General Discussion

General DiscussionMassive loss streak at 1k

Massive loss streak at 1k in General Discussion

    I know the feeling of loving playing supports as much as i do. But reality is harsh, people who play support <1k, <2k, <3k tend to lose. If you want to grind mmr and escape those brackets, pick carry you most comfortable with or strong with the current meta.

    You can be greedy with supports, but if you die because of your squishiness, you just give them alot of xp and gold. Unless you can position very well and not die.

    The only way is to pick tank heroes, be greedy and try to support with them. Even if you ward, your teammates will still not notice the enemies approaching. They have no map awareness.

    You can still play support, it's just that your mmr will remain the way it is due to your equilibrium win-lose rate. But your map awareness and decision making will improve alot, making you a better support than most.

    As a remainder, if you want to escape your mmr bracket, pick carry. Make another thread to ask for best carry. If you only want to learn and improve, pick support or whatever hero that you want.


      Hey guys, first post. I need help in how to win dota 1v9.
      answer: you can't win 1v9 (means that u go alone to win over 5 enemies, despite u hv other 4 teammates, rite?). Dota is a teamplay game, except u r cheating...

      Recently, I had my mmr calibrated at 900, which is super low given that Ive won a couple of games at 2k, and won a majority of the 1k games that were my calibration.
      question: so ur 1st calibrated at 2k?

      Since then, I have been constantly having teammates who are very poor mechanically and at decision making, and have been having lots of trouble winning due to this. As somebody who play support a vast majority of the time this problem is even harder to overcome.
      advice: never play hard 4/5 position in lower bracket too often. since most of players at that tier hv a poor dota mechanics. maybe u r 1 of them too, no offense, but im in 3k bracket and still not good at that mechanics though. just learn and learn as much as u can.

      Regardless of how good an early game I as an often solo support set up for my team, they end up pretty much throwing.
      answer: most likely in 1k bracket i guess due to poor mechanics and experiences

      I am confident that if I was behind every of the five keyboards I would win at least half of the last 20 matches I lost. Coordinating with the team makes them offended at me, as was my last game where Bristleback not only refused to cooperate but specifically went against team strategy after I apparently ruined his mood, by not constantly auto attacking creeps in lane and going for last hits and denies instead.
      comment: indeed, communicating with ur team is the key, but the thing is...u need to know what core are u playing 1st. and remember, never blame ur teammates even if the game is awful. always use positive words like: i think, please, etc...and u will gain respect from others.

      So yeah, I need help on how to raise my mmr if my team are doing very poorly and refusing to cooperate.
      answer: trying to play mid to late hero, build midas, and try to gank kill if can. if failed go back to farm a bit and try again. 1 hero that i use and can play this well is wraith king. it can also play as support role, cos he got stun and lifesteal aura plus reincarnation. but wk is only 1 example, there are many hero u can try to boost ur mmr but not hard supp hero. every role in dota can buy wards, so if no wards u can buy 1 though to keep u safe while farm or gank.

      if u want to party with me just let me know.


        If ppl who play supports tend to lose support heroes would have sub 50 winrate. I suggest u take a look at cm winrate esp in low mmr


          if you wanna climb ez, start with,

          1. do last hit challenge in arcade, play TA, SF, Storm, Slark, sven, play last hit challenge all day for a week till you can get 70-80 CS and 40 denies as those hero's in the last hit challenge in the arcade.

          2. Play passive bot matches and practice Simply Farming AS TA, SF, Storm, Slark, Sven until you get 350+ last hits in 30 minutes without killing the bots. all those heros except maybe sf and slark can get 500+ last hits in 30 minutes.

          3. Read all of the hero abilities in wiki page till you know all the hero abilities.

          4. Read Chaq's ultimate solo guide to mid laning. Read everything on Chaq's Website

          5. Watch Blitz Storm video's on how to create space and force rotations.

          6. Learn how to play each mid matchup as TA, SF, Storm and how to play vs every other mid hero and which to one to pick best vs the other.

          7. Never feed just farm, take free kills, and push towers all the time.

          8. Train yourself over 10 matches to constantly be aware of where the enemy hero's are, whos showing and whos missing and what that means.

          9. put it all together and enjoy sailing straight to 3k-4k.


            @progressive no, just my party MMR is 1.6k and I get decent ish teammates and win consistently. It's solo MMR that's screwing me.

            I never flame my teammates, ever. I don't want dota to be a toxic game so I'm never toxic myself.

            Drengr, I'm currently doing 4 of the 9 tips you shared, thanks


              I basically got out of 1k by doing the stupid "farm -> fat -> win" mentality