General Discussion

General DiscussionBkb is core on so many heros

Bkb is core on so many heros in General Discussion

    Yet It always has low win rate.


      cz its a defensive item generally, adn u dont get it on most heroes when u r way too far ahead


        whenever i get bkb i have a problem with being too conservative with charges

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          Obvious. This should be core on every carry hero.


            So you are sting usually people build it when they are not having a good game ? I dunno just seem to have poor success with he item and it looks like majority of people do what th how expensive the item is compared to its win rate .


              According to Dotabuff BKB has this month:
              Black King Bar 43,676,429 times used, 14.59% use rate (9th), 55.19% win rate

              Why do you think it's low winrate?


                Becuase of the 55% win rate ^ . Usually items that cost that Much give higher win rate than 55% .


                  Well, from statistical point of view combined with comment from "Triplesteal-" you already have an answer.

                  BKB is 9th most used item and is built on variety of heroes, mostly on cores - so it is mainly built on heroes that do farm a lot thus struggle more with item slots rather than struggle to have gold for one major item (which is totally a support issue).
                  Then you have to neglect lots of matches because those were complete stomps and players didn't feel the need to pick BKB - aside from natural BKB carries such as DK or Sven(and losing team maybe could pick BKB up to try come back).

                  So in my opinion BKB is mainly used matches that last more than 35min where it's competition between two teams with comparable farm (or you can say that carries weren't shut completely) thus both these teams will have some hero with BKB in their inventory. When you consider this, 55% wr is quite decent.

                  Also, lots of pricey items are sort of optional/situational or core on just several heroes while BKB only has single alternative - Linkens that has much lesser use rate and wr 61%.

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                    i dont remember last time i bought bkb


                      im so shitty


                        BKB on cm or enigma =gg

                        Your Wife's Boyfriend

                          bkb isnt a core on any hero, rofl, it always depends on the enemy line-up, sometimes even diffusal blade may have the same impact on ur survivability. If a carry sven goes linken instead of bkb (typical sven item) when the enemy has bane/necro/beastmaster it is actually a good choice. Most players especially <5k mmr doesnt give a single amount of **** about that and go bkb on every carry because miracle or dendi went for it in the only competitive game they ve watched and its becoming a "buy or report" item. Same goes for linken and every other defensive item, none of them is a core on any hero, so stop with the "gg pa no bkb" or "report void 20 min no diffusal"

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                          >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                            It's not core lmao

                            But it has a low win rate, and I notice this since in Normal and High Skill brackets people are fucking stupid and get it as their 3rd or 4th item against a 5 team nuke/disable.... :facepalm:


                              BKB is an item you don't want to get unless you absolutely have to. If a carry gets BKB then that's one less damage item he has. Of course you need the BKB some games and its more useful then any other damage item in those games. But if your carry is forced to get a BKB, but the enemy carry doesn't need one, then the enemy carry is at a big advantage.

                              For example, a Sven that has to go BKB as his first major item just so he isn't controlled up is nowhere near as effective as a Sven who can go Blink or S&Y first.

                              stupid fuck 2000

                                It's not really core on that many heroes. The only ones that come to mind are Sven, Gyro, PA, DK, SF and TA. Situational item on everyone else.

                                Dire Wolf

                                  blink is only 55%, blade mail is 49% OMG blade mail must be so shitty! battlefury is 54%.

                                  I wouldnt glean too much info out of those win rates. It's probably lower than you expect cus a lot of people get it mid game, most can get to mid game whether they win or lose. A daedulus on the other hand, 65% win rate, cus you generally don't finish it unless you have great farm in which case you usually win.

                                  Can't figure out s&y though, easy to build popular mid game item, 60% win rate... might be an abnormality.


                                    Blink dagger and blade mail are like a half the price you can't compare it to those items .


                                      if its a core item it wont have high winrate, only luxury items
                                      and if u are winning very hard you wont get it, in contrast to luxury items


                                        True but I think most people don't bkb as first major item . Usually you would get atleast a 2k item first like a hotd . I don't use heros that have to buy bkb much so I could be wrong .


                                          mb simply cause there's almost as many bkb bought in each team? so it tend to 50% with the winning team sometime having one more bkb than the other team, due to gold lead

                                          >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                            sny is becoming more used.

                                            Drums is out, and a full support item now.

                                            SnY is somehow the new drums.

                                            Like on Jugg, and AM. I hate it when people attempt to rush their BF and end up being useless in fights and afk farm for 70 - 80% of the game only to make it harder if everyone else isn't in control of their game.

                                            But the item farm win rate thing is something easy to ignore.

                                            I have a 93% win rate with divine rapier, so does that mean I should get it every game with such high odds?

                                            BKB = situational

                                            Dire Wolf

                                              So battle fury is 54% win rate same deal. It's not a closer item it's a mid game item

                                              El Dongerino

                                                Generally, items that have >60% winrate are the luxury items you can afford to get if your team is stomping hard. BKB having over a 50% winrate means that people win most of the time with it; if it had <50% winrate, then that would be cause for concern.


                                                  i rarely bought bkb LUL