General Discussion

General DiscussionIs pubg worth buying?

Is pubg worth buying? in General Discussion
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    Title. I have csgo but i never played it.

    Potato Marshal

      I'm too cheap to get it, I'll probably just try Fortnite instead since I hear it's pretty similar and free.


        only if your CPU is average good. Game is not optimized and there are some fps issues. Gameplay is funny and it is the only PVP that i want to play more than Dota.


          I don't think that game Will make you addictive as dota


            only if your friends also have it .

            its only fun in a group

            Giff me Wingman

              It really depends on what games you like and what PC you have. Personally i'd probably not get it unless my girlfriend wants me to. Pretty sure it's like Aion, hype at first, dead later.


                is it just me who only play free-2-play games on steam?...TT dota2, Black Squad, Paladin...TT

                Dire Wolf

                  Is it first or third person?


                    I play with my group of friends. I don't really see it being fun without them, but to each their own.


                      If you have the pc to run it then yes, if your pc isn't all that thennn no

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                        Btw happy birthday to me. Im turning 19. No such life achievments :/. No big mmr. No happiness. Sadlife


                          Csgo is good once u get decent buy esea and play on there.


                            Yeah^ csgo is extremely hard to get good at especially if you came from console shooters (cod, battlefield)
                            But once you get good it's a fun game. But csgo seems to be falling apart from valve not updating it


                              I’ll maybe try it when it comes to console . I actually prefer console but dotes can’t be played on it .

                              KDA ratio is just a number!!

                                Yeah pubg is the best game rn

                                chicken spook,,,,

                                  CSGO killed itself slowly by their shitty skillcap reducing updates ever since 2014


                                    Pretty addictive, you need a good desktop to run it without any issues (and you still might have issues). Still some pretty frustrating bugginess but for most users the gameplay makes up for it.

                                    Great break from Dota.


                                      I'd say it's a nice compliment to dota. Biggest thing is to make sure you have the computer to run it. You really do need a pretty good computer to play it without problems. Nice thing is that games will rarely last more than 30 minutes so it fits better into tight schedules and theres no penalty for just quitting.

                                      Oscar Goldman

                                        I really like to buy the game but the recent negative reviews about streamers getting players banned for shitty reasons and the fact that its still under Developement scares me...


                                          its good... many LOL moments too.

                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                            I bought overwatch (it was only 25€ for a short time) and its pretty fun actually. I had no games to play while dota is dead so its quite refreshing to play something else.