General Discussion

General DiscussionDivisions for rankings are working improperly

Divisions for rankings are working improperly in General Discussion

    I don't know if anyone has brought this up before, but contrary to what the division description says it does not change slowly overtime.

    Normally I play in diamond 10 (from solo queue) - after playing with a some lower rated friends my division kept dropping and dropping (1 level per game), until it settled at diamond 2. That was 1 week ago. Since then I have played over 50 games in my appropriate division in solo and I am still stuck at diamond 2. It just won't budge.

    Is this intended behavior or a bug.?


      it measures the mmr fo a lot of ur recent games, it will take u much, much longer to recover. like 200 games. or 300.


        Issues with the Dota 2 API over the last week have caused us to be missing some skill information; we're working on a fix for this.


          mine is stuck too at diamond 6 and wont go up
          it used to go up to diamond 10 in 20-30 games

          This comment was edited

            do u have any updates on when the rankings will be re-worked?


              Thank you all for the info - I take Jason's word.

              It just seems weird that ranking would be so severely punished for playing 2 games below the division you belong to.

              >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                Oh damn, I forgot about that. I think I'm on Tier 7 or 8/10 Can't remember.


                  @triplesteal We can't break much ground on hero rankings until Valve fixes the API issues.


                    kk, thanks for response