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General DiscussionI need help! (Coach)

I need help! (Coach) in General Discussion

    So my MMR is 2825 right now i lost 4 matches last night and i want know what i have done wrong and how i can stop losing.
    would like to see what you guy think i have been stock on 2900 for last 5 days now. and yesterday i dropped to 2825 which is bad
    any suggestion how to increase MMR in 2800-3000.

    here is my profile:


      I need a coach as well to eradicate all shitstains who try using meepo in ranked no kappa.


        I just wanna get out of this cancer 2900-3000 shiet!


          Don't be crazy about going to 3k, make a pause, analyze your game... think if you could help more you team or you can prevent that deaths giving money for the enemy team, play objective! In your last game with Sven, the Slark did 10k tower damage... And the other lose with Sven you dont touch a tower...

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            Match Match 2734137664 (match 1) - you lost a won game. You guys had more farm and better heroes. You farmed slow, aim for 10 cs/min on sven. You died 8 times even though you guys won the early game somewhat. You must be taking bad fights or something.

            Match 2734536903 - you farmed very slow, especially for a mid. 21 min aghs, earlier today I got a 15 min aghs in the offlane and that's in a 4.7k avg game, so yeah you should try to get as many cs as possible. I don't know how you die to am at 10 and 17 minutes. Major mistake that's easy to avoid.

            10 cs in 5 mins, 26 cs in 10, 32 in 15, 40 in 20. That is a HUGE issue. Even if you get raped mid, you should have at LEAST 40 in 10 minutes, around 18 - 22 in 5. You end the game with 116 cs, you can have that by 15 minutes! Fighting too much?

            2734593941 - you rush a blink straight up before echo sabre (slows famr down) and you only get a kill 25 minutes in. You go max cleave build with hotd stacking strat, but by 10 minutes you have 71 cs. It's ok but for such a free farm lane with max cleave I'm not really impressed, you need to go to jungle after clearing wave and farm more efficiently. It only gets worse, at 15 minutes you only have 118 cs when you should have 150+. (10 cs/min). 30 mins only 241 cs, 35, 274. You should have 10 cs/min for sure on sven, even if you're fighting a lot / dodging enemies. Slark had such a slow shadow blade, 21 minutes. I'd abuse that by farming while he's useless and rushing a daedalus after blink/echo sabre, good build for 2k. Blink in and they die instantly when you have 20 min daedalus and lvl 16!

            Also enigma was offlaning and you didn't kill him once. He ended up getting 12 min blink. Considering your farm was weak and you wanted to fight early, should you not have maxed stun here and owned your lane harder?

            2734675046 - what the hell. why are you safelane with sand king? you had an axe offlane, spectre should have gotten absolutely rekt. let wd support top and go rape spectre in the offlane with axe!! rotate with tp if needed. Let necro go hc. Bad lanes and only axe farmed decently with 50 cs in 10 mins. You didn't kill anyone for 27 minutes. I'm sure you coulda smoke ganked invoker with qop early or something.

            -In each game you don't have more than 1,000 TD. Hit towers. Rat. Pressure.

            -You don't use quelling blade.

            -You keep losing yourself won games. Take advantage of how crappy people farm in 2k. Understand item timings. Farm better. Stop being so passive. In all of your games you don't get a kill until 30 minutes.

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              Hi Farayan.

              Before I begin giving my opinion as to why your MMR pendulates between 2.8 and 3k, let me just begin by saying this much:

              You seem to be new to the game, or have just created an account. To complain about your MMR when you've barely played any ranked matches (I will estimate it's within 50 out of your 150 games, calibration included) is a bit premature. It may be a bit counter-intuitive, but in my experience simply spamming one hero you're good at for around 10 games will most likely increase your win-rate and MMR.
              Switching roles when you're trying to climb is simply too risky and staying consistent is a must in this tier.

              Now, on with your games:

              1) The first Sven game - Your overall stats were good, but I don't see how (even considering your team's average deaths compared to yours) you died 8 times that game! While having a positive KDA ratio is good, it baffles me how the Lina in that game wasn't simply food for you. Granted, the Bloodseeker seems to have been worthless and KOTL looks like he never placed a ward in his life, judging by his build.

              2) The second Game - Mirana - Was a straight-up outdraft. Even though you (somehow) got many kills, it simply did not make sense to pick the hero with an Axe, Omni and Nyx in the opponent team. What was the game plan there?

