General Discussion

General Discussioncalibration question

calibration question in General Discussion
Cʜᴇᴇsᴇ Kɪᴍʙᴀᴘ

    does losing matters cause i played 5 already i only won 1 i first fight 3.5+ now im fight 3.1 does it mean im doing bad

    Cʜᴇᴇsᴇ Kɪᴍʙᴀᴘ

      and im the one who only gets blame when i pick my hero


        yes if you are 3 25 as pudge you are doing bad.

        2 days ago i told you that you abused smurf detection to get a higher mmr, turns out you play like 1k and now you will drop to that mmr and ruin many games in the process.

        Have fun

          Losing does matter if u r playing in a ranked. Just have fun playing dota and don't care about how the calibration system works.
          U will always be there if u r belongs to the place where u should be.


            I suggest you spam only WK. You will feed 2x less deaths.


              Of course.