General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion

    i duno i always just buy ROA cuz i like the cheap stats n dmg. plus most slarks would get it and still have a good timing. i think i just miss way too many cs. or after 10 mins i dont get enough farm efficiently. in fact i just check i usually get sb around 18+ mins

    1-IceTea 🌟

      ^Even my Ursa and Wk SB are faster then your slaRK wtf xD

      doc joferlyn simp

        I think you just miss out on too much CS. I start with Stout + 2 sets of Tangoes + Salve + 2 Branches. Qblade immediately after I get my first creep kill, then after the first creepwave dies I get PMS. I get RoA at about 5 minutes into the game, a bit later if I got OoV because of two melee offlaners. Then at 9 or 10 I get Treads. After that I have Silver Edge by 25~, depending on what I spend on prior to that.

        With just Raindrops I either get my items 2 minutes earlier OR 2 minutes late, depending on what happens in lane.

        With Basi into Iron Talon I'm always at least a minute or two late but more often than not I win the game lmao

        1-IceTea 🌟

          That's not good bro,because I can 6 shoot your that you die in 1seconds after you get SB and I got Basher

          doc joferlyn simp

            Remember, level 7 is the optimal time to start on those neutrals because by then you've got max Pact and Shadow Dance. If lane is hard you can rotate to the jungle entirely, but every camp you need to wait like 2-3 seconds for healing. Also treadswitching is a must any way you play.


              licetea in my solo ranked games i would flame the wk who just farm all jungle camps and assert my dominance as pos 1 and take all the farm. but of course in party games i let every1 farm what they want to farm. i definitely miss out on a lot more because of the way i move around on the map. still, you play jungle into pos 1, so naturally i would get less farm. busy making space for your ass lul


                when i move into jungle, i find myself just clearing through jungle. or should i clear jungle and move back to lane, etc? or is just going through jungle faster farm?

                doc joferlyn simp

                  I think the optimal farming pattern for Slark on a semi-dangerous lane with no one hogging your jungle is pact lane creeps --> kill hard camp, small camp --> lane creeps --> hit tower for pressure since neuts won't be spawning that fast --> get bounty rune --> wait few seconds for neut spawn --> kill hard, small --> lane creeps --> rinse and repeat.

                  doc joferlyn simp

                    Clearing through jungle with Slark is a bad option and should be a last-ditch attempt to keep with farm versus a cancerous dual lane like Underlord/Abba, that shit's just retarded. Shadow Dance regen isn't enough to keep you on jungle indefinitely, and by this time all you have is Treads and RoA, if you are forced to jungle pick up a Raindrop because you won't be able to sustain your mana.

                    1-IceTea 🌟

                      Hey the SF got all hardlane camp clear all time,normally I won't touch the 3 camp near to both T1 not T2 due to the distance unless I want to def/gank safe lane same with Dire safe lane expect I will only leave Dire safe lane 2 camp .
                      Edit : SF 18K building dmg that match wtf rat king

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                      1-IceTea 🌟

                        I believe while lane you rotate jungle once clearing all creep and quickly back to lane on next wave (if it was safe) don't miss 1 LH on lane while jungle the farm speed is great


                          ^lul anyway that game we were really greedy, 4 cores trying to farm equally. they shoulda 5 manned us down sooner.

                          doc joferlyn simp


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                            1-IceTea 🌟

                              They do it quite early and we'll tho,but we got frog and tank king to slow them in a few push so nice rat SF xD


                                WK ember and disruptor doesnt exactly scream hg defence. i duno what were they doig. they had sd luna


                                  luna spam working


                                    Fuck off trash can't even touch my luna

                                    1-IceTea 🌟

                                      WK drag time and they got scared away because of our rat king SF XD


                                        kept getting "1v3"d in lane but never got punished anyway


                                          Kagami = Nick btw

                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                            I need to find a replacement for my 3k dreeaaaaammm.


                                              Have you won a 1v2 lane against cm tink as slark? Have you won a 1v2 lane as legion against lifestealer sd?


                                                Lol raj.

                                                I'm 3.4 btw guys

                                                casual gamer

                                                  i won 1v2 am against cm riki and they rage abandoned after my double kill at like 7 mins

                                                  it was on a smurf though and they were absolutely awful players


                                                    1v 2 lanes are sometimes easier in my bracket where they keep pushing the lane and always tr to be over aggressive and tank creep aggro


                                                      I was playing slark, the tink backs away after laser but i purge debuff with pact and pounce on cm, then kill tink with oov. I ended up getting a 1v4 ultra at 18ish min into the game lmao


                                                        And we had 2 junglers lol clowniest game


                                                          Idk what happened that legion game i ended up solo killing the lifestealer and then sd responded too late and i killed him too


                                                            Yer so gud raj. How do u have so much time to think about dota but no time to play it? I don't get it


                                                              Because i shud be studying but i dont. P R O C R A S T I N A T I O N


                                                                You're procrastinating by shitposting on a community where nearly everyone gets annoyed by you?


                                                                  im going to play the 1k acc and grind it to 2k using tinker ONLY

                                                                  pls show ur support by donating money in patreon xDDDDDDD


                                                                    and dont forget to like, comment and subscribe on my youtube videos


                                                                      I hope you'll get shred by Kagami


                                                                        The club will be great again when I come back to dota



                                                                          apoop is this thread's face

                                                                          xDDDD KAPPAAAA


                                                                            It's always been great before you came and it will stay that way even when you're gone 😏


                                                                                talon and qblade to a lesser extent is not very optimal on slark anymore


                                                                                  You havent seen my invoker 😏


                                                                                    Mine is worst i got like free hit and i cant cast spels. Funnily enough i accidentaly cast the correct spell when i want cast the wrong one. For ex the kunkka torrent a guy and i want to cast cold snap but i cast icewall instead and end up getting the kill while if i cast cold snap theres a possibility that he will live. I even need to see my hero to cast the correct spell.


                                                                                      1v1 me invoker
                                                                                      See who's the worse trash

                                                                                      1-IceTea 🌟

                                                                                        I killed invoker in less then 1 second


                                                                                          The rubick is pretty funny. I cat sunstrike too fast where if he walk like normal he wont get hit. And he juked and got hit by the tip of sunstike lul


                                                                                            Ez invoker lul

                                                                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                              I am such a terribad Ember Spirit player, it's so depressing actually. I thought I was doing okay 3-0'd the enemy SF but I failed mostly because of my slow mind and reflexes, so many lost chances to win the game lmao


                                                                                                Ember really ez in laning phase but hard to play well in mid to late game when he has to abuse his cool downs


                                                                                                  Its ok actually. Ember dont snowball as hard as other hero maybe hes one of the worst snowballed hero since i dont feel like he scale any good item aside from octa and veil and bot. Mjust some tips do roam a lot after lv 10. Normally you can get a kill then push tower with that and kill anyone that tp. And ofc by level 8 your skill build should be 2-1-4-1 the early point in sleight help me a lot

                                                                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                                    Ember really ez in laning phase but hard to play well in mid to late game when he has to abuse his cool downs

                                                                                                    Is this common knowledge or something? I just realized this now lmao


                                                                                                      Well you'll just realize it when u play the hero.