General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is best role to climb out of trench?

What is best role to climb out of trench? in General Discussion

    A lot of people say that playing support will never drag you out of trench.

    If you are playing core, what position is the best to have the biggest impact on the game? Pos 1 carry? Or could you do more as offlane by disrupting enemy carry from farming, stopping their jungle etc?

    Opinions invited

    chicken spook,,,,

      anything you can play and enjoy using

      chicken spook,,,,

        hero choice matters more than position choice imo im sure u can figure out which kind of hero works the best


          Pos 1 midlane, every booster does this.

          LET ME COOK

            if you can play a decent support that performs well, provides good vision(know where to plant wards offensive or defensive) , acceptable rotations(know which lane to gank to provide an advantage) and knows how to counter-pick(eg: winter against lycan/tb/any dps heavy lineup) you can easily provide the necessary tools for your cores to carry

            as for getting out of trench, play your favorite role, i'd say offlane is the best role because you can easily stop the enemies from doing any rotations and like you said disrupt the carry from farming

            farm is relative and even though you are not getting much, if you're making sure the enemy carry doesnt get absolute free farm and you dont feed, you are providing way more impact than you think you are

            what really matters in most games is your farming efficiency and map movement (knowing which fights you can take and which fights should be avoided, which towers to give, where to be when you think you need to be there, etc)

            but most importantly is to have fun, if you truly enjoy the game you will improve before you know it

            remember to drink water

              Whatever you're best at but if you're equally good/bad at everything position one. Though sometimes fighting for carry loses you more games than picking support so idk.

              chicken spook,,,,

                mid is more reliable than safelane though, that's for sure

                Bill Cutting

                  The question I have is how do u climb playing on 200 ping?

                  Anyone managed this?

                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                    W/e you feel comfortable with. Your teammates will be as good as you, no better no worse, on average so everyone should just play whatever they are best at

                    Story Time

                      Pos 1 midlane, every booster does this.

                      COokie forgets that this advice is only for people who are consistently better at dota than their mmr bracket... 0% usefulness advice to OP


                        you grind by not last picking a silencer into MK

                        Story Time



                            I had a position 1 silencer in my last game get me outtttt

                            Story Time

                              feelsbadman, any other carry would have been better


                                Just gonna copy paste my response to another similar thread.
                                Most of this should still be valid to you.

                                Honestly speaking, there really is no point in focusing on trying to cheese your way or find some shortcut to climb up a medal to reach guardian 0. (Not like people are gonna start orgasming about how they're friend's with a god tier guardian player waw.)

                                As someone who's coached a fair bit for pay, ill give you some pointers.

                                You could try to do stuff like picking and spamming heros that are broken in your tier, but unless you improve as a player, its not like you'd be able to hold that rank picking other heros or playing properly.
                                All these random people advising you to "pick cores to climb" are delusional. The only time picking a core allows you to climb more than if you pick a support hero is if you're a booster, or you're ranked much lower than you deserve. (You aren't either of these things, Sorry to break it to you.)

                                Just try to get better as a player. Your rank will improve as you do.
                                Try to play a few comfort heros, (maybe start with 1-2 heros for each position)
                                And play them in each game. Get good on those heros and focus on the general gameplay aspects of dota. Its easier to improve generally if you dont have a wide range of heros which you keep picking from, and instead use a smaller hero pool so that you can focus on every other aspect of dota.

                                Most importantly, don't ever blame your teammates. Sure you might think they're worse than you or that you're being held back because of them, but the reality of the situation is, trying to focus on their mistakes isnt going to help you improve. You're not going to meet them ever again most likely anyways.
                                Focus on your own gameplay, because thats the one thing you can improve on which will help you in future games and in general.

                                Download any game that you died more than 5 times in. Watch the replay on your own perspective.
                                Ask yourself if you were playing properly, and try to notice your mistakes.
                                Whenever you reach the part where you die, slow down the replay speed to 0.5x and rewatch each death multiple times.
                                Ask yourself if you should have died there. If you were supposed to even have been there. If you accomplished anything with that death, etc.

                                And slowly, try to incorporate those things you learnt into your own games.

                                Or you could just spam mid ty and blame team for holding you back when you're secretly the next miracle, idc.


                                  Safelane carry I think, from legend to ancient check my profile

                                  chicken spook,,,,

                                    xod got it covered


                                      If you are the best player then it stands to reason you want all the resources of your team because you will make the most efficient use of it - hence why greedy mid is the choice of boosters. this argument only works if you are actually the best on your team and can regularly secure it though.