General Discussion

General Discussionto every "MY TEAM IS HOLDING ME DOWN"

to every "MY TEAM IS HOLDING ME DOWN" in General Discussion

    So i had this kind of mindset for myself and it helped me a lot so i want to share this with you. Just hear me out.

    why is the dota 2 matchmaking system NOT broken and why is your team NOT the reason you're stuck where you are even if it seems so?
    Now prepare yourselves for the answer since it's a bit deeper than you think it would be. It all goes to your personality! At the end of the day a tiny amount of psychology could help you get out of your mmr prison! Not that when I say personality, I am not talking about how you communicate, how kind or mad you are as a person in real life or in game, or how much does it take for you to get tilted. I am talking about how you think of the game itself, you yourself and the dota 2 community. Let me clear this part for you by going a bit furthur and getting more specific in this matter.
    Everything in your life depends on you and how you think of yourself. Now this self acknowledgement gets splitted in 3 main parts; how you think of your current self, how you think you want to be (the perfect you), and how much respect you have for yourself. Before going all "AWW not these kinda stuff again ..." hear me out.
    If you dont think you're good enough to climb a bracket while at the same time you want to do so, you are going to suffer climbing. You might even fall down instead! Inside, you don't feel like you deserve climbing. Sure, you want to, but if you don't deserve it your brain won't cooperate since it only listens to absolute commands. So FIRST THING you have to do to get out of your little comfort zone is to change how you think of yourself. You're better than this. If people call you a noob, know that it's ok because everyone's been there and passed it. There's no reason you can't do it while others can. Do you have less of a brain? less of a body? or what? overcome the mental obstacles that tell you "you don't deserve it". I DESERVE IT AND YOU DESERVE IT, EVERYONE DESERVES IT IF THEY TAKE STEPS.
    SECOND THING is clearing out what you want of dota? I can't tell you how many people don't even know what they really want to gain out of climbing mmr. Is it just for fun? So why do you play ranked games and try hard just to get more and more triggered and angry and see the effects in real life?!! Do you want to go pro? So why are you just wasting time playing the game instead of finding ways to get better instead? FIND YOUR REASON. if you don't have a reason, you don't have a path to choose. You have to know what you want from dota so if for example you just want to have fun you wouldn't get angry that your mmr goes up and down since you only play unranked with friends for the lulz.
    Last but not least THE RESPECT you got for yourself is a very important issue. Would you constantly curse yourself when you do something stupid? Would you lower yourself to a person others would call retarded or whatever just because something went wrong by feeding cor and doing what you know is wrong? Or do you value yourself enough to ignore other players calling you garbage and noob because you know everyone has to start learning at some point and gets better by practice. Miracle wasn't miracle at the start. He got here by practice and tryhard dota. The truth is you probably got this "i'm garbage, i suck, etc" from other players, possibly better than you and you adopted it and that is a big reason why you are stuck where you are. Just remember this whenever these kind of thoughts accure to you: "There are always better players and worse ones comparing to you". You are not the bad one. You have some strengths and some weaknesses but at the end of the day you are a human and got nothing less than miracle other than things he knows. So it's not YOU, it's YOU from the inside that holds you down and says all it says that results in you being held back. It is time for you to let go of the "i'm garbage". Don't let it ruin you. You're a good player. You can become better and better just like everyone else. If anyone calls you noob of whatever, it does not matter. THEY DON'T MATTER AT ALL. Let them go!
    SO to sum that up, 1. You can do it! 2. You have a clear goal and 3. You are worth getting better and having higher mmr despite people calling you whatever they want.
    How many of you changed you picks after maps changed? How many of you changed your item progressions and skill builds depending on games? Why did you do it? Why didn't you play troll and sniper as much after 6.83? That's right, the map changed and everything changed with it. Playstyles changed and strategies and game tempos changed. And guess who chaned right after the map did? Miracle did, RTZ did, MidOne did. You get it? They know. They know if they don't keep changing, they are going to fall behind especially in higher mmr where people are playing dota as their profession and passion. Now let's forget about the new patches and relate this to you MMR! Right now you have a specific amount of knowledge of the game. This knowledge is most definitely far from complete and you know it. (everyone else's knowledge is also incomplete so stop whining if your teammates are really bad because that's just human nature and neither you nor valve can do anything about this). You learned this knowledge surprisingly less from playing and more from searching net and asking others and discussions! This means you can be playing dota 24/7 and hope you get better by just playing the same game. You still don't know that "same action = same result". What i would suggest you to do is trying out different ways to learn more. If people call "gameleap" or "pvgna" a joke, don't worry about it. Go for it as a test. Others should not be able to stop you from doing what is necessary to get better because of what THEY think about it. I have a notebook for dota and when I told this to my 1k and 2k friends they called me retarded but who cares? They're going to be in whatever mmr they were but I prefer getting higher mmr and better skills! You don't even need to pay any money to start learning. Just try different methods like YouTube videos and dota forums (like our little dotabuff community) and ask better players for SPECIFIC tips not just how do i get better because that is too general to answer. Ask questions like "when i play juggernaut i always fall behind in terms of farm. How do i farm more efficiently?". People tend to answer to these types of threads more seriously than a guy typing "i know i suck please help me get out of 1k". Also always remember, if you want better results, you have to do something better everyday. Change something small everyday and you both feel good about yourself and win more games, garanteed. Even if you don't win games constantly, there are ways to recognize why. ALWAYS LOOK FOR THE WHYS MORE THAN THE HOWS.

