General Discussion

General Discussion6k player offering help to un-stuck

6k player offering help to un-stuck in General Discussion

    Hello guys, I noticed alot of threads with titles similar to "please help me get out of 2k bracket" or "would someone analyse my invoker gameplay" so I decided to offer you my help, since I doubt there is anyone who knows better how painfull can being stuck in an undesires mmr can be - given I have made over 20 accounts and spent thousands of hours to get where I am now.

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      Any tips for increasing map awarness?
      I dont have the habit of checking the minimap very often, especially when im farming.
      Also what do you notice a player around my bracket or even higher generally lack or dont do which leads you to beat them so easily(not team related but as an individual player)?


        Regarding the minimap, that is the most commmon mistake made by players of your bracket. I often find myself completely focused on minimap while farming and using the actual map only to avoid trees and cliffs that are in the way of camps. 80 percent of my focus is on the minimap, positions of the creep waves, enemy heroes and the vision provided there is any. You should try to do this , especially if you are playing a hero that can farm camps with shift clicking such as luna or sven. As soon as you notice some crucial enemy heroes missing you should back away to deeper parts of the jungle or to the safety of your tower. Also you should tend
        To farm around the warded areas or the areas that have easy escape routes. The map awerness itself shouldnt be centered around heroes but arount positions of your own creepwaves. If your creepwave is pushed to the enemy tower and noone is defending that is a clear indicator something fishy is going on. So keep the lanes pushed , look at the positions of creepwaves and farm at places that have wards and easy escape routes around. As to I dividual player differences the most common mistake is not knowing the power spikes of the enemy heroes in the lane. For example a powerspike for a windranger matched against lina is at level 2 already so if the wr manages to get it before lina it can result in a clean kill, provided proper harrasment and positioning. The most common situation where I manage to outplay ppl even at much higher brackets is when I play a hero that has a huge power spike very early. Monkey king that hits lvl 2 and buys a 1st item orb of venom can easily kill almost any melee offlaner pitted against him. This way I usually get a huge advantage early on that leads to complete stomping of tbe laning stage. Ofc lasthitting and trading play a big role , and ppl at all brackets often simply underestimate their opponents ..

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          I feel like I nearly always win my lane whenever I'm supporting, but post 20 mins, we often slaughtered due to bad teamfight or simply roam where I should not be. Also, lately I feel like I always losing focus in teamfight (like clicking ground and walking to the center of teamfight when I was supposed to just observe and drop the AA ult blast location, clicking atk move rather than q w-ing as skywrath). How to improve mid-late concentration in game?


            First of all you need to understand your goals and your position and role in the enemy teams eyes. If you are a squishy support that has some scary stuff like aa blast or skymage-everything, you are most likely to be targeted. So unless you are a core skywrath or a middle lane aa (not cool) you should set your mindset to that of a spectator. Stay back , out of the action, let your initiators do their jobs, stay calm and aware of everything around. If u chase someone to cast a spell and you dont see enemy axe or sandking or slark, you are as good as dead. My advice is , ALWAYS try to stay out of vision as long as you possibly can, emerging only when your spell is needed. This doesnt apply to active ganking supports like lion or rhasta but you get the idea. As to concentration itself, try turning off the in game music and sometimes try to stop on some safe location, press hold and just watch the map around a bit .. that should help you stay calm prior the teamfights. In the teamfights you need to decide what is your goal. If you are a lion your goal is to finger that fucker after hexing him, and nothing else matters(no metallica pun I tended) do not panic and try to accomplish your goal. Doesnt matter if u die, u have a purpose. I think that way of thinking will help you get trough fights alot easier. Determine your goal, dont rush , let people do their jobs, and stop and watch occasionally.

            Ritsu x boni = 0 IQ

              Any tips for securing the core role for yourself during picking phase?

              Where is my Hu Tao

                how do you deal with meepo pickers. Almost every game the meepo guy is 5.5k networth at 10 mins compare to 2.5k to the other mid. After that it is just pick off after pick off. You will probably say gank him but not every team line up is suited to gank mid and ganking mid is really hard to pull off too. It isnt like it is meepo vs ur team, there is also 4 other enemy heroes to worry about as well.


