General Discussion

General DiscussionAt what MMR do people stop expecting the last pick to be a support?

At what MMR do people stop expecting the last pick to be a support? in General Discussion

    almost every game of mine they say report last pick if theres no support when the first 4 are carry

    Story Time

      i dont know because I first pick support myself


        Then don't be last pick lmao


          Its typical for normal skill ranked games and normal games where people dont care about win.


            A little bit above yours

            one syllable anglo-saxon



                Why pick support at all?

                casual gamer

                  just start first picking supports that fuck people in the ass and dont die, then go up 999999999 mmr ranked points

                  not arin

                    ^ can't confirm, doesn't work


                      5k? Not good picks though but at least cores get last pick

                      Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                        "ust start first picking supports that fuck people in the ass and dont die, then go up 999999999 mmr ranked points"

                        every game is a jakiro game