General Discussion

General DiscussionStrange bug or virus?

Strange bug or virus? in General Discussion

    So recently I found out my Skype was compromised and I'd sent mass messages containing a phishing link to everyone on my contacts. I ran a full scan, removed some things and deleted the app anyway because I barely use it.

    Today however, whilst in a game I couldn't click whatsoever in the bottom right hand corner of the Dota HUD. This wasn't because of dota (I tabbed out of the game and still had the same problem in other apps). I also noticed for the first time that my location was being shared (windows 10). I've since disabled the location sharing thing but could this be some malware or spyware on my pc? anyone with any knowledge please help!



      Could be a keylogger or a RAT, or it could be that you use the same passwords on multiple sites that you use for your email. If a site got hacked and the database was compromised, they can look at the email and the password and attempt to log in to websites using your details, especially your email.

      Check your appdata folder for any suspicious files, usually keyloggers and rat's are hiding in there.


        Why don't you simply do a clean reinstall?


          The Skype thing sounds like Someone found out your password and logged onto your account.
          The Bottom Right corner thing is some Software notification thing that bugged out from the sound if it. I had a Similar issue when I was playing Dota and suddenly wasn't able to click the bottom right corner. When I tabbed out it turned out that it was a Dell notification saying I had an Update for some Dell software. It didn't Visually appear in game, but it's click area was in front of the game so you couldn't use the bottom right corner in any App until you closed that notification.
          I'm not sure about the Location thing. I think that might be on by default (Or it may have been activated by a Windows Update) but I cant say for sure.

          The 3 things seem unrelated to me, but if you're concerned about Malware, I suggest downloading the Malwarebytes free anti-malware tool and running a scan. (Its similar to your antivirus except the free version isn't always active, it will only pick up malware when you manually run a scan. It will pick up malware that your antivirus might not notice so I suggest having it installed alongside your antivirus. Together they will find most unwanted software)
          Also what antivirus are you using?


            I use some similar passwords but not many, my skype and steam were not the same for example.

            I thought it was a notification but I couldn't find anything.

            I recently found someone saying that they had a similar problem but it was related to the game engine Origin. I've since closed it and at the moment I seem to be able to click there.

            Very strange if that was it. I'll keep up with my anti malware stuff though.


              Anti viruses can't always detect a keylogger or a RAT. It's possible to code, or purchase, a program that obfuscates a virus to make it undetectable. If that obfuscated file is scanned it gets sent into a database for analyzation and in just 2 weeks it becomes detectable by anti viruses again.

              So it becomes a constant battle. Someone fucks up and scans that obfuscated file to test it, or someone downloading it does, and bam it soon becomes detectable. So the obfuscator's job is to again find a new method. A RAT has the ability to send you a new rat and delete its old self, so it's really possible for you to have a rat and think you're clean.

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                check the programs running, do a google search on those that seem fishy. They're usually known so there's also some steps to follow to get rid of it including downloading malwarebytes and some other shit, but it's a hassle!!! Anyways, that's how I got rid of stuff like this in the past!


                  Yeah that's what I'm doing now, thanks for help all guys.

                  Giff me Wingman

                    just format.

                    much better than taking risks

                    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                      Use discord, it's 1000x better than Skype.


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                        Lul Skype in SEA