                  Tips to boost mmr with pos 5 supp pls


                    Securing the core tips sadly...try to appeal on the fairplay and roll for it :/


                      On the contrary, a good meepo is very hard to gank. Not that you shouldnt try but keep this in mind. Its similar with a broodmother for example. Usual strat is giving up on a lane and focusing the others. Meepo is a greedy pick, he will either win solo or lose the game since he takes all the farm from all other heroes. The thing with meepo is , the hero has certain set timers that do not vary from game to game. When im playing carry vs a meepo I pause the game at 10 min mark and write In caps MEEPO DAGGER GATHER HERE or gather there etc. The best strategy for dealing with meepo players is predicting where hes gonna be. Also a team that pushes really fast or a midlaner that can dominate lane AND clear waves fast can take his mid tower quickly and focus on pressuring him in the jungle. Altho it is very hard to stop a meepo its not impossible. Especially a lastpick meepo. But if it isnt a lastpick then just pick ww sven ;)


                        Boosting from pos 5. Everything is in the pick. If you want to boost from pos 5 u need a supp that can take objectives and/or solo kill enemy cores with ease. Special mention to lion since he doesnt typically do any of those things but is a disable powerhouse. So, which supports. Shadow shaman, warlock, darkwillow, skywrath. If u are playing any other supp try to make space without feeding. Show urself far on the map,push the towers so the enemies chase you, be annoying and persistent. Just do not die in the process.

                        Emperor Xu Mail

                          As an Invoker, how the hell do i lane against Sniper, Kunkka, Broodmother, Dragon Knight and Windranger? I think my midgame is good, I do well in lane against any other opponents but this. I've recently switched to QW (being a sumail fanboy and seeing him do it). Will that help? Every invoker match I lose tends to be when one of these wankers come mid.

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                            You found the worst place to give such tips, most people here don't want to learn, they just troll

                            You'll learn to leave this place sooner or later, trust me.


                              no, we just troll pretentious morons like you

                              PRAISE THE SUN!

                                How do you deal with first pick ams or first pick pas.

                                Account buyers and such?

                                What to do if all core refuse to pick and the gold is counting down.

                                Retnuh Flim

                                  Mr Deek in Head how do i get better? I only spam lich trying to reach ancient 1


                                    Hey bro i really appreciate u giving tips to noobs like me ! My discussion may be long
                                    Im quite a versatile player and the reason im 4k is because of my well , good drafting . Whenever i get good on a certain hero it gets nerfed , so i just play all the heroes which has been my habit . Before that My hero solo centuar was the best shit . I can bet that spamming it i could reach divine easy . Greater than 70% winrate on 2 accounts . But when they changed the denied exp from 75% to 25% it changed the story . My stratergy was sitting idle against trio or duo until i get level 3 and they have level 2 . Rushing hood and spamming 2nd spell . When the sups make mistake going to gank since im just standing at tower . I go kill their carry . Ruin their lane like this and snowball other lanes when i get dagger at 13 min . Average game :
                                    But after exp change it isnt possible . I have lost badly in a row now with that old build :
                                    Even though i am flexible and have changed heroes . I would be glad if u could tell me some tips on how to make cent again my best hero . Which heroes , which build , and which playstyle Or is it just a fault of team? . Peace

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                                      Man this guy actually gives some
                                      Good advice. Subscribed!

                                      Potato PC

                                        Any tips to play IO?


                                          Select a different hero. That is my io tip.

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                                            Sure arin sure, how's that 7k matches 4k mmr going out for you?

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                                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                                              Cringe Complitation vol.23 - Bosntony Prideano DESTROYS Sad 4k Weeb With FACTS

                                              Wacth full VOD on YouTube:

