General Discussion

General DiscussionAbandon during Calibration

Abandon during Calibration in General Discussion
The Interstellar Potato

    So a teammate abandoned during one of my solo calibration games and I proceeded to play on for a while but after sone time I was sure my team was going to loose so I quit the game as well and I had a negitive KDA that game does this affect my calibration?

    The Interstellar Potato

      Update: I played 3 more games (All these games had at least one person abandoning the game after 5 min so were scored) and then my calibration had gone from TBD 5 to TBD 4, this really confuses me


        Yea no you're just fucked.


          Welcome to crusader bracket dude, people at this rank dont really care too much, they abandon often because something came up or simply rage quit.

          This bracket is like a prison, nobody here is guilty of their low mmr they all think they are divines captured in crusader bracket by a system glitch.

          IF you wanna climb out, then good for you, but then you gonna have to climb out from Archon trench, then Legend trench, then Ancient trench. If you survive that and dont go insane in the process then GZ you got a blue star and you have succeeded!

          So bottom line is nobody really likes their current bracket everyone wanna get out, GL& HF!


            Whats crusader


              It is a fighter in the medieval crusades


                No its not a fighter in the medieval crusades.

                A crusader was a Christian man called upon by the pope of Rome to go and reclaim the holy lands from the hands of the filthy sarassans. To free Jerusalem, to create a holy Christian kingdom in the east.
                A crusader was not necessarily a fighter, they ranged from peasants to priests, doctors, philosophers and all classes ventured east to liberate our lands


                  And it’s not an It. Its a He, you filthy dog they were our ancestors who foght and died in the name of the holy cross


                    Allah nambah wan Jesus nambah 3000000000 ^ Mosque>>>>Church

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                      A fighter doesnt necessarily mean a warrior. Omegalul

                      SASA POPOVIC

                        Crusader is a utterly trash player slightly better than Herald and Guardian that gives him that wind at the back but worse than everything else, orbiting around 1k MMR and think he is hot stuff if he has 1 more star than everyone else.

                        The Interstellar Potato

                          Wow I love what this thread has turned into

                          SASA POPOVIC

                            Welcome to dotabuff, you thought you gonna get some advices, but instead you get roast and "GIT GUD" ^^

                            Honestly if you want to get better buy coaching you are wasting time here.

                            This comment was edited
                            chicken spook,,,,

                              cringy like usual I see