is back playing normal party games.
                                                                This is funny cause I have won 5/6 of my last solo ranked games, the last of which being played yesterday. Apparently fucking around in unranked with some friends who are bad at this game counts as giving up now?

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                                                                  Yeah u have won and i have lost because I found idea to sniper sup from THIS thread :D


                                                                    1k is 1k
                                                                    2k is 2k
                                                                    3k is 3k
                                                                    4k is 4k
                                                                    5k is 5k
                                                                    The list goes on. That's the basis of the game. So what if you cannot climb out of 1k? Means you belong there. Not happy being 1k in solo-rank? Make a new account and calibrate it. That would be your best chance to get out of the 1k trench. Ez.


                                                                      1k is 1-10k
                                                                      2k is 2-10k
                                                                      3k is 3-10k
                                                                      4k is 1-10k
                                                                      5k is 1-10k
                                                                      6k is 1-10k
                                                                      The list goes on and boosting/smurfing goes on and on

                                                                      Marko Bulat

                                                                        If you think smurfs keep you in trench you are out of your mind, we move up you stay in the mud :(

                                                                        Saya Tidak Takut, Hadapi ...

                                                                          Pick a good hero for you, one that can comeback in any situation, mine was axe, also learn how to support. climbed from 800 to 3800 now.


                                                                            Im not trying to raise solo mmr just saying whole dota is broken because smurfs/boosters

                                                                            If i would want to play higher solo I just make new account of 3,5k mmr

                                                                            This account is for learning new styles in solo games and for partying with friends
                                                                            So solo under 3,5 is just for training and having fun

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                                                                            chicken spook,,,,

                                                                              why threads like this get attention

                                                                              Marko Bulat

                                                                                ^Shitposting is fun

                                                                                play for fun

                                                                                  ^this is too short (minimum is 6 characters)

                                                                                  Ai has replaced me

                                                                                    U could do what I did and spam techies for 2 and a half years and go from 2200 mmr to 4440 mmr

                                                                                    Ferd Blu

                                                                                      mind coaching me instead ? i am probably worse than her


                                                                                        ursa should get beaten by phoenix alot unless the ursa is a good player


                                                                                          Well, OP, why this convinient 5/6 wins number? Are you by any chance cherrypicking the facts here? Because out of last 10 (much more natural for statistical representation number) solo ranked games you won those very 5. Perfect 50% winrate, perfectly placing you where you are MMR-wise. And overall you have 47% winrate in solo ranked at 1k MMR with 4 abandons. If you were to stay and win those, that would have bumped you above 50% WR btw.

                                                                                          On a side note it is good to see you accepting the apparent nature of you being a 1k scrub, next step is to do it unironically. Then you will be ready for improvement.

                                                                                          In the meanwhile let me go actually watch some of your game replays to have smth more than just scores and item choices to mock.

                                                                                          play for fun

                                                                                            man don't watch the replays or you might actually die from laughter


                                                                                              Hmm I go watch some of em. I have watched heralds too so cant be so bad


                                                                                                That's the point. It brings new perspective to the scale of this delusion. It's legit funny when combined with the context of "easily dominating and dictating the pace of 3-4k games". Watching people forgo starting items, not block the wave, never creep aggro, miss easy lasthits, have full mana while getting harassed down to 15% hp and then combining that picture with "I deserve more k's of MMR" is unironically funny. Purge stopped his "Casting a pub" series, so I'll go get me some makeshift replacement.


                                                                                                  Pretty odd last solo game Parma had. Enemy had dual mid Storm+AM vs parmas SF and enemy had axe solo safelane vs solo Abaddon....and trilane bot. Never seen this in 1k before "next lvl of play"!


                                                                                                    Barely above 100 cs for 30 min as SF is just not optimal, that's first thing I noticed.

                                                                                                    Sec. is rushing SB without anything but boots and maybe a wand, not sure.

                                                                                                    She dominated the lane and snowballed, but it would be really easy for any competent player to take advantage she created, because she made lots of mistakes. I was watching that SF live.

                                                                                                    Even if she might not be 1k, I'm sure she's nowhere near 3k+ level, at best I'd give her 2000 MMR, or even a bit lower than that, depending on many factors.

                                                                                                    There's a lot of room for improvment, because she lacks some basic skills when it comes to laning. Any competent player would easily win against her on mid lane.

                                                                                                    Good thing is that she could improve and actually reach 3k+ relativly easily if she wants to study the game and listen to advices, rather than just shitpost and try to actually "defend" herself.

                                                                                                    Btw, I've seen some high 1k/low 2k people playing better than her, so no way she's actually in any range close to 3k mmr.

                                                                                                    I mean, I'm not a great player myself, but I currently sit at 3.9k and I'd coinsider myself offended that she's actually thinking that she's 3k MMR, because there's just no way she's anywhere close to my skill-level.

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                                                                                                    Ferd Blu

                                                                                                      AGAIN: if you really want to coach a below 1k scrub, just hit me up