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                                                hey,sorry for late response. Invoker matchups huh. Well ,you basically stated the hardest counters for an invo in laning phase. there isnt much u can do versus these heroes honestly. i myself tend to swap to utillity qw invoker most of the time vs windrunner and sniper. as for dk and kunkka i still think eq is the way to go since they have considerably higher damage early on. exort invoker has a huuuuge flaw and its his miserable ms in the early stage... so u have no way to catch a sniper or wr.. one strat is to buy a shitload of small dmg items like nulls aquillas and such. the other is trying to combine early lvls of wex into your exort u can tornado meteor coldsnap combo that rat of a sniper or purge the windrun. still qw does the same thing vs ranged heroes. also if you have a strong disabler heroes like rhasta or lion u should definetly go for full exort build and ask for ganks continually. vs kunkka and dk u might try to focus on harrasing them before they lvl up past lvl 3. another VERY IMPORTANT thing is to buy ALOT of regen. never run out of tangos and salves and you will be able to make the midlane a tie. versus broodmother invoker virtually has no impact whatsoever. given u might try to kill the spiders with some shitty icewall meteor combo but thats too far of a stretch. if its a broodmother try to swap lanes,go safelane solo invo instead a midlane and let your mid be 2v1 or 1v1 if u have some sven or smth with an aoe nuke. even offlaners are good to swap really depends on your team to react accordingly so there isnt much u can do exept ask and propose. so tips,BUY REGEN,buy alot of small dmg items like nulls aquillas,rush powertreads and dont be afraid to swap to qw invoker,its horribly underrated. (just a heads up,invo is really bad in this meta,he has no waveclear other than meteor and he has low base armor to trade with other heroes)


                                                  Cookie is a nice dude. One of the rare non assholes from when I played on US.
                                                  People like Jenkins are pretentious shits.

                                                  Us saying you below 5k plebs are bad isn't pretentious. It's you being delusional.


                                                    as for the fp pas and ams. Usually if a person fps a pa or an am they are tilted and/or certain that they have the capability to play the hero properly. Give them a chance. Dont flame. So what if he fped that hero, he aint gonna play better if u all flame him. Just supp him and try to keep it positive. And if the cores arent picking the supps definetly should, just dont panic...those 100 gold are 2 creeps man no need to make such a fuss about it..if noone is picking u go pick a nice fat versatile hero like ogre magi or sandking or spiritbreaker...


                                                      Cent is one of my best heroes too. The hero is amazing, trough the sheer fact he gets sooo much from buying pure strength items coupled with a dagger. This meta requires a dual lane so u should I nvite someone to lane with you on offlane. Sandking darkwillow tusk veno all sorts of aggresive heroes can work with cent simply cuz he has a stun and insane dmg output. Tiny cent and tuskar cent are probably the most cancer lanes I have played against xd. Give it a try with some friendly teammate. Ull have fun AND stomp ppl. I just want to add that In certain situations I play cent even as a solo hardcarry sort of speak.. he does wonders with early levels or early farm or both. Wich makes him veryyy viable everywhere


                                                        Io ah io. Fucking io. He got nerfed alot now so my generall advice other than mastering hero mechanics is to stop playing him as a defensive support that waits to save ppl from fog with his ult. Rather pick him with some strong fast mobile hero like wr stalker spiritbreaker and such. The meta has shifted io from a carry companion to a roamer companion and he should be played as such.


                                                          Mmm spamming lich sounds kinda boring. Try skywrath , hes alot better at everything other than controlling the lane equilibrium.. and if u want a specific answer ask a specific question : ) altho im up for some coaching live if you arent really sure what to ask.


                                                            And please i, I just wanna give advice here not to argue with toxic people, so anyone who has anything toxic to say about mmr that somebody worked for can fuck themselves. If u have a blue star and come here to call out ppl who are "worse than you" you are definetly a shitstain


                                                              Sure arin sure, how's that 7k matches 4k mmr going out for you?

                                                              i haven't played dota for almost two weeks, i feel great

                                                              how does it feel like playing hundreds of games against 2k mmr people? sounds like that's the only way you can get some validation


                                                                Well, the wait and see approach turns to be great. The only thing I missed is that waiting too long and overestimating your enemy response cost me some missed kill or those sneaky tower. Well, better calls come with experience, I think. Thanks a lot @deek in hand


                                                                  Lul arintard vs cucky

                                                                  going crazy about Hayley

                                                                    "altho im up for some coaching live if you arent really sure what to ask."

                                                                    can u help me reach ancient at least? i'd like some live coaching tho different time zones wld restrict that. or rather help me analyze some of my matches? are u okay with that?

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                                                                    ROAD TO HERALD 0

                                                                      OP, it would be great if you could analyse some of my recent games and give your feedback about my positioning, farming patterns, and decision-making.

