General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to got higher mmr with support?????????????????

How to got higher mmr with support????????????????? in General Discussion

    I played support all my life and my mmr is sucks, any advise with this topic? im playing in SEA

    The Medic Guy

      you can't


        doesnt matter what role u play, if u are better then ur mmr goes up.
        if ur mmr sucks that means u suck just like ur mmr


          become a better support

          Only win

            You suck the Carries and mid's dick and you proceed to buy wards and talk (positive)


              Be willing to die for team


                by winning games


                2k indog monkey

                  Is that your smurf lmao


                    Support role isn't just buying wards/courier and stacking and pulling. It's also metagaming. Mids and carries have to focus constantly on last hitting and denying in the first four to ten minutes of the game, so it's very difficult for them to formulate strategies, while a support has down time to use for thinking while they are walking through the jungle to stack, for example. This is why a lot of captains play support role.

                    Also communicate and never flame if it wasn't obvious.

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                      2k indog monkey

                        Alright basic shits
                        Supporting isn't just about pulling the easy camp at 15 or 45 while sitting being your carry and then you say "yay im so good"
                        Stack the easy camp before you pull them to avoid getting doublewaved
                        Ward creatively against competent supports
                        Smoke weed of deceit
                        Secure all lane in the laning phase by ganks and instant TPs if a lane is threatened
                        Dont fucking stack stuns
                        Stay the fuck back in teamfight and cast your spells like a fucking cheerleader
                        Build skills and items accordingly
                        Fucking ES aghanim rushing space eater clowns


                          Git good don't take last hit and offline, more ward support item ,


                            1) Have a TP in your inventory to help your mid/offlane if needed. So if u die u walk to your lane, not tp so its off cd.

                            2) Learn supports that have high impact on the game or are ez pubstompers. Supports hard to play against:

                            - Omni (very good with Pa/Slark/Od)
                            - Oracle
                            - Silencer
                            - Chen (with drow strat mostly)
                            - Io
                            - Visage
                            - Kunkka (especially with chrono combo is devastating)

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                              It is not that easy to gain mmr playing support because supporting is very hard it's just not about buying courier, wards, sentries etc.

                              Get good at supporting and watch how high skilled supports do their thing by watching replays, you will get a lot of information just by watching and applied to your games.

                              The Medic Guy

                                well, even you are good at support at the end of the game, you need a carry to carry you.

                                that's why my solo sucks, i prefer play party ranked games with my friend who knows how to carry the game, instead with random 3k shit stain who don't know how to keep the Lane Equilibrium.

                                it's so desperating when you sup so hard yet your carry throw harder.

                                the problem with 3k carry is, they don't push until they got 5 or 6 slotted, and at the moment he got 6 slotted, he just do shit things and die, then blame the support for not buying anything and no items.


                                  sure guys, keep your excuses to yourself, you can climb with support, you just need to get better and stop whining like a little bitch


                                    Just Believe


                                      @Russian Pinoy obviously lul

                                      ?.Stock @zzo

                                        I guess u need to play ranked. And than win those games.
                                        Seriously dude, ur first page of matches are all normal ones.


                                          i wouldnt play support before 6k mmr if i were you.


                                            To be a good support dont steal a last hit. Just steal a kill and ward the hell of the dark map for ganking/surveillance purposes

                                            The Medic Guy

                                              yes i agree with mwsc

                                              playing support under 4k bracket was just like you try so fucking hard to win a simple game. (since MOST the carry are retarded, and most likely you gonna be solo hard support)

                                              in around 4k maybe you try hard because many account buyer from 5k drop in to this bracket.

                                              in 4,5 above maybe you can relax a bit because there gonna be 2 support in your team (even in 3k and 4k sometimes there will be someone help you buying wards because they got some brain)

                                              in 5k i can say the check point to enjoy real game, where no retarded, and everyone know the basic of playing dota (well, those shitty account buyer are in every bracket anyway)

                                              this is based on my opinions.

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                                                N!nj@ [A§§]@$[§¡n]

                                                  imo dont buy ur core item, u hv to focus ur team core item
                                                  an item that can help ur teammates survive long in team fight
                                                  u can search on youtube ------ support guide dota2

                                                  N!nj@ [A§§]@$[§¡n]

                                                    the xd guy - how to recognize account buyer??????they look same in every bracket...


                                                      i climbed from 3.6 - 5k using 70% supports. Its not impossible if you play it right

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                                                          playing support is useless and hell in ranked dont do it.

                                                          The Medic Guy

                                                            @:)relax-25*** by the way they play, many factor.

                                                            like when i'm in average 5k, but the carry don't even denied and keep spam hitting on creeps(not last hitting only) like he is creep himself


                                                              the worst epopel are the supports who complain about their cores

                                                              theyre terrible themselves in every situation ive seen


                                                                Don't play support. Follow the below steps:

                                                                - Instantly mark mid/carry at game start
                                                                - Pick your favorite mid/carry no matter what your teammates pick
                                                                - Profit

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                                                                    How many carries whine about how easy it would be to win games with a decent support? Any retard can carry a game if they have had a good support at the start.


                                                                      Plan ahead, dont go to the lane and stay behind ur carry creeps trying to "help him deny" (I find this a lot in lower brackets, even in 3,5-4k), go lane, harras offlane from 0:30 to 0:45, go stack small camp, pull at 1:12, farm all the creeps, proceed to harass offlaner again or if its very close to minute 2 go to secure rune for your midlane or for yourself, see if you have any chance at killing the midlaner, if not go back to your lane and harass the offlaner, stack again at :53 or straight up pull from the big camp by cuting some tree so you will stack and pull at the same time, try to farm those creeps eventho offlaner has it easier to contest this camp, but you can try to do a good trade eitherway, keep harassing, checking runes, smoking eventually, roaming mid, warding meanwhile... There are so many things you can focus on support it's just sad watching all these useless supports and acting like this is the worst position to play when its actually the funniest.


                                                                        Simple tip: Dont waste your tps, walk to the lanes and keep the tps in your inventory for when you really need to quickly assist another lane or to scape.


                                                                          Why support retards


                                                                            yo news flash everybody in dota is fucking retarded on every mmr solo supporting is easy even if you dont get perfect early game. wards and couriers are fucking free basically you retards just have to stop picking solo "supports" like cm or rubick bcs they fucking suck. I had 4.9K max then got a losing streak to 4.6K. Retards are everywhere you will tilt sometimes you will just want to pick offlane juggernaut and just let them win because you have your 5K mmr jungling lc going shadowblade all the time and shits like that. Then if your good you will realise that you need to be doing everything to win again INCLUDING SOLO SUPPORTING and believing you will win instead of saying gg if you have an Ukranian carry and always believe you can win.

                                                                            BASICALLY SOLO SUPPORTING IS EASIER THAN EVER STOP COMPLAINING OR GO BACK TO YOUR 2014 200G WARDS AND 135G TPS YOU SHITFUCKS
                                                                            +only pick jungle axe ,enigma or chen otherwise go roam or 2nd support


                                                                              ur probably 2k, in this skill bracket if u play a god mode support u can turn the game arround in ur favor... talking about supports with teamfight impact or gank impact.. not dazzleshit etc.

                                                                              so if u still lose at that skill bracket that means that ur support isnt good enough


                                                                                Play earth spirit every game 4Head