General Discussion

General DiscussionHow can i get my spanish teamates to push instead of hunting kills?

How can i get my spanish teamates to push instead of hunting kills? in General Discussion

    Idk man i win lane for my carry then we proceed to win mid gamebut they never push. If i try to push alone they dont come and the entire enmy team rotates while they afk farm/look for kill, this leads to us never abusing our advantage and we lose the game should i play core instead of support and just focus objectives till higher mmr then play support?

    True North

      It won't happen. There is no team in anything below <4K.

      Mlada i Luda

        yeah maybe till you go 7k, cause until there that shit will happen every game get use to it.


          ping them, draw arrows and then ping towers, works with any teammates and any language.


            pushea ctm hijo de puta o kiteo

            KDA ratio is just a number!!

              Draw a dick on the minimap

              死の恐怖 Haseo

                i though you said you quit dota and went back to ur league of lesbian?

                GRANT MACDONALD

                  Can confirm dick on the map works