General Discussion

General DiscussionLet's talk about position 4/5

Let's talk about position 4/5 in General Discussion

    Pos 4 - What are the duties of a pos 4 from early game to mid game. How does a pos 4 get experience without leeching from a core. How to literally not feed my ass off early game by being ambushed by a duo. What makes me impactful?

    Pos 5 - How do I give my hard carry a good time in lane. When do I choose a time for me to do some ganking towards the midlane or offlane. What are the things I should be doing. I NEED SERIOUS HELP WITH ITEMIZATION.

    - How do I decide between wards and items? Say theres a single ward ready in stock. I have about 440 gold. I can also use the gold to buy my boots. How do I decided which to go for? Because I have a mindset of providing the best amount of vision I can to my team all the time which sometimes screws my item progression.

    - How to gain experience without leeching from the safelane carry.

    Kindly list the things I should be focusing on while playing these positions.

    Thanks :)

    Dire Wolf

      Don't worry about leeching at your level. The most important thing in low mmr is to secure the lanes for carries to farm. Don't roam until this is done. Zone out the off laner and pull creeps to keep your carry safely back but not under tower where it's hard to cs.

      Vision is as you need it. Usually ward tune spots so you can steal them uncontested or avoid if enemy comes and see ganks coming. Later ward in spots so you can push towers safely

      Cheap Laugh Guy

        pos 4 = roamer takes specific heroes to do the task, and OOV melee holders are easily pos 4, you can somehow gank and get kills for gold and exp at lvl 1 or 2 MK Riki Venge CM Rubick you just somehow walk out from the behind or upfront and kill enmy with your teammates, you just somehow do it

        pos5 babysitter u just pull creeps to make sure lane equilibrium shifts towards ur side so offlane enmy is vulnerable to ganks & ur carry is safe, then after pulling you harass offlaner, zoner might be good and you're pos 5 which means you're financially broke boots wand windlace then it all depends on the situation what is there to worry about ITEMIZATION ? pos 5 can't even afford TPs sometimes

        you lasthit the NC when pulling I guess? I hardly do that tho, I leech the fuck out of my carry xD

        And if there's 2 wards on the map and no one's ganking just buy boots

        Savvy Cat

          I suck at laning and carrying so I can't do much outside of supporting with position 4. I still lose a lot because I'm toxic as a king cobra on Mondays, but that's on me, as a person, rather than as a player.

          Anything that has a slow or stun from level 1 can roam; some less effectively than others. I have attempted this with Bristleback, Death Prophet and Alchemist... It went exactly as you would expect.

          Starting from no later than level 3-4, max farming skill, so you can catch up in levels after the laning phase ends.

          Use wards like a hunter uses a hunting blind.

          Buy courier and upgrade it as this goes to help win lanes on its own.

          Movement speed is important, but does nothing if the enemy you're coming to kill, sees you coming and reacts. If you can get in position to gank without needing movement speed early, then it becomes irrelevant for the moment. Smoke is a better early roaming item than boots.

          The safe lanes farm is less important than the mid lanes because the mid lane will win the mid game, which wins the safe lane time to farm, to win the game.

          Its okay to start with Dust of Appearance. It has a 20% slow mixed with whatever level 1 roaming skill you have to insure a kill for a core; minute 1 and up.

          Keep 1 Observer on mid with time stamps; pre game | minute 5 | minute 11 for pushing.

          Be level 6 by no later than 12 minutes. You can win the first 10 minutes of the game for your team with 2 levels on you, but after that comes team fights, rather than ganks on unknowing enemies. That means you will NEED that level 6 for fighting applications as opposed to the previous, simple, killing one.

          Build impact items like Solar Crest, Glimmer Cape, Ethereal Blade (defensive), Shiva's Guard, Lotus Orb, Blink Dagger, Gem of True Sight.

          Try not to pick this position if you have an afk jungler, as it means you only have 1 ally per lane to work with to get the kills; which is much harder than getting first blood with the hard support and then heading to camp mid lane or jungle one level and / or farming Bottle for further roaming.

          I personally favor Riki, Bounty Hunter, Venomancer, Queen of Pain, Mirana and Kunkka for this position, as they are high impact murderers with only 1 or 2 early levels. Spirit Breaker can be effective too, but I build Phase Boots on him, so my team is always starting something up with me when I play him and I have to respond with equal measure. Those always wind up as terrible games.


            pos 4 is not roamer.
            roamer is but another support.
            support means aiding your team and being effective at it while still getting your shit (items/levels).