General Discussion

General DiscussionSome Heroes that you hate on laning stages or late game stages

Some Heroes that you hate on laning stages or late game stages in General Discussion
Rogue Knight

    Well, in this day, I just visited in topics, and alot of them are "I hate this hero..... " but what heroes that you kinda hate or dont want to be your lane opponent

    Me:Bristleback,Sniper or any ranged heroes


      Not really hate just a pain in the ass to deal with, heroes with invis.

      doc joferlyn simp

        T E C H I E S

        F U C K T H A T H E R O

        white boy summer

          bs early game
          axe midgame
          invoker lategame



            Pale Mannie

              i fucking hate it to face wd in lane with his braindead attackpoint, range and damage and cask if i go a centimeter too close to him.
              can deal with everyone midgame actually.
              cant deal with spectre lategame like wtf i tell my team to hit her with silver edge and noone does it or hits their supports with it

              Rogue Knight

                @Goethe ,I feel you bro👊


                  WR, Axe, Viper early game
                  Ember,Slardar mid game
                  Anti-mage,Spectre,PL late game.

                  주 롄양

                    silencer as babysitter

                    range, slow, anti agro, PURE DAMAGE AND U CANT DO SHIT COZ IF U DIE U GOT SOMETHING WRITTEN AS "-2" ON TOP OF UR HEAD


                      SF, Tinker, PA early game (No one ganks any lane in 1K)

                      Techies, SB, Riki, Axe All game (Basically everything that 1Ks have no idea how to counter)

                      Weaver late game (That cockroach is faster than BS with thirst yo)

                      >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                        Weaver. Max ms at level 1. Fuck off.


                          Zombi + 7.06A raidboss (BB) (Bristle)


                            Freaking Bane. real bullshit skill to screw your farming.
                            and the sleep goes well with alot of combos (Mirana arrow for eg)

                            This comment was edited
                            meteor hammer

                              teams that stack healers


                                Viper of course,he has no escape mechanism but u cant gank him all the time cause of supports roaming too


                                  I'm more concerned about my teammates than allies. As the saying goes, God save me from my friends, I can cope with my enemies myself




                                      Medusa's fucking snake is so annoying in lane