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General DiscussionHow to become better

How to become better in General Discussion

    I think Im bad invoker, can u advice me smth?
    Can`t win in soloq
    Don`t mind abot 6/8 game, bcs I was DC and no pause for me


      Faster hands, faster and better decision making, better positioning, better farm speed and pattern
      So many things you can improve on invoker which is way easier than done
      I'll bump until a real invoker player speak up


        Bump I m interested in invoker advice


          im actually surprised that you don't have over a 50% winrate with 300 games on a hero

          now, have you ever just tried to analyize the decisionmaking of higher mmr players


            Guys, standart "better hands" "positioning" and other isnt a key, rly. U can check out replays, if it is possible in db, or just check every game statistic - 95% Im map mvp, but I cant win solo. How to win solo, I mean, what grade of mastering should I get to be fully independent of my team? I really need advices from hard-skill-invoker-players


              About winrate - this statistic includes ALL games, check out for last 12 months. In 2013-2014 I played with my rl-friends, u calling those kind of players like "1k-trash", I guess


                my winrate on my best heroes has nothing to do with my friend's skill

                only my own


                  Maybe if I create smurf and play only invoker, I could get ~53 or more % winrate, but on this acc Im getting +0.10-0.15% for each win, and -0.30-0.40% for lose. When I only started playing solo, I had 37% winrate with invoker, so +12% is not that bad, but not that good that I want


                    dude, that's terrible

                    i'd never be satisfied with anything below 60% on my best heroes


                      have u tried this?
                      if u have, there's not much i can do for u, just try to get faster really

                      NEMOJ GAAAA HRPO

                        Mb stop playin with voker?


                          Why stop, if Im playing good enough, for my current rating? I just want to know, how to be independent of noob-team (yes, this happens, not an excuse for my skill or smth)


                            like i said

                            analyze pro player's pub games

                            doc joferlyn simp

                              i tried analyzing matches that various pro players engaged in while playing juggernaut or slark but the environment we play in is sooo different. like roles are clearly defined and both teams performed competently with no slackers

                              how can i incorporate what i learned in their matches into mine? i dont know how to maintain farm vs other carries that can potentially farm as fast as i can since we are all ns. in pro players' matches nothing like that ever happens

                              i could list a dozen more but it would seem like i am ranting. i just want to know why watching pro's games help me learn when shit is so different


                                you're analyising the whole team's decisions

                                you shouldn't do that

                                just analyze the individual's decisionmaking, and don't watch pro matches. i said pro's pub matches

                                or any 6-9k's matches.

                                Da Vinci

                                  git gud

                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                    i watch youtube and "miracle slark rampage" or "rtz juggernaut mid 2ez4rtz" those kinds of vids in which the pov is always with the pro player in question. no caster, no team name then a period then your handle like Liquid.Miracle-. just simple Aomine Daiki or Dragon's Sin of Wrath or Kise Ryouta. i cant compare it with my own games because i am not at that skill level, nor are my teammates

                                    even with other players like dendi or bsj i register and evaluate their decisions, but i know i dont have the tactical capacity to think like that on the fly. and i know the players i get matched with cant either

                                    so i dont see why analyzing a player who plays at an environment that is generally better than my own match environment is conducive to an effective learning pattern suited to myself as a 2k mmr player

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                                      Then youre not analysing at all

                                      Youre just watching a goddamn youtube vid

                                      Step 1 is figuring it out( what you possibly did)

                                      Step 2 is predicting it

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                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                        as it stands however i will most likely be not placed in a similar situation such as the one the pro player is in right now due to the aforementioned difference in skill levels. so idk the point of analyzing a match with a much higher avg skill, when i cant actually put good use to it to myself since i will run into weirder scenarios where everyone doesnt move as smooth as higher skilled players move

                                        in the end ill be on a whole different page with my peers regarding decision making, because what i tried to learn was actually in the context of a high mmr play that goes like a well greased mechanism, when in reality i am dealing with slower, to put it plainly worse players and goes like gears and shifts of different devices forcefully being pounded together and hoping your team's output was better than the almost equally shitty enemy's

                                        what i want to say is that i dont understand why analyzing high mmr games to improve my own low mmr games is an effective tool of gitting gudder

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                                            and i godamn told you to stop thinking about the overall 5v5 situation

                                            and focus on the godamn solo player

                                            this is the thing that got me out of 1k mmr

                                            it's the most effective tool, you're just too lazy to do it.

