General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to get a higher gpm?

How to get a higher gpm? in General Discussion

    Mind giving me some tips on how to increase my gpm (other than playing alch)


      all carries can do a high gpm if ur farmed, more kills, less death, and fast end. But probably easier with flash farm heroes like sven or item like bf.


        Get 300 last hits in 35:00 min mark

        Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

          Naix and LC are good hero where you can jungle early.

          Just buy iron talon and your good.

          If your a LC, aim a dagger in 10mins and start ganking right away.

          If your a Naix, aim for armlet at 10mins.



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              lm ao

                You have 3 main reliable sources of gold as a carry.

                1. Creep kills
                2. Hero kills
                3. Tower kills

                Many carries are quite weak in damage potential, or cannot engage in teamfights early on in the game. They get stronger as they amass more gold and experience at the best time possible. Timing is crucial because 5v5 skirmishes usually dictate the outcome of games and as the carry you are responsible for winning teamfights. Heroes like these include the likes of Juggernaut, Luna etc. There are some carries that have high kill potential like Lina, Queen, Invoker etc who get their economy from successful ganks more than creep kills. And there are just these disgusting types of carries like Naga Siren, Natures Prophet etc who has bad teamfight capability but anyway their main job is to create space for your team, and they do it best by sieging towers and keeping enemy lines away from your territory. Maybe at 1k you still wont understand the importance of pressure but it will come if your eager to learn.

                I am guessing that with your question, you like to play the first kind of carries that ive mentioned, right? These kinds of carries cant kill people yet w/o some (huge) help from your supports, but if they get enough farm they can onehandedly ravage ememy teams. Heroes like this instead invest in creep kills. Do you want to know the secret behind effective carrying? Learn how to last hit. Like never ever miss fucking one last hit. KYS if you dream of carrying but u suck ass at last hitting. There are games where youll never get all the creep kills while your laning because of enemy harass, but do your best. Ever since that fucking creep yield nerf you have all the more reason not to miss last hits.

                Beyond the laning stage you get your economy from neutral spawns located in the jungle. They are reliable gold compared to enemy creep waves since the latter reveals your location to enemy heroes, making you susceptible to ganks. Judge between these two depending on the strategic context on your game. Less deaths equals more gpm. Remember that death penalty does not let you farm or even do anything for quite a long period of time.

                (More to come)

                lm ao

                  If you want to improve your average gpm, you have to review your farming patterns. These differ from hero to hero, as every hero is unique and have different power levels which means some carries are so good in the 25 min mark but fall off at the 45 min mark as opposing carries grow more stronger and outdo you in damage potential per second (dps). Then again you have to think about your opposing lineup, because some can totally screw you in lame giving you a very bad start while some can disrupt your farm by killing you or sending you back deeper to your baselines and restricting your sources of farm.

                  There are 3 ways you can invest with to farm fast (flash farming) and usually 1 is enough.

                  1. Built in hero abilities: Nukes ie Tinker's MOM, SF's razes or passive abilities like Sven's cleave or TA's splash range attacks. The former kind is quite nerfed due to abuse from last patches but their utility extends beyond farming while the latter is always good because they dont need mana and have to invest in farming items

                  2. Farming items: There are 2 very important reasons why you have to buy farming items.
                  a. Ur hero sucks. No innate ability to take down more cs per minute like ta or sven can. This is why you buy BF on AM. Practically it doesnt boost your damage potential but it multiplies your farming potential, so you can get real items that DO incrrase your damage potential in the soonest time possible. Basically items like BF, mael mom iron talon etc helps clear creeps in the less amount of time which equals more gpm rate
                  b. Mobility. Fuck you for not regarding this important factor. Being able to switch from camp to camp to lane etc is so important. You could save so much more time if you could walk faster with movespeed items or crossing impassable terrains with blink dagger. Remember that creeps respawn after a minute and if you can only clear so much more the moment before a fresh set of creeps arrives, then you did a good job lol.

                  3. Stacks. Self explanatory fuck it

                  lm ao

                    >How2get more gpm senpai?



                      That one game where you ended 18/1 with 640 GPM with magina battlefury

                      how the fuck

                      anyhow just never miss a last hit, stack camps with battlefury, keep blinking, never miss a lasthit, keep stacking, get iron talon on heros that doin't build battlefury

                      don't die. Always buy before dying


                        don't waste time. always be pushing, clearing jungle or rosh. There is a phenomenon in low skill games where all 10 players sit mid in some kind of stand-off for tier 1s. don't do this... if you can't push split up.


                          earn more golds in less minutes


                            "earn more golds in less minutes" I agree.

                            Switch int-agi treads with am.


                              git gud

                              stupid fuck 2000

                                Click creeps.


                                  Don't be that guy farming jungle when there is a massive creep wave a few feet away about to rape your tower, lane creeps are worth more. You have a good gpm anyway.


                                    Get gud skrub Cx


                                      luck is important like having kills earlly and snowball end game fast a semi carry/ganker who create space for u
                                      easy lane good support no gank from enemy it's all luck


                                        Turn off the auto attack pls.


                                          u can just play abuse battle pass and get 1k++ gpm


                                            Watch high mmr player carry matches


                                              Die less, kill more.


                                                Midas huhuh


                                                  Kill things without dying


                                                    if you wanna get a higher gpm just get higher in real life, that always work to me