General Discussion

General Discussionbuff techies

buff techies in General Discussion

    land mine applies lingering orb of venom effect upon trigger
    stasis also disarms towers for an additional amount of time


      Kys pl0x. Icefrog has no intentions of buffing a hero that obnoxious. Plus he was picked at ti over someone like lesh, lina, or bs. Buff them.


        or else...

        Optimus Drip
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          Optimus Drip

            Land mines giving orb of venom effect would be interesting and probably would help in lane. Stasis disabling towers might be too strong. I'd rather land mines have zero activation time.

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            Riguma Borusu

              remove the hero instead

              doc joferlyn simp

                techies mechanics so weird it doesnt fit into dota 2

                Riguma Borusu

                  a lot of heroes have weird mechanics, techies is just neither fun to play with or against, it is a lose-lose situation whether you or the enemy picks it and last time I checked games were supposed to be fun


                    if that is the pre-existing case then an antithetical solution for balance is to allow 0s cd 0 dmg landmine to stack minute slow up to a % with remote mine being replaced with a defensive 'puff' spell giving self high magic damage barrier from the cloud of smoke for duration. during duration, techies can blow smoke to any character. casting on allies applies evasion barrier if cast on hostile causes a tapering blind. comes with refreshing charges. squad attack becomes harmless and instead unleashes mostly harmless confetti.

                    this way, you can escape the forest safely from bloodlusted fuzzy wuzzy mr. deer. you will make it out and see the field for its flowers

                    edit: remote* not landmine lolol

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                      I like the idea of turning him into a team enabler with his traps (miss chance, slow trap, magic damage increaser, damage barrier, etc) rather than being a "fuk ur siege m8 lmao enjoi 90 min gaem" cancer

                      doc joferlyn simp

                        ^just this


                          the ancient feels the hurts too


                            no fuck that hero


                              BUFFF my lovely Techie. plx icefrag baff mah tech


                                no remove any hero and this hero don't need buff his mechanics is quite ez to get trap TRap that it and if you want to fight him get a gem

                                Jay the Bird

                                  ^What if he has an agh's?

                                  Hanamichi Sakuragi

                                    Hey Techies is fun to play
                                    y u do dis to my techies :(
                                    Also the slow buff to Mines is a good idea
                                    Debuff will be called "Burning Feet" :D


                                      Techies best. Vote for president