General Discussion

General DiscussionQuestions about Behavior score

Questions about Behavior score in General Discussion

    1) In order to maintain >5k mmr your life must be close to being miserable. There is no way (unless you are very talented) to maintain 5k+ without playing every fckin day at least 6 games or more.

    Which normal person has time for that ? Everytime I start to get closer to 5k again, my life starts to be fckin sad.

    ^ 2) Hidden pool may exist. But your problem is probably that you are super toxic cnt in your games and make people tilt.

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    BSJ. LGD

      as a proffesional sandboxing lp clearer with over 100 lps cleared i can say with confidence that beh score does not matter. What matters is the number of reports and abandons you had over your past 25 games period. I was in high priority with 1k beh score and then got a nice little streak towards my 5k mmr on my alt.

      Hatrið mun sigra

        @Severe if I'm not mistaken that's shadow pool, which includes people who use sandboxie and even dodgers. Shadow pool worsen your game experience in the sense that it will take a shit ton of time to find a game, like 30+ minutes and often there will be 1 person who will, lol, dodge the game. Will link the post I got this information from if I'll find it again. Hidden pool is where ragers, intentional feeders and leavers end up. Here it's easy to understand why playing becomes a nightmare. It's kinda like Dante's inferno, you get what you give, pretty fair except for those poor guys who get abandons due to bad connection.


          There is no way (unless you are very talented) to maintain 5k+ without playing every fckin day at least 6 games or more.

          Hey i got 6k in 2 weeks after quitting the game for 1+ mont-

          your life must be close to being miserable


            So you must be talented then. Every 5.5, 6k+ players I know are like:

            Ordinary people without any perspectives who just play dota all day long. Dota consumes so much energy that they barely have it for anything else.

            Hatrið mun sigra

              @Jacked the fact that you don't understand shit about what people write doesn't mean their arguments are not intelligent. I linked the reply of a Volvo developer, not the reply of a random 1k derp. But you keep denying even that, I mean come on.
              Let's see what makes me angry, edgy kid:
              1) losing. Can't deny that, I'm competitive by nature and have no patience.
              2) retards. But not just low IQ people, low IQ people who are also frustrated and worthless, so what they do is try to bring people down in order to feel slightly better about themselves. But dogs can't be lions, they will always be dogs.
              3) and of course edgy kids. 2 and 3 usually go together.

              @Glass Sky I partially agree, since reports and abandons are in fact the reason why bhs drops. So bhs is just the mirror of how many abandons and reports you got, of how you "behaved".


                Acceptable response:

                Premise 1: im good at Dota
                Premise 2: I can still win because ppl in my bracket are worse than me.
                Premise 3: I can't win because I get more toxic teammates most of the time than they appear on the other team.

                Scenario 1:

                Evidence: no. Of games with toxic teammates > no of games with toxic opponents?

                *fail to provide evidence*

                Conclusion: I can't win because I suck dick.


                Scenario 2:

                *provides evidence*

                No. Of toxic teammates exceeds no. Of toxic opponents. Difference is not statistically significant.

                Conclusion: I can't win but that's because of random mmr variability that gives me more toxic teammates than the opposing team. My skill cannot compensate for this random variability - I suck fucking dick.

                Scenario 3:

                *evidence is statistically significant*

                Follow-up evidence: check behaviour scores of all players and find the difference in behaviour score of your team vs your opponents.

                *fail to provide evidence*

                Conclusion: difference is due to random chance (outlier) or something else other than behaviour score and hidden pool. Likely reason = I suck dick.

                Scenario 4:

                *evidence that all players have Low behaviour scores but equal on both sides*

                Conclusion: due to variability or some other reason. Shadowpool confirmed. But match making is balanced. No explanation for why I get more toxic players and lose other than i suck fucking dick.

                Scenario 5:

                *Evidence that behaviour score on my team average is consistently lower than enemies. Difference is statistically significant*

                Conclusion: you are right. jacked is a dumbass.

                As you can see. I'm struggling to find any scenarios where you come out as the intelligent one here.

                Feel free to contribute your ideas.

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                  You are describing scenario 4 without providing any evidence btw.


                    Conclusion is that u still suck dick. Am I wrong?


                      Um just in case you think the Dota developer link is evidence of any kind. I should remind you that this is about behaviour score. So....yea. Unless u can link behaviour score to hidden pool and provide matchmaking algorithm for that, go fuc.k yourself loser.

