General Discussion

General DiscussionUrsa tips

Ursa tips in General Discussion
#Hot asawa ni Marcos

    73% Winrate ursa, tips for playing this hero

    one syllable anglo-saxon



        ahem tip blink +1st skill+2ndskill = all you need to know about ursa


          i recommend u to go blink vlad (if u rly want it) and next item AGH


            that was impressive,I was ursa player also maybe can learn from u


              Is all vhs that u on,what mark on your account?


                use overpower before the fight or gank so that you can do it and get max dps


                  Heck if you’re desperate, be like me. Arc,Manta,Hurricane pike, Vlads,RAPIRAAAAA

                  because why not. Jk ur 3rd and 2nd is the key of playing ursa aaaaaand.....roshan

                  tier 3 items suck

                    i prefer Mask of Madness on him. in the early game i would put 2 points in the first skill and maybe buy an orb of venom for higher kill potential


                      nice 2kda 3k trash dont post about ursa when u are bad please...


                        sny is a rlly good item on ursa often underrated, it gives you everything ursa thrives for , move speed & a slow, better than skadi imo + it stack with desolator for some gimmicky one shotting, i try to make s&y everytime im having a good start & running around with 4k gold at 20 min.

                        Also alot of ursa players tend to go for more dmg items around late game to compensate for ursa eventual fall, but the key to win at that stage of the game is by buying disable items like sheepstick & abyssal blade often overlooked , sheepstick is godlike on ursa

                        edit : ye linken is also rlly good on him , sometimes better than bkb ( in some situations ) both can work too it all depends

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                          it depends^ sny is good cause it gives u stats and a faster hit after ur W ends.. also a good item is linkens situational ofc


                            My build is morbid mask into 5 min aegis. Then phase, MoM, windlace, blink, aghs/linkens/bkb, basher, abyssal/hex. Ursa packs all the dmg he needs, so i build utility and tankiness.