                                                                      I would prefer live coaching sessions over discord or skype like how BSJ coaches.

                                                                      I will add you on steam and we can arrange something :)


                                                                        Should you help another lane as core necro offlane ? Or just farm until your item ready ? My team keep asking my help and blame when no help although they already trilane at bot


                                                                          help me with my farming techniques,what the hell do i even do wrong
                                                                          people that i watched on replays,after stomping my lane usually get 800 gpm++ EVERYGAME after stomping hte lane

                                                                          i just like get 600-700,wtheck am i even doing at midgame(its still a win,but i feel like it can be imrpoved)
                                                                          i feel like i got laning phase properly,i dunno about midgame and lategame
                                                                          it feels like i can't farm well enough at midgame and lategame
                                                                          its like,after laning phase and get items(powerspike and after my spike is over still fighting mode) i go fighting mode so completely forgot about farm(i did farm,but not as efficient as when i think about farming only) then after i die i would go switch into farming mode

                                                                          tl;dr im bad at thinking farming at midgame or lategame,where i already got my items and i just want to kill people,how to fix this
                                                                          even though it sometimes lead me into my death or something,and after i die THEN i realize i should just farm (sometimes need2-3 deaths too)

                                                                          im talking brood mid btw


                                                                            any tips on to decide when to push out wave rotate to jungle or stay denied in lane and pressure tower. 2. how to be better at harass by right click. (for midlane )


                                                                              We can analyse anything you want guys, just add me on steam and we will talk it trough, ill look at your replays and so on..


                                                                                Regarding the core necro, you should definetly try to rotate if your ult is of cooldown, given there is an objective to take on the lane you are rotating to. Nechropos isnt a pusher in the literall sence but any lane he goes to should be pushed immediately si ce he provides alot of sustain and kill potentiall to his team.necro is made to hold the lane and slowly whither it down, heroes and buildings alike. So if you are making rotations be sure to take objectives. If you thi k you cant, just stay in your own lane and farm, dont try to gank just for a kill or 2, no matter what ur team says. If you aint getting a tower or 2 u aint moving from your own lane , thats the way to play. Exept if ur team is getting dived then go help , but be sure you go back to your lane asap

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                                                                                  i just wanted to say this is such a great post and u'r giving pretty dope advice im so proud lol. i'll add ya on my steam i think we can talk about a lotta stuff :D

                                                                                  also a tip. cookie mentioned it a bit too harsh, but most of the ACTIVE population of this forum is trolls. i found out that r/learndota2 is a place where almost everyone is actually trying to learn. actually havent seen random toxic/troll moves in there from what i recall


                                                                                    Brood mid. Well first od all a 600-700 gpm is excellent and u shouldnt really chase those extra 100 gpm potentially sacrifising much more.. brood is a very very unique hero and she can be played many ways but. Ppl tend to play her solo solo solo. Change this. When you stomp your lane do not try tospread your webs to all the fadming spaces, but go to another lane and dominate that side of the Map WITH your team. There is a reason brood has a limit on her webs,8f she didnt she would controll the entire map unlike now when she can controll only half. So dont be too ambitious, and focus on clearing your half of the map whilst continually pushing. Sadly the hero is utter shit in mid to lategame even tho her talents got buffed for this exact reason. So , either win at 14 min mark with 800+ gpm or win later with less. Trying to have both is quite hard unless you have the micro of a god and some squishy retards that walk into your webs all the time solo..


                                                                                      The stayin in lane or pushing it out. Well this depends on alot of things, firstly, can you clear the jungle camps fast enough so you dont miss anything from the lane creeps? If not , dont try to rotate to jung in between waves. Secondly, even if you can clear them, it is much more important to denie your own creeps so the offlaner doesnt get lvls. This is the case if the offlaner u are laning against is very lvl dependant. So choose according to those 2 criteria. Altho this meta is 2v2 lanes so what I just wrote maybe cant be applied anymore. In case of a dual lane never try to rotate to the nearest jungle, they will know and they will contest you possibly killing you .. and pressure tower at all times without putting yohrself in tol much of a danger. If you cant denie all the creeps to enemy offlaner under his tower alwAys go jung. If there is no enemy on the tower NEVER go jung. For midlane harras, buy an early ring of protect , alot of regen and do NOT trade when enemy creeps are near you or when you are on lowground.