                      Hatrið mun sigra

                        @Jacked Oh my Lord you're more retarded than I thought, I swear to God edgy kid. We're entering the -IQ zone. "Link behavior score to hidden pool and provide matchmaking algorithm for that, go fk urslf loser dunning krueger a u t i s m gnegnegne". I. JUST. DID.

                        "Players who repeatedly engage in activities significantly harmful to the community ARE PUT INTO A SEPARATE MATCHMAKING POOL for two months". Harmful activities are enraging, feeding and abandoning: these three things lead to getting reported a lot, which leads to having low bhs, which leads to BEING PUT INTO A SEPARATE MATCHMAKING POOL. And you don't even need to get reported if you abandon, your bhs will just drop immediately. Bhs is the number that sums up how you've been behaving in your games, OF COURSE IT'S RELATED TO THE POOL YOU GET INTO. It punishes abandons really hard but gives the community the chance to decide if that player deserves to get reported, commended or if is just neutral. Or did you think Volvo sends people in every chat of every game to check how many times that player has said bad things to others? "Oh, this guy just told his teammate to kill himself. Bad boy, let's give him some punishment and put him in hidden pool". Of course there has to be some fast and immediate system they use to basically label a player, not only for his skills but for how he acts in game, and mechanically send them to ordinary pool or hidden pool. How do you think Volvo matches players when it comes to skill levels? The system looks for that small number that is MMR and matches them. Same thing goes for the pool Volvo puts you into: the system checks that bhs number and automatically decides.

                        And this is about everything, not just behavior score. Actually it's about nothing, since you decided to bring it on a personal level with random offenses like the insecure, sad fucktard you are. You don't believe hidden pool could even possibly exist and you got proved wrong, you don't believe bhs has any meaning and I gave you a rational explaination of how it works. Other people confirmed my experience and the correlation between reports-abandons-low bhs-trash pool. I don't have to bring any further evidence, and even if I did they'd be useless 'cause all you try to do on this forum is being as much retarded as you can so you can forget about your trash real life for two seconds. Other people have disagreed and nothing happened, it's their opinion, but you just wanna push the limits. And I'm toxic...
                        Go on with this show on your own, you delusional dumbshit, I'm not gonna get dragged in your twisted fantasy world any further, where in your mind everything people say is stupid, you're the omniscient among the ignorants and where people have to receive offenses for every opinion they give. Stop denying facts people bring and deal with fucking reality, you are nothing. Pretend as much as you want in here, you're a zero and you make it evident you feel worthless every time you write something.

                        And yah of course you're wrong. The correct answer is scenario 5 in fact, monkey. I talked about it in the thread I opened, giving tons of examples on how my teams were the ones with ragers, feeders and leavers. Brought precise and specific facts about the patterns of those games. I talked about the feeders and leavers, the fact that ONLY MY TEAM HAD 2 2K PLAYERS IN A 4K GAME, the fact that I got matched with the same guy who was on a huge losing streak (from 4.7k to 3.8k) 4 times in a row and other weird things. Go find it and read them. Then check the games I've mentioned and make a comparison between the teams I got and the teams I faced. Jacked is a dumbass. And sucks major cocks in a below average skill level. Now get lost for real.


                          behavior score isnt a factor for """""shadow-ban/hidden pool"""""
                          trust me, i have accounts that were one of the first to enter the actual shadow pool, you get there for reasons not attributed to making random teammates unhappy lmao

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                          basement :)

                            A Valve developer stated (, ‘We are making some improvements to matchmaking to put players with similar play styles together. For example, players who repeatedly abandon games before they begin, or intentionally throw the match. We want to ensure these sorts of players can more easily find each other, to increase everyone’s enjoyment of the game.’ Valve developer’s opinion > everyone’s here.


                              What if we are all shadowpooled and a small amount of polite and positive players only play together and with gabe and every time one of them rages they find a new player to become a part of the light pool

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                                lol stop wasting your time with cookie guys rly. he is the living proof of duning kruger he thing he knows everything only based in his experience which is the shitiest abovoe 90% of all dota players , just a retard duning kurger spamer, his only arguments about BS is that he have not experienced it and there exist no proives for, till now im reading a lot of proves from players that experienced it , including myself . the proves are there but you cant see cause of duning kruger sympthome ruining your view get out of your small world you delusiuonal kid.

                                Hatrið mun sigra

                                  @trust is a beautiful thing. In fact you enter shadow pool if you run multiple instances or dodge games sir :D

                                  @<3 Roshan Halle-fucking-lujah.