    Now i am going to give you some examples of how you could gain more knowledge and implement it in your games to imrove on daily basis.
    - Dota 2 Forums: Good active players with high mmrs could be found in forums. They are willing to give nice advice if only you don't try to be dank and just ask you SPECIFIC questions. Also look at other topics before posting because a lot of other people's questions are your questions too and even you might discover new material that you didn't even know existed! Also shoutout to my boys in the dotabuff forums keep it up!
    - Your higher MMR friends: If you have access to higher MMR friends, abuse this fact and ask them politely for SPECIFIC advice. Don't annoy them. Just ask them for tips and if they don't tend to like to answer these questions, don't push it.
    - Gameleap/PVGNA" I do not have any intention to advertise, but since these two are the only good pay to learn websites, i suggest if you want to invest more check one of the two out. It's not necessary to do so but doing it won't hurt! I recommend you to do the free suggestions first though!
    - Analysing game replays : This is the masterrace of the ways to improve. It has a lot of explanation on how to do it but to say how you should do it in general, you have to choose a hero, watch a pro play him on player prespective, note how he makes the decisions he does and how he controls his hero in each stage of the game, write all of it down, review it after watching, play the same thing a bit after you reviewed it, watch your replay now, see what you did right and what you did wrong, if you had the opportunity to go back, what would you have done differently in each wrong part, and write it down, later when you want to play again, review this, try to keep it in mind while you are in game, try to implement what you learned over time no problem if you can't do it right in the first tries.

    Alright. This was my little guide on how you could change a big of your personality to increase your dota 2 exp/time efficiency. Keep in mind that these are not the only things you can try to improve. These could be the basis of your information on how you should start. Watching guides, following meta, and a lot of other actions will help you understand the game better and better every game. Just keep in mind that other 9 players are not the reason you are not climbing and YOU are.

    Sincere regards, ---Sia---


      this is kind of an article so dont panic of the size xd


        no, u just dont havd to take it seriously and have fun and try to improve


          that's exactly a part of this. just know what u want out of dota if u want to grind mmr it means u take the game srsly if not why do u want to grind mmr anyway? you can play unranked and as u become better ur unrank hidden mmr goes up and will play with better players.


            or you could shorten it to 6 characters:
            git gud

            Mr. Jin

              That what I did to climb from 2.9k to 3.4k and still climbing. Ignore others that call u noob, anyone who is not in proscene has a certain level of noobisity. Even if ur early farm is bad, u still can comeback. I got 17mins but still got manta at 21mins. So I makeup for the lost.

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                Lets build a wall of text :D


                  @snake eyes exactly ppl give up too soon. u can also abuse that and play a pos4 hero and kill their cor, spam gg when u kill someone, all chat lol man nobody even tped and stuff like that to tilt a player out of the game!!

