General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat are good drills/ways to practice invoker?

What are good drills/ways to practice invoker? in General Discussion
Goblin slayer

    Should I spam him in pubs? Are there any drills I could do in lobbies so I can improve? I've played around 300 invoker games across multiple accounts but I can't grasp on how to truly dominate with him.

    People are really into spamming him so I'll try. Please help.

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      42% winrate lul


        I know i am crap but it always seemed insanely challenging memorizing the qwe combos, invoking them in the right order, landing them etc, having global awareness enough to hit sunstrikes, escape, drop ice walls etc.

        Bottom line is when people say they spam invoker because he is ez and its free mmr, i dont believe them unless they are 4k and are playing at 1k tier


          Voker is pretty much about positioning and using the spells correctly.
          Often, in the late game (any time after 25 minutes), I roam with Tornado, EMP + Ice Wall into Cold Snap CM, Alacrity for solo kills.

          Only way you can win really late (when enemy has BKB), is to hope your pos. 1 is just as farmed as theirs, push lanes hard with FS + Alacrity, get the jump on THEM with a Sheepstick, or get pickoffs with what I said before.


            play party mmr with your friends who are lower in MMR, I can't play voker for shit in my solo games but since my party is lower than my solo I can always get in a good practice without worrying too much about losing (my friends are dogshit bad tho)

            1-IceTea 🌟

              They are few wombo combo of invoker,Tornado to meatball to blast is most common.

              I saw a good invoker with tornado to ice wall to blast to ghost walk for slow down/defence,they are so many combo.

              Try to do it all perfectly and you will be better with him


                overthrow (temple, quartet)

                Dead Game, Don't Care

                  Nah, doing it on demo mode will yield you faster results in terms of muscle memory. Even pros will recommend it. For positioning, you can just download a high MMR invoker player and watch him position himself in teamfights. But I'm just a 3k scrub so you will have to test it yourself if you want to check its effectiveness.


                    dat 18 second tornado talent is truly annoying.

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                        I dont play invoker but, i learned microing, blink poofing meepo by practicing it in a lobby with wtf mode enabled. You have to improve your muscle memory for repeating the same moves hundreds of times. You can't do it by jumping to a match immidiately. Thats also how i learned visage and arc warden. Then i played some normal matches to test my skills after i felt confident with my skills. 30 mins of practice is better than playing 10 games for heroes like voker & meepo

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