General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy are alot of people so concerned about their behaviour score?

Why are alot of people so concerned about their behaviour score? in General Discussion

    Title. And how do I get back my friends scammed items?? :( Will make another forum about it later.


      dunno about the behaviour score i dont even know what the hell ist / used for but about ur friend items its gone for good had happento me and contacted steam supp before with no help..... now just put the scammer account link here am 100% everyone in this forum/community hate scammers as much as i do so he can get reported and maybe perma trade ban tell ur friend to report to steam supp aswell.


        You get better teammates if you have better behavior score yourself.


          the only way to return scammed items is to submit a ticket to steam support witha s much detail and evidence as possible, but it takes them several weeks to respond sometimes, and if u lost ur stuff due to your own stupidity, they will not refund it. also, if its the 2nd time u fuck up in the same way, they will definetely not help. otherwise, you usually get your items back.

          ppl concerned about behavior score think it somehow affects the matchmaking (not true). hidden pool and stuff, u know (not to be confused with actually existing shadow pool)

          This comment was edited
          all role player

            i love my behavior score being so low. 3 death on mid type "GG I FEED"
            and everyone afk in base rofl truestory feelsbadman


              "You get better teammates if you have better behavior score yourself."

              Say wut?

              I have 9953 behavior score (the only 9k i'm ever getting) my last game: mid picked, offlane picked, lion picked, qop picked wants to support (h3h3), last pick? of course toxic bloodseeker jungler who's building afk aghs for 25 mins just to disconnect 10 mins later after having an argument with the team about his 'playstyle'. 2 games ago: bane wishing death to family members, 4 games ago: raging sf calling everyone a moron and idiot after losing his lane. Every game I play there's a griefer/flammer so no idea wtf is that behaviour score. 8 out of 10 games are unenjoyable; mid dies? it's: 'gg, nice team, no help, no ward, no support, i afk'.


                @triple. what do u mean existing shadow pool

