General Discussion

General DiscussionContact/bug report to developer team?

Contact/bug report to developer team? in General Discussion

    I have not Dotabuff +, though I consider getting it when I start working. Truesight offers many tools to analyze your games. Now to the reason why I write this thread: I noticed that for example my last MK Game is listed as mid, although it was roaming. So I wondered if there is a way to report bugs to the developer team, because I like to help, at least by reporting bugs. Thanks in advance for your reply.

    Riguma Borusu

      It is not really a bug, it is just how the system works. You spent too much time mid to be considered "roaming", simply put. I have had games where I jungled a hero, but I walked from camp to camp so much and was chased by rikis/bhs that I was considered "roaming" when I really jungled. I also switched lanes a few times, started off safelane, then had a really hard lane, and switched with my mid 4 minutes into the game. And then the game said I was "roaming" when I was just dodging an increasingly hard lane.

      The system can't be perfect because it doesn't have some incredible insight, it is just what it is.