General Discussion

General Discussionhow do you keep your farm up as arc warden?

how do you keep your farm up as arc warden? in General Discussion

    Ikik double midas, but it feels like I couldn't get mu needed lasthits properly.

    Even in this normal skill smurf ( I barely have any significant networth. Would it be better to go mael/mjolnir first and farm like crazy this way?

    Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

      Rush midas and avoid dying a lot.


        Mjollnir is your Farm Item as arc warden

        Potato Marshal

          Why did you buy a hurricane pike?



            that's how i get 800-900 gpm every game


              @pptato i needed to kite a lot because everybody in dire fucking hates me

              @cookie so mael/mjolnir is pretty much core. Bad idea to skip it i guess. Had our carries didnt snowball we wouldve been doomed with my 400 gpm in the long run

              La Lumière

                Usually in NS, there are unfarmed lanes and your teammates are somewhere else sucking their dicks. Just farm there and avoid shady areas. Double midas is good. And I think going BoTs is better first, then mjollnir.


                  For me i just rush midas then go for malestorm (not upgrading into Mjollnir ) then boost of travel everytime you push with tempest just used the dorm for attackspeed then rush for bloodthrone and hurricane pike and you good to go for a long while.

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                    double midas is good but you can't rely on that if you didn't get it by the 10 min mark then go for malestorm first then buy that item later



                      Never ever ever ever skip midas

                      Midas is your core item 99,999999999% of the time

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                        🍩🍪Cookie🍪🍩 dude i didn't said skip it i said delay it and get items the benefits more in teamfight and for last hitting creep

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                          Nope, you dont delay it either. It's basic core

                          Never maelstorm>midas

                          Always midas after brown boots

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                            and you only skip it if you can't get it at the 12min mark like bf


                              you think i don't know that i don't delay midas unless i had no choices


                                Nope, even if you get it at 20 min

                                You dont delay it


                                  then i think your playstyle just different from my but seriously how often do we fail to get the midas at 8 min so no point arguing about this


                                    Yea, no need to argue
                                    Youre 65% winrate in 2-3k

                                    Im 98% winrate in 2-3k

                                    You dont skip midas, even if you cant get it before 10 min because of the overlooked exp aspect WHICH LETS YOU FIGHT IN THE FIRST PLACE

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                                      4 match really wow same could be said with sven and am :P i don't get the last part WHICH LETS YOU FIGHT IN THE FIRST PLACE exp let me fight better ?

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                                        If you dont have a midas in like 12 min it means youre shut down, not just gold but EXP. When enemy starts early pushing/fighting youll be somewhere farming maelstorm with no midas.

                                        If you get the maelstorm it lets you depush. But against competant enemies that de-push isnt enogh

                                        You need to fight them

                                        When youre exp starved, you cant fight nor can you splitpush and depush


                                          if i think i can't get midas by 12 then yes i will start changing the build and used the gold that was meant for midas to be used for malestorm to get it at min 14 then start farming it as second with the extra lasthit and damg in clash and gank couldn't take too long

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                                            Youre helpless, i give you fair reasoning and you just go back to your old ways

                                            It's fine with me, stay low shit forever


                                              🍩🍪Cookie🍪🍩 now that sad to heard you didn't even bother to read my ways and now you curse me to stay in low shit forever what an 5k typical

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                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                "Don't spend time beating a wall, hoping to transform it into a door."


                                                  Requiem ☭ dude if i am a wall you are a brick.

                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                    the fact that you did not understand what the quote meant just proves the point i was trying to make

                                                    and what cements my point is that you tried to make an analogy of it based on your faulty understanding


                                                      why do i even bother to tell your guys my ways yeah this guys is 5k MMR he know everything his build is the best i am nothing just ignore every point i made.and yeah i gonna stuck in low shit forever goodbye dude


                                                        But a brick is easier to transform than a wall

                                                        doc joferlyn simp



                                                            yeah yeah i know you are all right don't bother i am stupid as fuck


                                                              cookie review me plez


                                                                @Capt.Zero, put your pride and stubbornness aside, and listen to what cookie is saying because it makes perfect sense. The things you say however are just.... idk man it. glhf.


                                                                  yeah his right i will never delay midas again are you fucking happy now

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                                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                                    i am actually quite happy you actually acquiesce and admitted you were wrong and is willing to move forward with this

                                                                    only thing left now is, do you fully understand or at least know why midas is rushed asap over maelstrom?


                                                                      If you think i rush malestorm over midas in everymatch then i had nothing more to said to you you never read this post

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                                                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                                                        i never said every match, and as cookie said, the fact that you actually contemplate doing that limits your wrecking potential

                                                                        double midas is good but you can't rely on that if you didn't get it by the 10 min mark then go for malestorm first then buy that item later


                                                                          this made me rethink alot of build maybe i should try to rush battlefury even when is it 20-25 min and as cookie said 12 min no midas that mean shutdown so maybe you should go for other item with the gold you had left maybe my mark is wrong i will not delay midas unless it is 14 min there you go

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                                                                          one syllable anglo-saxon
