General Discussion

General DiscussionCoaching

Coaching in General Discussion

    I take it

    Johnny Rico

      I am 2k but my hearth is 7k mmr coach me


        My solos are in vhs and party games are in normal ... Will that affect my solo mmr ? Coz yasp showed 4.2k rating when i was playing solo .. Now after lot of party games its showing 3.2k !


          You need to ax cookie about that bruh, i was born vhs


            I see you play mid lane a lot, can i add you and try a few 1v1's with you, so you can point on my mistakes? :)


              yes but can we do it tomorrow or the day after? i want to play with some friends rn


                Ofc, when its fine for you.


                  If you ever have time id enjoy a little help on getting better. I'm generally on 7-9 est. THink youd have to add me though cause it doesnt seem to work for me.

                  >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                    this place just recycles the same questions over and over again
                    ''how tu git vhs'' ''how tu jungle lc'' ''my team nub'' ''predikt muh mmr'' etc.
                    it has no progress, and you can't even start a good conversation because almost every player here is just NS
                    and the ideas they'll share are useless walls of text.
                    this forum REALLY needs other sub-forums and some private messaging system + quote notifications

                    That is what Steam and Steam Discussions are for.


                      ayato can you add me instead, i can't add you even though i kept clicking the add button


                        ok my net is back up, what game do you want me to look at


                          can someone look at my game and point out mistakes cauz I make many and I don't want to reach any higher skill bracket until I get good enough to reach there.


                   this please cookie :3

                            Ill try and coach as many of you as i can but ive been veeeery busy lately so sorry if i cant do much