                  @drift ye xd i wrote it as an audition for skim to see if it could be posted in blog but i still lack article writing skills!


                    i have done it but i don;t realize that i have done it until now , from 3,1k-4,3k in 1 /2 month . i tell you if u know little bit psychology it will helps u a lot then playing 100 ranked match making


                      right?! ppl run away from these stuff i guess


                        i get what you mean, but how do you overcome the abysmally horrible core pickers in your games?

                        do you pick heroes like natures prophet or tinker so you can fight 5-manning with superior split-push?

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                          this is an example of your team not being the reason of your loss in majority of your games : *cookie's smurf)

                          and this is a 6k player's result in smurfing at 3.5k calibration to 5.3k right now in this amount of match so even in higher tier games this is the simple truth : (F!RE DOTO)

                          Ryan Gosling Fan

                            I just played this game. My puck startet with pt + Phase boots, my Zeus denied his items After 10 min. Visage Ruined my lane on purpose and Legion just trashtalk all game long. But After they noticed im Farmed as fuck and enemys are Hard noobs and also i gave Them some Motivational blowjobs we sticked together and just destroyed the enemy ancient. Just never ever give up.


                              :) noice examples


                                You cant blame your teammate if you dont have one xd


                                  This article is wasted here, would have been better off on Reddit.


                                    Yea, post it on reddit. Kind of too long for dotabuff. Good read anyways

                                    Mr. Jin

                                      Yup, nvr give up. I realize that the game could have been won if u didn't give up. Sometimes the enemy will become too cocky. Punish them. The time spent on typing could reap u another 100gpm. If u get a streak, u might suddenly become Donald Trump.

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                                      1-IceTea 🌟

                                        I started reading this yesterday,couldn't read all of it,and I finally finished it now.

                                        Am I using 1 day to read this post?


                                          @END the 4 core pickers are common in 2K - 3K line ups. Here's what I've learned, there worst situation that puts the team to when 2 cores decides to afk jungle. When you see situation like this falling in place just lose all your gold for the last pick, don't worry you will definitely get it since they want to go cores and they can't do much without gold.

                                          Now you need to pick an overpowered offlaning hero, the reason being you can shit stomp and shove the lane dying as much as you could to force rotations which will eventually create space for the retarded cores to grow and get some decent fighting items.

                                          And if your lane fails if you will most likely lose, cause the junglers will get punished when they realized you're no longer a threat.

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                                            nah, that's a bad idea sweetwater

                                            yo uhave to remember how bad lowbies are at farming, you should never put yourself at 100% their gameplay

                                            if you create space for them and they dont use it, you lose the game.

                                            you either make them take that space by forcing them to do it, or you just go farming harder than them


                                              @cookie I have nothing to positive to say. Creating space doesn't benefit the team cause they suck? then pick np get 8 minutes drums and treads and get you an entire lane of racks.

                                              I just went from 2K to 3K by doing this in 2 days. There's just certain amount gold in the map falls out for all. Don't be a stuck up and pick another core get pissed at lanes and most likely lose. The purpose of the game is to destroy the ancient and it be can be done in so many different ways. Once you realize you will no longer be trapped in your respective mmr.

                                              Mr. Jin

                                                U can always farm the enemy neutrals and make them poor. Juz make sure to get out when u think they are coming.


                                                  Snake eyes you haven't calibrated why you say you are 3.4. Lol your games are all normal skill. You'll be lucky if you are 3k :x

                                                  Mr. Jin

                                                    Based on opendota haha. Positive outlook. 😁


                                                      yo i dont got a reddit acc and i dont intend to make one if anyone got one be kind and post it with my name in the end tnx


                                                        i got normal skill games and all party (lost xd) games with my 1k irl friends in my gamenet acc and opendota shows me this : lol it's broken

                                                        Mr. Jin

                                                          But I'll get back the high skill before I calibrate. Since I got it before, should be able to get it again.


                                                            gl then

                                                            also to anyone who is willing to post this on reddit, put those two dbuff links of cookie's and fire's accs as the example of how your team couldnt be the reason

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                                                                Read 'Meditations'.

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                                                                  it's actually a part of this kitrak

                                                                  "SECOND THING is clearing out what you want of dota? I can't tell you how many people don't even know what they really want to gain out of climbing mmr. Is it just for fun? So why do you play ranked games and try hard just to get more and more triggered and angry and see the effects in real life?!! Do you want to go pro? So why are you just wasting time playing the game instead of finding ways to get better instead? FIND YOUR REASON."

