General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to detilt your teammates?

How to detilt your teammates? in General Discussion

    You are in solo ranked. One of your teammates is playing poorly. Another teammate starts tearing that "feeding piece of shit" apart. Your carry is pissed because he isn't getting the farm he needs... the stories are pretty much all the same. what are some things that you guys do to try and bring the game back/get the good vibes going again in tilt situations?


      play as good as you can
      mute the tilted team mate and advice your team to do the same to prevent him tilting one of you
      the best thing that can happen is that he goes jungle and you just 4 man or split push

      the thing with tilted players is that you don't know how tilted he is so avoiding communication with him is the highest priority, implying you are sure he is tilted
      someone feeding a few kills or missing some skills doesn't mean he is tilting
      try focus on anything but the mistakes your team makes from that point

      Mlada i Luda

        how do you stop teammates feeding, missing spells, dying under towers , buying retarded stuff, not pushing towers, afk jungle, ect ect.....? answer is the same prety much.


          there's nothing you can do.

          team feeds - you can only play as well as your ability permits

          team rapes - you can only play as well as your ability permits

          the common denominator is your.

          meteor hammer

            solo kill the enemy mid 4 times and inform your team that the game is a free win