General Discussion

General DiscussionIf u were me

If u were me in General Discussion

    For people that have successfully increase their mmr to 4k, 5k and so on. I have some question. Do u guys mostly play ur best winrate hero to climb mmr? Or u guys just play whatever hero u guys feel like want to play?


      playing ur best hero is best short term decision, but u need to make ur hero pool wider to keep ur skill up to date with ur mmr.

      >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

        Hero I feel like playing.

        Sven has easily been one of my best heroes.
        Even 3 or 4 big patches ago people hated when I picked him and said he can't carry. To which I responded "What in the fuck? He can so carry"
        Since last patch people have begun to realize and respect Sven.
        What I'm trying to say is: I'm a Sven hipster.

        He's my best hero, and people think it's silly that I don't buy blink on him. I personally hate blink on sven, it's such a waste in most games and is very situational.

        Recently I have been playing the boy Sven more often since he provides easy wins for me, with a 64% win rate with over 200 games with the guy, it's kind of my "I'm done messing around" hero.

        Aside from that, I usually pick what I'm in the mood to play.

        Best Treant EU

          ^ He said "people that have successfully increase their mmr to 4k, 5k and so on". u are pending between normal and high skill with 3,3k games. don't give him tips :)..

          @op: I usually have 3-4 heroes for each role. so i can choose relatively flexible for a hero that the team needs in ranked. in normal games i just play whatever i like and don't care so much bout tactics


            so u guys mostly play ur best hero. I have a quite good winrate with ursa, support silencer, huskar and puck. But i dont really like to play them. As u can see on my profile i play invoker alot because i love to play him but i dont really have good winrate with him. Should i just forget about try hard with invoker or any other hero that im not really good with and play my best 4 hero to climb mmr first? Plis take a look at my acc first. Im just like the other player who try to get good.


              mostly play ur best heroes and the ones which u r comfortable playing with. after getting used to the skill bracket expand ur hero pool one by one also learn how to pick countering heroes for example am is countered by terror stuff like that because that will help you alot. i usually play a lot of heroes depending on the enemy team and my team but i mostly play hard carry. also pick heroes that you would like to improve on and you have the most fun playing with

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                u must have a sufficent hero pool at least 3 from all roles. Learn to understand ur teams draft compared with enemies. For my cases mostly i being the last pick to observe whats hero needed for the team when others pick what they want

                King of Low Prio

                  As long as BH is a tier 1 pick I will keep rising :D


                    Okey i understand now. Thank you guys for ur advise.


                      i agree that you need a hero pool, and at least 2 roles that you can play

                      in my case i go in a game and say "can i carry"
                      yes -> i pick the best carry out of my pool at least 3rd pick
                      no -> i pick support or axe

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                        Since when Terror counters AM ? xd Well maybe only in coming online faster.

                        Right decisions:

                        Dont first pick carry - just dont

                        Picking the right carry is very important. If u see that your enemy has late game line up, pick carry that comes online faster eg. Ursa, Sven, Luna, Meepo, Alchemist.

                        Against many tanky, STR heros: LS, Sven, Ursa - also Titan and slardar when it comes to utility

                        Against teams lacking lockdown - Slark, AM

                        Against Fast push line up - Sven, Luna, Meepo, Tinker

                        Bad decisions:

                        - Enemy team picked Anti-Mage, your team lacks lockdown and u pick LS
                        - picking late game heros that depend on farm and supports - AM, Spectre, Medusa - when enemies have very aggresive line up
                        - joining fights as a carry and ending up dying when u should farm or not joining fights when your presense would make a difference - This one is the hardest to pull off and defines whether u are a good carry player or not
                        - u farm too slow
                        - u cant farm under pressure and panic/tilt


                          I play whatever I want to play every time. I never spammed meta hero or anything, I always played a hero that felt fun and I liked.