                                    1-whats this dunkinn krugin shit yall talkin about
                                    2-whats a sympthome
                                    3-why does every retard on this form end up finding his way to jacked and fighting with him


                                      Duuuude.....did that mafioso guy actually just talk shit to cuki god


                                        HIDDEN POOL DESTROYED MY ... 10 hours ago
                                        @Jacked the fact that you don't understand shit about what people write doesn't mean their arguments are not intelligent... ahahahahahahhahahahha i can alos aprove that 100% , thats recently idecided to completely igonre his comments not worth wasting even a sec reply to him trust me mi prety sure his IQ is under 80 which means autisem. why would you waste time to an autist brah, no one can help him not even god


                                          you mean cuki dog the most retarded duning kruger dota player ever lived?!!!!!!!!


                                            (ง ͠° ͟ل͜ ͡°)ง

                                            Hatrið mun sigra

                                              LOL @Mafioso I agree on what you said but tell your cat to stop walking on your keyboard while you're writing man, I can barely understand what you mean :'D

                                              @(TIBDP) sad king I think you meant "why does that Jacked retard always ends up finding his way to people who just give their opinions and fighting with them". It's called frustration.

                                              I didn't even know there was a "sempai" on this forum and frankly I couldn't care less. From what I've seen Cookie is annoyingly arrogant for sure in the way he expresses himself, but at least he just threw some random "dunning krueger" here and there, gave his opinion, saw a link stating facts and even if he probably still doesn't agree decided to abandon the conversation, like it should be. But other people here just have serious mental issues, jesus christ.

                                              And sorry OP for ruining your thread full of flowers and smiles and good manners with flame. **<3** No seriously, sorry about that.

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                                                HOW TO GIT OUT FROM SHADOW POOL PLS HALP


                                                  get rid of your acc, its almost imposible to get out from there once your in your fucked people will report you no matter waht even if you dont speak at all and play rly good , thats not gonna stop the autistic players to report you and lower your BS more.

                                                  Hatrið mun sigra

                                                    @Mafioso I thought about it but I have so many games and stuff on this account that abandoning it would be a pity. I know it's hard but after those geniuses I have as internet providers finally decided to move their asses and fix my connection after months of reports my bhs went from 2000 to 6200 and I've found more balanced people lately. I keep flaming from time to time but I just hope the abandons issue is finally gone forever so I can wish for a high bhs. GL on your games.


                                                      In fact you enter shadow pool if you run multiple instances or dodge games sir :D

                                                      yes exactly, behavior score does nothing

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                                                      Potato Marshal

                                                        Behavior score means nothing, I'm 10k and just had a match where a Shaker started feeding himself and couriers because he accused Pudge of stealing his lane.



                                                          @Potato Marshal, but he wasn't on your team


                                                            Awwwwww (((((


                                                              There are 2 kinds of people: People who neglect the existence of hidden pool and The people who are in it.


                                                                out of 100 ppl claiming to be there about 1 on average is actually hidden banned


                                                                  and 99 delusional toxic retards


                                                                    the paradox is that if the claim is true and hidden pool exists, all those ppl complaining about it kinda deserve to be tehre


                                                                      no sorry i dont read blog posts written by 4ks (read: autists) about sth that doesnt exist


                                                                        its not a 4k guy, its a dota dev
                                                                        the post is exactly 3 years old and it is about shit not related to BS


                                                                          im talkign to this hidden pool guy who needs 20.000 words to get his point across

                                                                          i know the dota dev guy post, and its for ppl that abuse sandboxes (if ure actually in there u usually get matched with bots)

                                                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                            so do u get shadowpooled for sand now or not?
                                                                            i saw some sand games on jos orofile recently but idk if it leadbto any consequences

                                                                            Hatrið mun sigra

                                                                              Where did you get those statistics from? Nowhere? Could be? A fair amount of people do, but 99/100? And let me guess, I am not that one lucky person who has the right to rant. Omg I just received another insult on the internet :'(
                                                                              A lot of people end up there 'cause of poor connection, so nah.

                                                                              @blum hm, and what exactly is the correlation between being 4k and being autistic? But why do I even ask, you as a 6k player are entitled to write every bullshit you want and not think for even one second that you might look like a fucking idiot. I'm sorry sir, I'm just a peasant. Please proceed in contesting what a Valve developer stated, despite not having any fucking clue of what you're talking about and adding zero facts to prove your point. But who needs facts when you're 6k. Why use your brain every once in a while when you can make that ego do the work for you and think with your ass.

