General Discussion

General DiscussionIt is advisable to play Support role during your MMR Calibration?

It is advisable to play Support role during your MMR Calibration? in General Discussion

    Beacause im good supp and my main role is 4 or 5. It is advisable to play support role in TBD 10 gms

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      yes lol


        Nope you will fail miserably 90% of the time


          basically keep healing buying wards dewarding give buffs to allies debuffs to enemies
          dont just sit around doing nothing


            It's safer to reach less MMR than you're supposed to be because of less KDA and HD then raise it up by good supporting rather than risk all 10 games playing carry that other shitheads will surely pick

            rice cake

              Spam abaddon or omni. Do healing, dont die. Participate in all fight.

              Nervous Bakedown

                I did and got placed in the trash tier. If you do tho try to pick heroes that get tons of kills like lion or lina or something so you get a higher score per win.




                    753 xd
                    I thought KDA doesn't really matter that much as a support during calibration?I'm sure it's only 200-300 less than your actual MMR if you carry if you heal,ward,and help teamfight alot


                      I always use my calibration matches as example:

                      1) lost, CM, 5.5k HD (lowest),
                      2) won, CM, 9.1k HD (lowest in team),
                      3) won, Treant, 11k HD (lowest in team),
                      4) lost, Ursa, 3.4k HD (potato),
                      5) lost, Treant, 2.8k HD (lowest),
                      6) won, Treant, 3.7k HD (lowest),
                      7) won, Treant, 3.2k HD (lowest),
                      8) lost, Treant, 2.5k HD (lowest in team),
                      9) won, Trean, 3.9k HD (lowest),
                      10) won, Naga, 5.8k HD (lowest in team),

                      And after all that I started to play in high skill...
                      If you want to make me think that hero damage matters, then try harder. =)

                      P.S. A little about myself:
                      - very slow reaction;
                      - laggy internet (wifi sux);
                      - no map awareness;
                      - zero game sence;
                      - questionable picks;
                      - yet, for some reason I bounce around 4.5k MMR.


                        Thanks for confirming my thoughts soul


                          IMO.. it's a terrible idea.. I just had my calibrations.. and one thing I noticed is that whenever I play a core position the next match always has a lil increase in average mmr even when we lose.. provided I did my part.. but when it comes to support plays.. I played 4 games as support in my calibration and out of those 4, 2 ended up in wins.. and guess what.. my next match started either at the same mmr.. or fcking lower!! Fcking valve needs to fucking fix this shit.. it seems so much easier to calibrate higher with core heroes..

                          Nevertheless.. supports actually wins games.. So if u r done calibrating.. then by all means play supports and u will grind to the top easily..

                          Well that's just my opinion though..

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                            @soul woah can u suggest some supp hero who do high HD and HH


                              Omni, oracle, ww, abaddon, maybe Phoenix, treant with scepter, pudge with urn can get you some healing done while dealing decent damage if you're a good pudge. Wk is also great, your aura will give hero healing while you hit hard, however, he isn't played as a sup very much.


                                Warlock is good at both HD and HH. But he is too situational. I guess, it's best to use him with Drow in "fast push" strats.


                                  It's true. Calibration is broken somewhat. If u play really well as a support there isn't as good a metric that can capture it compared to say kda for a core player. Valve needs to fix this. Unless someone discovers a hidden metric. I'm guessing for supports it would be healing, amount of wArds, amount of dewards, maybe even camps stacked, and possibly more weight on number of assists.


                                    What kind of algorithm can tell the difference between support and carry? It's impossible, for Valve at least...


                                      I know for sure healing used to be a thing valve used. We already have visible stats on camps stacked. So I'm guessing that might be one. And like I said. Amount of dewards might be a minor and somewhat useful one.


                                        Jungler can be the one who stacks the most. Carry can kill observer ward for extra 100g, while support was the one who found it with well-placed sentry.


                                          People talk about hero damage and shit but I'm sure actually winning games matters more, doesn't matter if you do 50k hero damage if you lose. If you win more playing as 4 or 5 roles then play it more often if you want higher calibration or mmr in general.

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                                            @CTRLXNCTRLXV How if u play a good support but ur team is shitty and still lost the game. I read some articles that win doesnt matter in MMR Calibration but Individual Performance matter the most.


                                              How about if you play a good carry but your support is still shitty and you lose the game? Just play what your best at and you should win more often (else you aren't good at it). I don't understand all these kids trying to trick the system in some way anyway as you will rapidly go back to where you belong even if you squeeze 500 undeserved mmr out of calibration.


                                                It's alr proven that winning doesn't matter in terms of calibration alone. Kda seems to be the most important factor, even more than hero dmg


                                                  Where is this 'proven'. From my experience the first few games of the fresh account and calibration matter the most, win those and calibrating your account to 4k+ is easy. Also I think it has an inbuilt IP detection or something as it gave my smurf's first game VHS despite me selecting that I was new to MOBA's.