General Discussion

General DiscussionI fucking hate tinker

I fucking hate tinker in General Discussion

    I always have so much problems with that hero on the other team. He takes a significant amount of playing around and if it's a last pick and you dont have gap closers you are pretty much just banking on him fucking up to end the game. Any cookie-cutter solutions to deal with that shitty hero?


      Fuck him during the laning stage


        L o t u s o r b


          You can't fuck him in the laning stage. Tinker is a lane winner.

          Pick Spectre. Haunt can intercept Tinker split push attempt and Desolate still does damage upon missing.


            You do know tinker gets fucked by ganks? He has 0 escape


              Yeah Tinker, given enough space and farm, is a beast. He's pretty much the best 1vs1 hero late game imho. I mean what can you do against permahex+permadagon? You can all buy blademails and stand under his robots. And I'm gonna tell you a secret even some (most?) pro players don't know. There are ward cliffs in the middle of west and south walls above trees - those are exactly anti-Tinker ward spots.


                pick arc mid ez Tinker!

                >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                  Literally just blademail, but a lot of players (even in 4k+) do not know wtf to do against Tinker.

                  I even had 5k average games where the Tinker was allowed to just fuck everything up.

                  Everyone hates Tinker.

                  Tinker, Meepo, Arc Warden. Those are the most cancerous picks I can think of.

                  Aside from all that extra text, just Blademail, Lotus Orb, or make sure you have a Spectre on your team. She literally rapes Tinker in his robot butt.

                  Silence also makes Tinker's day hell. So Orchid/Bloodthorn ftw!

                  GL, against that cancer hero.

                  And not to burst Blurrybob's bubble, but a ton of people are aware of those ward spots lol


                    Umm practice doom.
                    My friend always get Rampage as Dion when enemy Pick Tinker lol


                      Just track him? Rape his teammates first?


                        Use treant protector, you can backstab when he try to tp and treant also can safely find tinker hiding in tree


                          Who has much more hate Tinker or Techies?

                          meteor hammer

                            blink + a disable skill or euls

                            wait in fog for him to blink into laser dagon or hex range, then blink and disable him and spam ping


                              ganking mid
                              slark is pretty solid counter for tinker, as well as riki

                              meteor hammer

                                slarks annoying as tinker but not game losingly so

                                if u havent won the game by the time tinker gets sheep slarks in trouble because that hero is very bad at surviving 2 sheeps