General Discussion

General DiscussionLearning QOP

Learning QOP in General Discussion

    1.What 2 core items you get on her?
    2.Items before cores?

    3.Maybe its me but even if i get core items on her. Her damage on heroes are not that amazing. Thoughts?

    4.Which hero can counter her mid?

    5. Is she good against Invo? Very important...lots of Invo spammers.

    6. Is she good offlane? U get bottle on her offlane?


      nono, good invoker can easily rekt qop, i'm the example :p

      ASSESS Product

        Yesterday, my friend invo rekt qop easily in mid.


          At least answer the questions guys, I would like to know as well.

          Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

            Watch some QoP games. I did it and it work.

            Before, my QoP was Aghs build, and my record is 1 win, 4 loss with a bad KDA record.

            Then, I change my build. From aghs build, I try the battle build just like in replays and it work! I won 2 games with stats 19-3-5 and 21-6-6 respectively.

            Now, what I'm doing is:
            Lvl1: 1/0/0/0
            Lvl3: 1/1/1/0
            Lvl7: 1/1/4/1
            Lvl 11: 4/1/4/2

            Assault Cuirass

            -Lv1 blink is enough in early games. DONT BLINK IN unless ur sure no one can kill you in an instant. Use it only for blink out. A 12 sec 20/30/40/50% slow is very strong early on.
            -AIM for the support or glass heroes. Dont go toe to toe against true carries.
            -You can clear a stack very efficiently using scream
            -Aghs is situational. It can be useful if your versus PL, brood, or furion.


            Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

              And for your question:

              1. I think the core items for her is BKB and Guinsoo.
              2. Orchid if you can snatch supports easily. A euls scepter works well vs silences like disruptor, krob, trax, riki etc. Use euls to enemy not to yourself (except disruptor).
              3. Thats true. Aim for supports and fragile hero. QoP great mobility can snatch them easily.
              4. A good alche can pressure QoP on mid. Invoker can catch him offguard with sunstrike. Tinker can harrass you anytime he wants.
              5. No. Sadly, no hero today can ouymatch a great invoker play. Your hope on stopping a invoker is executing a great teamplay.
              6. It depends on your lane. But it can be difficult since QoP doesn't have much strong offlane skills except her measly slow and short range AOE scream.


                Best counter for Invo is OD, people whine about OD and Invo this patch but its all about finding counters, OD s astral imprison spam in mid keeps Invoker from last hitting plus Arcane orb shreds him and the intel steal shut down the casting. To counter OD pick silencer and pugna

                Visita Hari Danta

                  1. Aghanim\Situational
                  2.idk, it depends on game
                  3.the principal focus of qop is destroy the SUPPORTS, and fragile carrys, she's not that much against heros like sven, jugger etc.
                  4. any hero with high nook, heros with silence, disables etc.
                  5. No
                  6.I like to do QOP on offlane, but is really situational, cuz she is very squishy, normally i don't get bottle on offlane

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                    You guys give a lot of insight thx guys...ahhh... Imn not an invoker olayer....i feel embarrassed if i would play invo...


                      null tal tangoes, bottle, treads, orchid, scepter,bkb,vyse, then get damage or dagon or refresh


                        Qop offlane is strong if you play it tje right way
                        First you cant pick it every game when they have to much lock down you wont get much out of that lane
                        Your aiming to have 4 point in screem and 1 in ult
                        I personally skip the dagger and go max my blink against mele sups like this you can get greedy and secure some cs
                        So I go like 0 4 2 1; 0 3 3 1 or 0 2 4 1
                        With the last one you wil have a huge kill potential at lvl 7

                        Your Wife's Boyfriend

                          Half of my games with qop are in the offlane you can consider maxing blink before 1st and aghs is everything but situational. All you gotta know for the item build is when to build a bkb or linken and do you go hex or orchid. Shiva's good, never tried octarine tbh. Also some rightclick items may work quite well. Also 90% of the mid games you start with s strike lvl 1 and 90% of the offlane games you go for lvl 1 blink but everything depends on the type of game you are playing 1 thing is sure, at lvl 7 you gotta have 4 lvls in scream. Can't believe im reading that aghs is situational, it is a situational first or 2nd item but 99% of the games you get it somewhere in the long run.

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                            veil qop is underrated but it might suprise you when u try it
                            if you start with null try to go veil after treads

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                            Dune, the Desert Planet

                              1. Orchid/Aghs/Eul's are typical first major items for QoP

                              2. Null, Bottle, Wand, PT (maybe a 2nd Null early on)

                              3. Just hit enough ppl with ulty. As for solo kills, QoP has plenty of damage

                              4. TA, Voker, Lina

                              5. No. You need good block and first 3 levels are crucial. Build your lead there, or lose

                              6. Situationally. Versus a hard 3lane you will be level 1 forever. You can also play her as a dual off, or in a safelane as solo or with one support.