                                            if you had the decision making that that pro player applies to that high mmr match in your low mmr mathces, you'd be 50/0 every match

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                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                              but in high mmr matches the core solo player im spectating shines because of a) dedicated supports who harass and help in lane without sapping exp b) offlaners who pressure enough so that the enemies' attention is diverted and the core gets freefarm c) mid setting up so many opportunities that leads to the solo core player balling out of control with his team

                                              youve smurfed in ns and you know more often than not you see a 5 carry team in your match, and whenever supports are picked they end up being too much hassle for their worth. so the only thing that can truly make you dominate is superior mechanical skill to outfarm everybody, which kinda beats the point of analyzing a game in the first place. why not spend 10 hours practicing last hitting until you get it perfectly right, if you only need mechanical skill to shit on everyone


                                                i've had 5 carry matches in not just 1k, but even in 6k avg games

                                                i never said you need mechanical skill
                                                i think mechanical skill is pretty much shit over rated

                                                if you watch my games, my mechanical skill is shit, any opponent will deny me the majority of the lh in lane.

                                                why not spend 10 hours to master Last hitting but 10 hours of analysis

                                                because in 10 hours of lasthitting you'll end up only knowing how to last hit

                                                in 10 hours of analyzing you'll end up knowing how to get +500 mmr in a day

                                                here's a way you can look at it:

                                                in 6k your support knows how to deal with an offlaner

                                                but in 6k enemy offlaner knows how to deal with your support

                                                in 2k, your support knows nothing, neither does their offlaner

                                                so if the situation is equivalent overall in that mmr, the only factor that decides if you win/lose that lane is you

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                                                M U R D E R

                                                  ^in 2k your "support" is more often than not a "(wannabe) hard carry"

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                                                    i played in 2k, i know what 2k is.

                                                    everyone there is a wanna be player

                                                    except none of them is, they just run around doing nothing

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                                                      ^Even better r the supports who will fuck up your hard carries lane by nuking the creepwave to get last hits .Some of them are such geniuses that they will block your own damn jungle camps with observer wards and then type in chat "support life is hard".
                                                      That's just my personal experience though don't know if any1 else has seen this.


                                                        we can add in:

                                                        carries that miss every last hit in a freefarm lane
                                                        offlaners that just casually just walk up to a carry and his supports, then proceed to be no longer alive
                                                        midlaners who buy bottle but never go for a single rune
                                                        afk jungle having more farm than the other 9 players combined, then proceed to never leave the jungle.
                                                        supports that bought a total of 3 wards and a courier, complaining about solo supporting
                                                        roamers doing nothing while sitting in your lane taking exp and just watching you
                                                        10 min 5v5 staring competition at midlane for 10 minutes
                                                        50 min games where most camps were farmed at best 2 times

                                                        yea, i've been in low mmr

                                                        and you know what's amazing about this? both teams do the same bullshit mistakes like i mentioned above, makes the game so easy to win.


                                                          all he is trying to say is in 2k you have a completely different set of decisions to make. It really doesn't help you watching a pro player get perfect farm situations when in 2k you pick a carry and you get a jug in your lane trying to out farm you. I do watch high lvl streams like attacker/waga/bulldog, %99 of the time they get 2 supports/mid/off/carry. To get better at offlane for starters you need to actually be able to get a solo offlane. In 2k the only time you get that is if you have a jungling core. Same with carry, you get better at farming and farming patterns when you have support who won't try to take your cs and won't kotl blast your waves constantly in the midgame so you can learn patterns. Support is the worst. You can watch pro games and learn all about chain pulling, zoning, roaming, farm priority, and you will actually be at a disadvantage because when a 2k carry gets an advantage, he starts to think he's Charles Bronson and just rushes in 1v5 and reverses the advantage you gave him, or your team just constantly thinks they can win every fight and will never push. And as a support there is nothing you can do about it except watch in horror as the carry you helped get huge for 30 minutes buys 3 battle furies and just constantly pushes mid until the enemy team catches up. I've had carries who had a 2 level advantage on the solo offlaner thanks to pulling/harass die solo within 5 seconds of me leaving to help offlane.