              3) The third Game - Sven - Again, I'll have to point out the number of deaths. It's something you need to work on: farm safely, get jacked and enter fights with an impact. Even if your team is fighting and dying, just go to your happy place and say "They are just creating space for me!". While participating in fights is commendable, participating in fights you know are lost from the start is a no-no. Plus, in this game, the support Venomancer had more hero damage than you...Let that sink in for a bit.

              4) The Fourth Game - Sand King - Not much of a King this game with a 1-7-9 score. What happened? The way I see it it seems like you were mostly passive (farming?) throughout the game. I don't see any wards in your inventory: have you been helping your team in that aspect? Also, even as a support, your hero damage at 51 minutes is terribly low. I think you need to practice non-core heroes vs. bots or with a friend until you understand the basics of support play.

              Please understand that I am not saying that you don't know how to play a hero/role or the game, but I can definitely see room for improvement in your games.

              Hope this helps!

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                Oh yeah you shoulda gotten a diffusal blade in the mirana game, not an eblade, as well.

                Draft doesn't matter so much as your decisions etc.. but yeah.. mirana into am omni tinker?


                  Thank you all, I've gone through all your comments and at least read all of them twice, the thing that I understood is I need to work on is 1st my farming I need to farm more efficient, the other thing is that I need to work more on my KDA more kills which means more ganks, more aggressive in lanes. Deaths should be lower too. The other thing is my items and my draft, as soy el jefe de los jefes said maybe mirana into am, omni, tinker was not the best choice.

                  the last game sandking I agree that I did not very well...

                  And Trevor just so you know this is my smurf account.

                  And thank you all for your comments again I will try to keep in mind all of the things that you said!


                    @ Farayan

                    I hope you understand that whether or not this is your main, the points I made still stand. Sure, I could have gotten into more detail, but I just don't have the time at the moment, as real life is busy for me.

                    Either way, get your comfort heroes, pick accordingly and don't feel pressured to pick a hero just due to the meta. In my eyes, no matter what your skill cap is, the game is literally half won in the picking stage.

                    Good luck!

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                      U should listen to mr soy, I would just add that u should push always when u feel your enemies cant contest u.

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                        Such wonderful advice n free coaching. Warms my heart


                          Farayan if this is your smurf what was your mmr on your main?


                            i dont care about my mmr on my other account its 2k on my other account i just play for fun there


                              U need 3 k just add me ill coach u for kunka i myself got to 3.3 almost with him :)..
                              Upto u :)
                              Guranteed 3k with kunka..


                                M(Y)M.$ad!sT™ same could be said on other heroes it depend on you


                                  Ya finally it will be on his skill but what i saw he has played that hero the most so maybe has good hand on it mostly...


                                    Rather than suggesting someone to spam a hero you are very good at, tell them to spam whatever hero they're comfortable with
                                    I'm not going to tell my friend to spam void, or jugger, or spectre, or luna or other shit fuck tons of hero like I do nor he will tell me to spam puck and QoP


                                      @ bws:


                                      What are you talking about, mate?

                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                        telling people to spam makes sense tho

                                        earlier metas demanded that an exclusive strat be abused for ez wins, or certain heroes used to wreck while others were only picked if randomed in lp

                                        in this context meta is quite versatile and a large array of different strats can be used with reasonable success, as can be seen by the recent LANs and tourneys

                                        point still holds however, why force a hero pick that you know is absolute dogshit for current meta where there are many more successful picks, and you will only gain frustration and develop a growing resentment towards said spammed hero bcs of red stains if the current meta isnt leaning towards that pick

                                        idk about people who strictly play for recreational motives and fun is a major factor in why they still continue to play

                                        maybe it all boils down to what you want from the game, be it the challenge or the amusement, but if you want to actually start gitting_gud.exe, you need to follow the meta. which is why suggesting spamming heroes is not entirely a bad idea


                                          Spamming helps you to learn shits while making it easier to notice your own mistakes
                                          People in NS are obviously inexperienced, hence noticing and fixing mistakes is better than being versatile, because it accelerates improvement and problem solving
                                          It's not like NS games' draft are pure ppd shit or a fucking chess match anyway, so why is it bad to spam?
                                          I am open to your opinion to why do you think spamming is bad, because I don't see anything wrong with it right now

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                                            @ bws: "Rather than suggesting someone to spam a hero you are very good at, tell them to spam whatever hero they're comfortable with"

                                            For me, this statement was a bit confusing. Other than that I agree with most of the things you've said. Requiem has a better idea of what's going on in that tier it seems.


