General Discussion

General DiscussionChaos Knight

Chaos Knight in General Discussion
Story Time

    1. Why is he picked so rarely? (despite his win rate)
    2. Is the first item always armlet?
    3. Can i avoid buying BKB on him?
    4. Is medallion a must have item?

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      He is bad against sven and not so good against the current meta heroes (lich, necro, veno, earthshaker). He is too dependant on his ulti to do damage but his illusions still get rekt by all the aoe.


        2. not always but majority of games
        3. yes, its situational
        4. not at all

        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          Armlet is really good so you should buy it unless you are against aa. Bkb makes you less dependant on ulti so trust your judgement on whether you need one. Not really. It is okay for mana regen but it delays your armlet.


            why not get the armlet? the main point of it is to give your illus STR and therefore damage.
            you can just turn it on, use phantasm and turn it off.

            chicken spook,,,,

              1. Underrated
              2. No
              3. Yes
              4. No but it's quite good

              Cheap Laugh Guy

                Illusion heroes aren't really great now
                The patch that increased dmg taken by phantasm illus was quite the nerf

                Story Time

                  I tried Ck on my smurf and it is basically a stomp every time. Medallion so far is very good = -14 armor and in 3k bracket people are not aware of how much it hurts

                  meteor hammer

                    aoe spells dont stop u from 1 shotting someone with rift if you seperate illus from hero 1st or use blink/sb

                    its just that for the rest of fight ur illus will be non useful or outright harmful against shaker/ww and the current stable of aoe damage heroes

                    u dont wanna pick him early in the draft i think but its a strong hero

                    medals core on 4 ck and imo bad on 1 ck.. u need slots for ur armlet/echo/treads and other items

                    Rogue Knight

                      I play CK too but his illusions are now a glass cannon early,mid and late game stages,and yes he is an illusion dependant.He is only good on right clickers with no AOE skills but talking about huge nukes like Invo,Es or Enigma and cleave (I'm talking to you,Sven) yes he is ez put down on the ground

                      Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                        1. Why is he picked so rarely? (despite his win rate)
                        2. Is the first item always armlet?
                        3. Can i avoid buying BKB on him?
                        4. Is medallion a must have item?

                        CK is good. I have a 74% winrate with him on 23 matches (and a 90% winrate since 7.00)

                        1. He is a slow farmer compare to other hero. His abilities are luck based. Stun is unreliable. His crit has the lower proc chance in the game. Even his ulti is a toss coin that gives you an extra illusion. If luck is on your side, your good.

                        2. For me, rush echo sabre instead of armlet. Gives you extra hp, attack speed, much needed mana regen, and the slow attack synergy with your blink. I'll go armlet I guess if theres a CM on my team.

                        3. BKB is a core item for him. Almost every game you need one. Don't skip it.

                        4. I think a medallion is a waste of gold and slot. Avoid it.

                        Dire Wolf

                          Well everyone pretty much explained it, but he's definitely not a hero you first pick cus then everyone counters.


                            Broken hero. If not countered & pressured really hard early on (which is not that ez), he becomes pretty much unstoppable. He might be unpopular because he is really boring to play. Armlet is a core item, even vs AA because of Phantasm.