General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat to do when being stomped?

What to do when being stomped? in General Discussion
Dark Hunter

    So i had a game where i played OD (ended up with 0 7 lul). The enemy team just went full pushing mode after like 15 mins because top was lost hard. What would be things you can do to counter this strat? I've seen it a lot where teams just start to snowball after like 15 mins and its impossible to stop them and you lose the game in like 25-30 mins.

    Do you fight and hope for the best? Do you splitpush (as od??)? What are some tricks i can learn to master to stop such a deathball or is it just impossible in most cases?


      OD is the most overpowered hero in dota 2 and still overpowered with just a rod of atopos and forcestaff combined with threads. how could you lose as OD? you can comeback as od helping your team win faster. you and your team should have a plan to win and sometimes some overpowered heroes like Zeus (strong nukes with veil of discord stronger than Puck), Axe (his terrifying armor growth and talent tree with his pure spin dance) and Morphling (with his ethereal blade just max out your agility and use ethereal blade a support can die without using any one of your spells just the ethereal blade) you cannot comeback with that unless your more farmed than them or have more pushing advantage than your enemy opponents.


        u can split push by constantly nuking the wave, know when u r safe aka whoever can kill you is within ur teams vision.
        farm faster, if they group up their farm and xp will be lessened, if u can maintain ur farm in the jungle and by split pushing then u can usually hold out, especially with shrines and shit.


          You ask your team to stall for you while you farm opponent jungle or split push. Tp back to base when your team is about to fight.


            Dont fight. kill creeps, and split push. Eventually the trades in buildings wont be worth it. And you can buy some time.

            Dark Hunter

              Alright thanks for the info. I'll try that ;D