General Discussion

General Discussion[FAKIN URGENT!] They must update morph

[FAKIN URGENT!] They must update morph in General Discussion

    They must update morph, I think the best way is to reduce all the damage of his ult including the ranges. What do you think? Because morph is ruining the game all the time like tinker before.


      No and ur dumb


        @I am numb , I don't care how dumb am I XD

        Cheap Laugh Guy

          No, nerf DK instead.


            Srsly this forum was once a place, where wagamama even posted. What did happen? Only potatoplayers posting their stuipid ideas. 70% of all posts are:

            "How do I get vhs with my smurf."

            "Help my team is holding me back."

            John~ [Pos 1,5]

              u just need to stun the fucker


                Morph is pretty much trash hero ... With that stun nerf i havent seen morph win the game.

                one syllable anglo-saxon

                  wait until cardoor or ANELE win some games with watery boi and the hero will be all over reddit once again


                    fuck reddit and those guys. Morph is useless.


             just 1 spell on morph and he dead....

                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                        wow ure good dude, morphs stand no chance


                          Trash hero thats all ... unless u are verrry good player.


                            Spirit vessel literally counters the heck out of that hero like many others and is pretty cheap! PS hardly OP research counters item counters and you will improve!


                              if ure losing to a core pos 1/2 morph then ure just bad it can be good as a 3/4 through pretty tanky and a good stun with an almost good ultimate considering u know what ure doing

                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                man i wish spirit vessel existed a few months ago when morph was all over the place and every1 and their mom complained about him

                                would be a neat way to just counter him with one button back then and maybe they wouldn't have to nerf him

                                BUILT DEFICIENT

                                  You know Morph's highest winrate is 46% in 2k-3k and a 44%-45% everywhere else right? Morph is far from OP or game ruining, there's spirit vessel and you know, STUNS that make the hero obsolete.


                                    If hes op why didnt you all play him


                                      Morph feels very op vs low stun line ups, but yeah stun a morph and it is an insta feed.
                                      Hero will prob get a buff again since his wr is 44%