General Discussion

General Discussionis valve matchmaking work like this ?

is valve matchmaking work like this ? in General Discussion

    give you good teammates for 3 days so you win almost every game that time then give you a bunch of "carry/mid only yet sucks" players after that ?
    i once hit 4.8k then dropped to 4.3k and 2 days ago i hit 4.8k again and after i hit my new peak (4848) the matchmaking sucks again man yesterday games tilt me a LOT.


      I hit 4905 then I dropped to 4130 then I went back up to 4744 and then I dropped to 4623,

      I noticed everytime I get a losing streak my first loss is because someone intentionally ruins the game by not playing because he ''didnt get supported'' ''nobody bought wards'' ''no ganks mid'' so they start griefing and you end up losing the game and the next games after get worse and worse.


        It doesnt. MM algorithm couldnt care less if you won 15 games in a row or have streak of 15 losses. MM takes your chosen language and server and tries to give you the most balanced game in a shortest time possible. You have same chance of winning 16. game a row or lossing 16. game in a row(atleast taken from MM perspective, I dont involve people going tilted in the game). Simple as that.

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