General Discussion

General DiscussionNaga Siren Support

Naga Siren Support in General Discussion

    Anybody know how to play Naga support very well? I know the general idea, but I want to know some in-depth item builds and timings. Also skilling would be helpful. I can play Naga carry pretty well, but it's bad right now so I want to look into other options. My other acc is in 4.4k so how will Naga support work there? Thanks.

    Crispy Bacon

      naga got buffed directly and indirectly this patch and recent man , its bad to play naga support
      this patch and recent buff =
      rad miss ,
      illu more damage
      diffu 40 per hit mana burn
      illu can damage block now = u can jungle more effectively after getting 1 core item
      abyssal can be considered now alternate to heart
      bfly small buff
      linken less cost


        you must ensure your team never lose a teamfight, if a fight goes bad just press r and tell everyone to go back, dont take risks


          @JsnYmr diffu 40 mana burn just on main hero, is actually less than before for illusions

          feed is right, as naga support save your team every time you can

          Most of the time i play her as core, if i play her as support i do it as a 4 position, i dont think that aiming to get mek + lotus orb or something like that is a good idea. So i zone the offlaner, buy some wards and farm jungle, and oh boy naga is good at farming jungle with the block mechanic change on illusions, as a support naga you dont need to hit item timings so you dont need aquila and bottle, just with arcane boots, a quellin blade and a PMS you farm and buy wards, save teammates and at some point you get radiance and become a carry.
          Naga is a shit support based on her skillset, she can maybe zone or set a kill, or initiate but take a hero like lion as counterpart, he can do it all and better with more damage. Doesnt matters if youre playing support or core you need to exploit the advantages of your hero, and naga can farm fast, farm safe with illus, farm jungle, and use that farm as a very good scaling hero.
          Do all the shit supports do but also farm and buy radiance at some point in the game.


            arcana boots, scepter, forcestaff, mekans, you know support items. good luck 2k player