                                                                  @cutnpaste can u tell me about the book and what it's about?


                                                                    What do I want from dota? I want to play with better people in solo ranked games. :D What you say to this psychology trasher? 'Object petit a' - jaques lacan. So hard to get something you really really want. You have to stop wanting something so badly. When you stop caring you can get it. But how that can be applied to ranked games in dota. We make full circle to bad team, and you just continue to spin until you 'die' from histeria, or so called 'toxicity' and 'cancer'.

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                                                                      so my friend suggested to write a tldr so this is it:

                                                                      Basically, if teammates were the reason you couldn't climb then others couldn't have climbed either. There are clear examples above. YOU are solely responsible and this you gets divided in 3 parts: Current U, Perfect U, and Ur self worth.
                                                                      current u: what you think of yourself. do you think you deserve to win? deserve the mmr? etc. if not, you HAVE TO change else you will stop yourself from becoming better.
                                                                      perfect u: do you know what you want from dota? is it just fun? is it going pro? is it just becoming better slowly through time? have a perfect u in dota so you don't get confused on what you are doing in dota. If you just want fun why tf are you playing ranked???!!!
                                                                      self worth: sadly every community has its own toxicity and a lot of times it results in people bringing their self worth down. DONT DO THAT. NOONE WAS BORN PRO. NOOB DOESNT MEAN ANYTHING. remind yourself that YOU DESERVE EVERY GOOD THING.
                                                                      then there are some suggestions you could use to improve your dota above that you can read if you're interested


                                                                        @Sia Sounds to me like ego, super ego and id of your alter ego...does that mean that community, game and your desire makes you more and more crazy? This must be solid foundation to some conspiracy theory.

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                                                                          I think youre missing the point

                                                                          I mean forcing them to do what you want

                                                                          If you just create empty space your teammates will fail because they dnt know what to do.

                                                                          Thats why my cm works, you enstablish yourself as a leader and you force your team to gank and push with you securing you the game.

                                                                          Space can be created by many ways. But using space is dofferent than just creating it



                                                                            well u do have to take ur ego up if u wanna improve. it's not saying lol im better than everyone else in my games but still i cant improve bc they hold me back. it's not thinking im shit so whatever and thinking i can become better.

                                                                            @cookie ye you either gotta manage them like kids and tell them how to do everything or u gotta carry the game yourself pretty much. i myself think i focused too much on managing team that i didn't focus on my own actions as much. balancing both is probably best


                                                                              You cant control your team nor attempt to till you learn to 1v9 at that region.

                                                                              Thats how i do it, i instapick my heroes and mute my teammates till i get 60%+ winrate in that mmr by constant spam instapicking.

                                                                              Then, and only then, i start communicating my ideas.

                                                                              Thats why my arc is so good, because i can micro 2 heroes while also commanding my whole team in a teamfight


                                                                                my problem is since i still dont have the time to play more than 2 or 3 games in a row i never got to play with the same playstyle and maybe only change some strategies depending on game. i pick like a headless chicken and don't have a comfortable hero i could always choose without getting triggered to play again after a loss. i think imma stick to my AM for now ... . and ye actually muting 9 is really good. i mute my team yet talk to them in chat for ward placements and if enemy's close and strategies and stuff but dont wanna hear about their ideas at least not in 3k!


                                                                                  @Sia what account is your main. Im just curious.


                                                                                    Go watch mid or meepo, then come back.


                                                                                      Shoutout to people who claim trash drafting as their excuse for being unable to climb out of the trench :)


                                                                                        i dont have a main since i was always one of those smurfing vhs dream boys. i had a 1k acc with 1000 hours of gameplay and i gave it to my friend a year and a half ago, i have a 3k acc which is my main-ish since it's the only unlimited one i have! i have a 4k acc that i lost the username rofl, i got a gamenet acc that i play with my friends on it since it doesnt need steam gaurd and my phone's broken so i can't access my 3k acc. and this one is just for trying new methods seeing how it goes and will it win games! and boy did it win games :D

                                                                                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!