                                                                              Hatrið mun sigra

                                                                                And of course hidden pool is somehow related to bhs. Otherwise I could state that MMR is not related to the concept of skill level.

                                                                                bhs : matchmaking pool = mmr : skill level

                                                                                Is it clearer without those 20.000 words? Do you want me to draw it?


                                                                                  It doesn't lead to consequences right away, no

                                                                                  i have 5 reports to use

                                                                                    I keep telling u fucks over and over. I was at 3 digit beh score at one point but had a clean summary and I had angels as teammates. I usually get griefers who trigger me to the point that I abandon the game. Case closed. Only recent reports/abandonments in 25 games count

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                                                                                      pretty much

                                                                                      im at 4k atm and every game i get english speakers who use mic


                                                                                        but i guess OP has a SPECIAL type of hidden pool

                                                                                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                          im at 4k atm and every game i get english speakers who use mic

                                                                                          annoying mic spamming сunts is a special kind of hiddenpool


                                                                                            u r retarded


                                                                                              lol. hidden pool?Shadow pool definitely exist's. I played thousand games and really had no complaints on my team mates. Yes wed lose its w.e but nothing truly toxic. After I decided to quit dota I threw many games and intentionally ruined anyones game who said. "we can win without you" or anything along the lines of we don't need you. Id be like ok welp im going to watch TV now. Anyway back to the point After I threw from 4.2K to 2.8K when I came back a few weeks later played the 3 games of LPP and got out. After getting out the number of shitstains was so high I couldn't even count. One player would rage. You spend 5 min get him calmed down only for the other guy helping you to calm him down begins throwing. Then the jungler who has done nothing all games jonis the band wagon and rages. in less then 2 min the game is over. Over and Over. On my return I cant count how many games I had to carry so fucking hard to barely maintain 50/50. Now after probably 250 games the players are becoming bearable. at 2.5K you can get reported for split pushing if the team losses in hidden pool. LOL

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                                                                                                the cake is a lie, just like Hidden pool is a lie.

                                                                                                This thread is fun

                                                                                                >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                                                                  It used to matter, but now it means nothing.

                                                                                                  Only thing is if you abandon a game, you will get shitters for sure.

                                                                                                  Just don't abandon and you should be good. Even if you have a 600 behave score.

                                                                                                  basement :)

                                                                                                    Haha, no wonder why Dota felt like hell for months. I have never rose above 4k behaviour score since they increased reports given since February. By that I mean, I consistently get reported and hence, get consistent shadow pool.

                                                                                                    So you must be talented then. Every 5.5, 6k+ players I know are like:
                                                                                                    Ordinary people without any perspectives who just play dota all day long. Dota consumes so much energy that they barely have it for anything else.

                                                                                                    I used to believe that until I started sleeping properly. I quit Dota for most of university this semester but was still exhausted daily. I recently discovered it was my terrible sleeping habits and unhealthy lifestyle that caused exhaustion. Since I fixed it, I can go for hours of Dota without getting tired. See and blue light effect on sleeping.

                                                                                                    the paradox is that if the claim is true and hidden pool exists, all those people complaining about it somewhat deserve to be tehre

                                                                                                    Not really. I originally got mass reported because of my poor gameplay. I was sleeping very poorly at the time and was overall very unhealthy, which caused that. I had never intentionally fed or ability abuse before. It was not until I had 100+ games in shadow pool, I started intentionally feeding and throwing. Shadow pool created the toxic player I am today. After experiencing so much exasperation and toxic behaviour, I just stopped caring and joined their ranks. Shadow pool is good if it works, but it is dragging innocents in and creating more toxic players.


                                                                                                    Just for enlightenment, Valve for some reason limits the amount of behaviour score that can be gained per 10 games based on the player’s current behaviour score. This is based on the conduct summary checking of the 500 games of Siltbreaker I observed (check my account). These are rough values. Below 5k behaviour score, a person can gain a maximum of 700. 5–6k is 300. 6–8k is 200. 8–9.5k is 100. After 9.5k is 50. If behaviour score was irrelevant, it would be very strange why Valve would pointlessly control behaviour score gain like that. Maybe, behaviour score determines how easy or fast someone can get shadow pooled?


                                                                                                    Anyway, Cookie and all the morons that were incredulous went quiet. HAHA. Hopefully, they have realized by now that ‘does not happen to me ≠ does not exist’.

                                                                                                    the cake is a lie, just like Hidden pool is a lie.
                                                                                                    this thread is fun

                                                                                                    This one is lost.

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