General Discussion

General DiscussionBest comebacks

Best comebacks in General Discussion

    Basically comebacks make me really hard so i wanna hear ur comebacks. I had one on void where enemy drow is six slotted no mkb and i get butterfly and win with chrono into death ward.


      Enemy lesh even got a rampage earlier

      doc joferlyn simp

        there was a time when i was an am and i was playing with 4 people (2 enemies 1 teammate) in the lane. my aim was 3/5 creeps every wave and the siege creep is a must have. i wasnt able to get 1 goddamn creep i was foaming at the mouth like why am i this shit, i try my best but i still fail. i almost broke the keyboard i was BabyRaging so hard i had to pick slark next game and rape everyone in the game

        i still won the am game though but that 1 creep still haunts me to this day


          Ive only had one comeback from turtling in base. As am. 698 lh.



            Dis is me as PA and Spectre cumback against megacreeps and i got 322 lasthit no kappa. What a ultimate throw from enemies


              this game is one for my history books


                Ooh nice a mutual epenis stroking thread


                  Or rather a stroke your own epenis but do it in this thread-thread