General Discussion

General Discussionis notail any good in OG right now ?

is notail any good in OG right now ? in General Discussion


    Giff me Wingman

      ofc he is, why wouldn't he be?


        i mean he never carry the game, he always plays a utility core that can teamfight and all.
        Og is way to dependent on their mid and they suffer a lot from it


          Thats what OG has been like since the beginning.

          Giff me Wingman

            Pretty much.


              notail and fly gona stay in OG forever unles it gets disbanded for some reason


                n0tail should leave. even resolution cant carry his worthless ass, sorry. :]
                hes like second loda for me


                  notail playstyle is much like mindcontrol in liquid , they both sacrifice their farm for other cores


                    notail isnt playing pos 1
                    its just not how og dota works rn


                      notail play like mind control with same farm but is pos 1 hero hahahahah

                      notail necro , notlikethis

                      loda is god for him loda actually know to fight good i never seen loda do poor in any game


                        He should let S4 mid and Reso safelane. I think his playstyle fit better in the offlane crearing space for the coresm


                          S4 can practice mid again. He was dominant I'm pretty sure it's in his nature to play it again.


                            s4 is versatile enough to play it, but i think theyd rather have a reso type figure in the mid, since they rely on it a lot
                            idk if its worth to put s4 back mid when reso fits them so well imo

                            Cheap Laugh Guy

                              No more 9k mid to carry OG NotLikeThis

                              ROAD TO HERALD 0

                                *IGN checks out*

                                That is all.

                                Palmen aus Plastik

                                  it's a different brand of dota. did well enough for them so far i'd say. Immensely successful team, wouldn't you say?

                                  Pigeon ( °□°) ︵

                                    what happened to ana?


                                      Take a rest for a season


                                        he sucks cocks, i am actually sad for reso, he plays really well, outplaying enemy cores, but notail always is so much behind that in the end leaves his team fucked. pls kick him out of team, maybe take me instead, i could play riki for og, gg ez.


                                          If you think notail is bad you are certainly bad yourself. Matumba played exactly the same as him throughout TI because it is the way you play safelane at the highest level now sadly.


                                            Current OG is still much better than navi xD


                                              fear has been picking AM and sven for arteezy.

                                              most hyped games for a long time. no more dumb veno, timber, necro safelane boredom


                                                w33 stack vs og game 2
                                                notail ember involved in zero kill at 22 min, 100 lh, lower netwoth than a chen
                                                Seems legit

                                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                  Playing well is not only about having good farm, its also about doing the most with what little you might have


                                                    notail is supposed to play a heavy fighter role, but this game man, this game...

                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                      You'd think people who can comment on how a pro player should improve his gameplay and playstyle to suit his pro team more could at least get a blue star. :thinking:


                                                        ^ like u ever have free farm on safelane , maybe in ur shit games yes

                                                        but i agree notail is shit


                                                          "Is Dendi any number yet?" - MMR


                                                            I just watched Dendi threw a game vs Team Empire. Navi play like a bunch of 3ks in pub.


                                                              gg dendi i cant belive what im watching

                                                              general and soneiko are fucking good , navi is so bad for them .


                                                                Notail is a god of tactical feeding. He's the anchor of OG that needs lifting.


                                                                  Notail won 4 Majors yea sure that guy is soo bad.

                                                                  pls ppl you dotn really understand how OG works as a team or?

                                                                  Notail is pretty much never playing a hard carry hero. That is his playstyle and its always been like this. he is always the guy who creates space for players like Miracle, Ana and now Resolution. In og those players are the real position1. The whole team works for them to get farmed not for notail. Thats just OGs playstyle and its always been like that.


                                                                    looks like og are slowly figuring out themselves


                                                                      Resolution is pretty new to their team and they maybe need to adjust their playstyle a bit compared to ana. Obviously that takes time. Instead of flaming one of the best and most successful players in Dota you should give them some time to adjust to the roster change.