                                                                                        Thanks sia, add me for some talks man : )

                                                                                        going crazy about Hayley

                                                                                          omg. thanks buddy. can i add u on steam? plus can u also help me with my Terrorblade farming techniques & pattern (this is my main problem). i always search and observe TB divine players, from what i see, they are fucking so good at farming and balancing it with teamfights. always envy these Tb players sad


                                                                                            Sure dude add me and we'll talk there


                                                                                              did anyone say brood mid?? 0_0


                                                                                                How to improve as a carry player? I read your first post about safe farming patterns and now I realize how stupid I die farming risky spots. What about drafting? Is it better to limit my hero pool just to Spectre, Ursa, Luna, Wk and jugg with which im comfortable with? Or better to focus on counterpicking eg. Am vs storm? Should I focus on winning the lane and snowball or countering their cores? Sometimes you cant do both. Also sometimes I found myself close to a big item early eg. Bf 11 min but then I die like a tard. I die again and it is 18 min bf. Last question how to play a carry game when your team almost always pick no cc offlaner like Mirana or Wr and we end up with no good teamfight, what to do then? 1 more question if you own your lane with Mk, you proceed to roam the map with 1 item like sb or farm up bf?

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                                                                                                  1 last thing - I love gyrocopter but evertime I pick it I have problems with snowballing. No one makes stacks though I ask for it. Maybe Im just not good with the hero. Should I just forget about it and wait till next patch when he has at least more str gain? I feel he’s kinda squishy even with scepter bkb satanic you have not much more than 2k hp.

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                                                                                                    about drafting: niche the fuck down. the less heroes, the more focus. the more focus, the faster u get good at the game itself. then if u choose to add another hero, since u got good at the game itself u can learn the new hero that much faster. instead of trying to get good at 5 at the same time. perfect example is trying to pull 5 heavy balls on a cliff to the top. u can pull 1, get stronger muscles, then go next one, again stronger, and so on. or u can take all 5 balls and make it that much harder. u can even get stuck and not be able to take any of the 5 up at all! counter intuitively.

                                                                                                    counter picking and drafting is SUPER overrated in any mmr under 6k. u can learn how to deal with ur counters (check my brood games vs any hero u think counters brood). and if u pick a hero that u havent played a lot and know its ins and outs and details and matchups and strategy, to counter someone else, u might have made a +2 advantage for example. but not knowing the hero super good creates a -20 disadvantage. not worth (numbers are just to make the point)

                                                                                                    about the dying part, those really need to get analysed to see what u'r missing.

                                                                                                    for carry role, u actually mostly dont give a shit about ur whole team's lineup, cuz most of the game u'r shoving the lanes and farming jungle and making enemy rotate then do the same type of thing over and over. u barely fight. and the time u fight is when u decide u got the items and levels needed to fight and it's an objective fight. if u dont have cc u can plan to buy cc items. but anyway as a good carry u should be able to mostly seperate enemies from grouping up so u shouldnt have problems in fights all that much since there is not going to be actual fights. maybe 2-5 the whole game. even as heroes like ursa and clinkz u kill seperated heroes, not fight 5 v 5.

                                                                                                    the mk question is game sense related. u look at the game, and based on the situation u decide. there are a lotta factors to consider there


                                                                                                      u dont NEED stacks to win with gyro in a way that omg no stack gg. gyro is ur typical carry with a bunch of different stuff like ability to kill more than usual farming carries. again these specific stuff would need replay analysis to really answer. but generally, with gyro, if u cant kill the enemy, u focus on farming. if u can, u kill em. u dont force what cant happen.and he's a fast farmer. so if ur farm patterns are efficient u would be able to just outfarm enemy, force them to react to u shoving waves, take their jungle farm, when u'r strong enough or when a killable enemy is available u kill and u take objectives. u take more map control. more farm. enemy has less farm. if they fuck up they die. if not u farm they dont. and u just cage them in base. u farm up ur items take aegis all tier 2s wait for opening take high ground and end. if they're still competent before u take their high ground keep them at their base and keep farming and get whatever items u need then aegis and end