                                                          I would like to see a stream or vid series where a 5k player smurfs and just talks about the stupid shit his team does and how to counteract it. Unless the real reason 5k's can smurf is simply they have better skills developed from playing better dota, it would be pretty informative. Like what do you do when your team won't pick then you pick a melee support and nobody goes carry, or what to do if your support just out last hits you all game etc.


                                                            sure, i have a 1.7k acc, i'll go stream on it.

                                                            also it's simpler than you think edictzero, your teammates are bad= so do theirs

                                                            the reason that i got so good is because i made a counter method for all the stuff you say, because it's not exclusive to your team.

                                                            example: your support is bad and doin bad pulls n shit, try to kick him out of lane, if he won't leave then just fix the wave yourself by pulling by yourself.

                                                            if you're a support and your carry can't farm, doesn't matter: just go to the offlane and harass their carry, sure your carry can't hit a lasthit because of incompetance, BUT THEIRS ISN'T EVEN ALLOWED TO COME CLOSE TO THE WAVE

                                                            your midlaner fed first blood? go gank theirs and camp the shit out of him

                                                            enemy picked a jungler? go instapush and gank him

                                                            enemy has a 5 carry strat? non stop gank them and push their towers down so that they cant get any farm

                                                            your team has a 5 carry strat? force enemies away from 5 man pushing your towers by splitting them up with splitpushing and counterganking(delay the game)

                                                            in 99% of the 7k avg games you get 2 supp 1 carry 1 off 1 mid, so does the enemy

                                                            in 99% of the 2k avg games, no one even knows what position they are, neither does the enemy.

                                                            and so forth

                                                            edit: you can give me any example of stupidity you commonly see in 2k and i'll give you the answer for it

                                                            ex: you pick a melee support and your teammates dont pick a carry? you have multiple early game heroes, so just gank, push and end early.

                                                            what to do when your support steals farm? 1. ask him to stop/leave the lane
                                                            2. if he doesnt then try to outlasthit him
                                                            3. if you can't outlasthit him then just leave the lane, because staying there and taking exp for nothing is wasting time

                                                            go to another lane or jungle

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                                                              thanks for the advice, but the point still stands: watching pro games won't help you in 2k, none of what you said will you learn watching arteezy. it is a completely different game when you are basing your decisions off of the horrible decisions not only of your enemies but your own team mates

                                                              btw what is your twitch id?

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                                                                you're wrong, hte reason those players are 9k is because they already finished those basics that allow you to win in 2k


                                                                  Learn farming patterns. Depending on ur mmr of course, farming effeciently can really skyrocket ur winrate. Also 300 games and still below 50% is rlly bad. My most played hero is at 80% winrate.


                                                                    Supports stealing lh isnt even an excuse anymore. Go buy talon and jungle ive won games where i was 2-6 as sven and just buy talon, jungle, then farm more than enemy.


                                                                      U learn mechanical techniques, as well as how they make decisions. I know this man is a folthy peruvian utuber or whatever, but search up dota bowie. I think thats his name. Watch one vid and do what he does for a whole game.


                                                                        Daddy, it is whole statistic for all time Im playing dota2. If u check stats for last 12months, u will see its 55 or even 60% wr with 4.5 kda, so its good. And dont forget, that invoker isnt slark or am, who can get items and rape whole map, so


                                                                          you are still not bad enough, u can become a worse invoker, i believe in you

                                                                          casual gamer

                                                                            if ur actually good at any hero you will have 70% winrate until 5k, teammates be damned


                                                                              feels bad when you have arcana pa but can't win with her


                                                                                Nah, those "if u good with a hero u will get 70%wr or more" sounds so funny, like "9k came to 1k". Funny fairytales about 70%wr, yeah.

                                                                                Hanamichi Sakuragi

                                                                                  If you want to get better at almost any hero

                                                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                    ^why would you give a link to dotabuff +?


                                                                                      Fairy tales? My arc/sk/am numbers are fake?

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