                                              He has stayed in the shithole longer than I have been there (ofc we're only counting play hours)
                                              Plus he explains shits better than I do, which is why I usually refrain myself from giving my opinion after Req does, since he usually think in the same way I do, but explains it better


                                                meanwhile you guys arguing about some thing... i lost another game GG XD
                                                like there is nothing that i can do when my team just fucks around no miss, no wards, no tps, no ganks, jungle fed, mid fed, top was doing fine, and me doing fine, they saw me doing fine ganked me as 4 when my support was jungling. like wha the actuall fuck i was 2925 yesterday now im 2800... i really am a MF ing try hard but still cant win :(
                                                this time im gonna go the hero that i like and i will get mid and i will farm like really good. lets see how that goes!

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                                                  Never blame on your teammates
                                                  Focusing on their mistakes will only make you tilt and lose your cool, it's not like they will fucking know they did something stupid even if you keep telling them that
                                                  Focus on your own gameplay
                                                  Keep asking yourself what you could've done better, and what would a 5k+ do in your situation.
                                                  No wards? Rely on your own positioning and gamesense
                                                  No report miss? Read the fucking map, I never blame anyone if i die to an obvious gank, I take it as a lesson
                                                  Jungle fed? Let him be your comeback mechanic. You keep up with their farm, kill the snowballing guy who got fed, easy gold.
                                                  Literally there is no excuse for you to lose in games below 3.5k or even 4k other than not being good enough. You play with shitheads, and you play against shitheads.


                                                    Sorry bro but then try new stuff in unranked take a break coz u dont wanna loose more mmr and advice is dont go carry upto 3 k coz in 3 k ur supprt might get u good wins..
                                                    Practice treaant a bit witch is very good in 3 k since u can always save ur dumb teamates which u say ur always getting just with a little map awarness :)


                                                      And what bws said is totally agreed i got what he said and iam telling him about kunka coz i kept the point in mind that what hero he is comfortable with and thats with no doubt kunka since he has a higher win rate and more no. Of games on that hero..
                                                      Anyways he has very few matches so it cant be accurate..

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                                                        Finaly won a game! woohoo! XD
                                                        AS kunka roam/supp. my farm was bad tho but what can i do i had to be a supp and a roam at same time!


                                                          like there is nothing that i can do when my team just fucks around no miss, no wards, no tps, no ganks, jungle fed, mid fed, top was doing fine, and me doing fine, they saw me doing fine ganked me as 4 when my support was jungling. like wha the actuall fuck i was 2925 yesterday now im 2800... i really am a MF ing try hard but still cant win :(

                                                          It's not your team's job to call missing. In 4k no one bothers at all to call missing and no one cares or needs it--only bad players and generally in low mmr matches, are those who complain of no missing calls. Look at the map and stop making excuses for yourself. It's truly pathetic to complain about missing calls. It's YOUR job to pay attention to the map dude!

                                                          No wards, ok just buy 1 that will keep you safe. It's only 65 gold. Regardless, you don't need wards in 2k.

                                                          No ganks? Why should your team win you your lane for you? Yes ganks are nice, but you shouldn't need that to win your lane, another excuse only.

                                                          Doesn't matter if other lanes feed, people aren't gods. Your team won't play perfectly every game. Expect them to lose their lanes, you're in 2k because you are a mirror reflection of your team and lose your lanes more often than not as well so don't be a hypocrite. Stop making so many excuses for yourself.

                                                          If you're doing well and your team isn't, and they're all missing, what do you think is gnna happen? If you didn't expect them to gank you, that's on you. Stop making excuses. You can tp away and let them waste their time, or jungle while map is not safe to farm. Let them waste hteir time, etc.

                                                          You tryhard, sure, but so does the other team. You clearly just aren't trying hard enough. You don't win just because you're doing ok, you win because you displayed a superior performance.. don't make excuses. 135 cs in 29 minutes as sven and 2 - 11. Come on dude, people don't even play that badly vs the best people in the world.. but here you are, blaming your team for your 11 deaths in an average skill game. It's delusional. When you realize that, and you decide to embrace reality, you'll have an edge over your teammates I guarantee it.

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                                                            I can coach you 15$ 2 hours, I can send you link of site if you are interested and we can talk on skype about everything you need to imrove about dota 2. My mmr is 5170 so wont be hard to get you to at least 3500 mmr in a few weeks if u want